X ray Uses a single pulse of ionizing radiation
Good for:
Bad for:
Good for: bones and airspaces
Bad for: soft tissue and overlapping structures
Five basic radiographic densities
(a) Air (Darkest)
(b) Fat (Less Dark)
(c) Fluid/Blood/Soft Tissue (Gray)
(d) Bone (White)
(e) Metal/Contrast (Most White)
When would you use an AP chest
Used if patient is unable to stand or sit for a PA view
Uses multiple pulses (“shots”) of ionizing radiation
What are the three views
(a) Sagittal or Median
(b) Coronal
(c) Axial or Transverse or Cross-sectional
Does MRI use ionizing radiation
No exposure to ionizing radiation, but time consuming
Good for:
Bad for:
Good for: Soft tissue (nerves, muscles, connective tissue, brain, joints).
Bad for: People who cannot hold still or have ferrous metal in the body.
What are the three views
(a) Sagittal or Median
(b) Coronal
(c) Axial or Transverse or Cross-sectional
Same as CT
Does US use ionizing radiation
No radiation, but can’t go very deep
Good for:
Bad for:
Good for: Determining fluid vs solids, abdominopelvic imaging (gallbladder, kidneys,
uterus, testis), assessing blood flow (Doppler).
Bad for: Things under bones (chest) and air filled chambers, deep things
What are the two views
Longitudinal (same as sagittal)
Transverse (same as axial)
What are the 6 things that you must confirm during the pre-read
(a) Image is from the correct patient
(b) Image is from the correct date
(c) Image is the correct body part
(d) Image is the correct type
(e) Image has the number of views expected
(f) Check to see if any comparison films exist
How do you assess technical adequacy
- Rotation
a. Look at the clavicles relative to the vertebral column - Inspiration
b. Should be able to count 9-10 ribs - Penetration
(a) Should see the ribs through the heart
(b) Should barely see the spine through
the heart
(c) Should see pulmonary vessel near the edges of the lungs (lungs should not be completely black).
1) Over-penetrated film
a) Lung fields almost completely black
b) Suggests pneumothorax
2) Under-penetrated film
a) Soft tissue structures are obscured
b) Image appears bright suggesting consolidation (like a pneumonia).
What are the ABCDE’s of reading a CXR
(a) A- Airways/Airspaces
(b) B- Bones/Soft Tissue
(c) C- Cardiac Shadow
(d) D- Diaphragm
(e) E- Everything else