events Flashcards
1950 Sino-Soviet Friendship Treaty
Mao wants manchuria, military, economic advisers
Negotiated from weaker stance
Loan in grain, mineral exports & interest
Have manchuria in 1952
Ussr rights exploit mineral exports for 14 years
Monogolia= sphere of influence
Soviet economic advisers not under chinese law
1950 take Tibet
Tibetans own language and culture
Ruled by Dalai Lamas, Buddist monks
‘liberated from imperialist oppresion’
Became autonomonous region
Modernise: roads, electricity
land reform was cautious, feudal landowners kept
1950 Korean War
North cross 38th parallel to Seoul
Security Council Resoultion, UN support south
Soviets and china support north
1950-51 Resist America and Aid Korea Campaign
Foreigners, americans= enemies of PRC
Westerners persecuted, and missionaries arrested as spies
Christian church property taken, priests and nuns expelled
‘bamboo curtain’
1950-51 Suppression of Counter-revolutionaries Campaign
Internal threats, links to GMD and ‘bandits’/criminal gangs, members of religious sects
Large numbers denounced
Shanghi: 40,000 uncovered
Guangdong: 28,000 executed, public for fear
1951-52 The Three-Antis Campaign
Started in Manchuria
Corruption, waste,obstructionist bureaucracy: managers, State officials, Party members
Mass meetings officials and managers denounced, humiliated
Like Yan’an rectification campaign, forced to self-criticism to ‘rectify’ mistakes
1952 The Five-Antis Campaign
Bourgeoisie: bribery, tax evasion, theft of state property, cheating on government contracts
Work organisations investigate employees
Group criticisms for employees to be denounced or confess
Mass meetings, 3000 feb shanghi, for public denunciations
Guilty= huge fines, confiscate property, sent to labour camps
2-3 million suicides
1951-52 Thought Reform Campaign
Intellectuals, suspicious of studied abroad and independent thought
Agents of ‘imperialist cultural invasion’
Forced study and adopt Mao Zedong Thought
Universities: professors= confessions, study sessions, self-criticisms
1951 kil quotas and laogais:
Labour camp network
27 million died
1 in 1000 killed, local officials keep track
Punished if not enough killed
Many innocents, rivalry
1950-52 Land Reform Campaign:
Emphasis class struggle
In 2 stages: 1. landlords and rich peasants, 2. equal land distribution
Poor peasant leagues then associations, poorest= backbone of leadership
Suppress reactionaries but reviewed and minimal
Agrarain Reform Law
Land distribution
Confiscate land and redistribute to poorer peasants and landless labourers
Peasant associates
‘Key point’ villages, 30-40 cadres working with peasants’ associations
Speak Bitterness meetings
Landlords paraded, forced to ‘Speak Bitterness’ meetings, or executed
By peasants kept CCP loyalty by fear of landlord revenge
1953 end of Korean War
Stalin dies and ceasefire
Government propaganda= fear of spies
Mao thinks USA will attack
Taiwan in the defense perimeter
‘Bamboo curtain’
Propaganda= China standing up to American imperialists with battle victories
Beacon for anti-imperialism in Asia
1953 First Five Year Plan
New stage of development towards socialist society
‘General line’ used (“greater, faster, better, and more economical”)
Take 15 years
Develpoment of industry
1953 Purge of Gao Gang and Rao Shushi
After launch of first five year plan
Gao Gang= leader of Manchuria= strong power base
Head of Planning Commission= directing First Five Year Plan
Sided with Mao against Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai, critisised cautious approach support Rao Shushi leader of Shanghai region
Tried to usurp Zhou Enlai
Mao accused Gao and Rao trying to build independent kingdoms and ‘underground’ activities’
Gao= suicide
Rao= died in prison
Leading positions still had limited power, reminder to party
1955 Anti-Hu Feng Campaign
Higher education= expensive, most bourgeois/landlord families
Educated foreign universities or by western foundations= suspicious
Educated were needed to plan industrial economy, prepared to work for regime
Free expression= counter-revolutionary thought
Wrote control over culture stifled creativity and art
To eradicate ‘Hu Feng elements’ from intellectuals
2,000 supporters critisised, 100 arrested
1956 Khrushchev’s secret speech
Denounced Stalin, his personality cult, crimes against humanity
Indirect criticism of Mao
Claimed unrest in Hungary/Poland uprisings like China due to people not aliening with the party
1957 Hundred Flowers Campaign
‘let a hundred flowers blossom, let a hundred schools of thought contend’
Intellectuals freely critisise the party
Mao not happy, debates over pace of economic change ,1stFYP targets met early= waned to speed up, opened party to critisim to get his way
expecting himself not to be critised