Evangelism Exam 5 - Liberty Hall Bible Institute Flashcards
- Name five important things in connection with the effective evangelistic campaign.
1a. The devotional service, the sermon, workers located in the audience, giving the invitation, and the altar work called the inquiry meeting. (Lesson Sheet IX)
- How should the devotional service be conducted?
2a. Appropriate songs and scripture reading should be selected for the service; It should be conducted with life and dignity; and It should not be too long and tiresome. (Lesson Sheet IX, 1 a, b, c)
- What may be said about the sermon?
3a. It should suit the occasion; It should have an objective towards which it moves; It should have a climax; Should not be more than a half hour, unless otherwise led. (Lesson Sheet IX, 2 a, b, c, d)
- What is the duty of the worker in the evangelistic campaign?
4a. They should be assigned to certain seats in the audience room; Each should have 3 or 4 pews for which he is responsible; His duty is to see that no one goes out without the opportunity to be spoken to. (Lesson Sheet IX, 3 a, b, c)
- Name two methods of giving the invitation.
5a. (Choose any 2 of the 5):
- The invitation must follow the theme of the sermon
- It is always better to have Christians stand first, then the unsaved
- The method of praying when heads are bowed is good
- A very effective way is to ask those who were saved through various channels to stand
- The invitation may be accompanied with soft and plaintive music
- The invitation should be plain and simple, serious and unembarrassing
(Lesson Sheet IX, #4)
- Why is the altar work necessary?
6a. The altar work is necessary because the sermon does not always lead to actual decision. (Lesson Sheet IX, 5a)
- What are the three difficulties the altar worker usually encounters?
7a. Ignorance, willfulness, and unbelief. (Lesson Sheet IX, 5c)
- Name the three precautions the evangelist should use when a town or city does not respond to his service.
8a. Do not scold the people; do not find fault with the minister and church; and do not blame the town for a cause which may be your own failure. (Lesson Sheet X, 1)
- Give the three reasons why a town may not respond.
9a. (Choose 3 of the 4):
- The meetings may be out of the will of God
- The evangelist may not be adapted to that field
- There may be some ‘Achans’ in the camp.
- There may be opposition from the powers of darkness.
(Lesson Sheet X, 2)
- Name some conditions of prevailing prayer.
10a. Praying according to God’s will; A heart that’s right with God; and praying through. (Lesson Sheet X, 4 b, c, d)
- What is the meaning of ‘praying through’?
11a. Praying one’s way into the full assurance that His request is granted. (Lesson Sheet X, 4d)
- Why is it important to have decision day when working among young people?
12a. It’s important because many teachers in the Sunday School do not know how to lead souls to Christ and others have not the faith or disposition to attempt it. (Lesson Sheet XI, paragraph)
- Name some preparation necessary for the day.
13a. Make announcement in advance and ask for prayers for the expected service; Call a meeting of the teachers for prayer and conference on the day previous. (Lesson Sheet XI, 1 a, b)
- How should the service be conducted on Decision Day?
14a. The offering should be out of the way first; Select hymns that are persuasive and tender; an appropriate message should follow. (Lesson Sheet XI, 2 a, b, d)
- By whom should prayer be offered?
15a. Prayers should be offered by the more spiritual ones. (Lesson Sheet XI, 2 c)
- What should be the request of our prayer?
16a. Prayers should be offered for a special anointing of the Holy Spirit. (Lesson Sheet XI, 1 d)
- How should the way of salvation be made to the young people?
17a. It should be made very plain. (Lesson Sheet XI, 3 a)
- What are the steps of salvation?
18a. On God’s side it consist in giving; On our side it consist in receiving. (Lesson Sheet XI, 3a, 1, 2)
- What is the purpose of illustration?
19a. The purpose of illustration is to show that gift means gift and not feelings as many think. (Lesson Sheet XI, 3b)
- What does the after work consist of?
20a. Lead the school in prayer in a very simple manner; Explain the three steps necessary to become a Christian. (Lesson Sheet XI, 4 a, b)
- What are the three steps necessary to become a Christian?
21a. Acceptance, Confession, and Obedience. (Lesson Sheet XI, 4 b)
- What is the duty of the evangelist?
22a. They should follow up the results by visiting homes and confirming the converts. (Lesson Sheet XI, 4 d)
- What is the purpose of forming a class?
23a. The purpose of forming a class is to give instruction in Christian living and assign some specific work to each. (Lesson Sheet XI, 4 e)
- Give three reasons why some evangelists fail.
24a. (Choose and 3 of the 6):
- A mistaken calling
- Lack of proper preparation
- The neglect of Bible study
- The folly of pride
- The financial problem
- The spiritual life
(Lesson Sheet XII)
- What are some thoughts the evangelist should denounce?
25a. Selfishness, business operation, social injustice, malice, etc. (Lesson Sheet XII, 2c)