Evangelism Exam 1 - Liberty Hall Bible School Flashcards
- What is an evangelist?
One who goes about from place to place preaching the gospel for the conversion of souls.
- How many and what forms of ministry did Christ establish in his church?
- Apostles, Pastors, Prophets, Evangelists and Teachers
- Why do you think evangelism is necessary?
A: Because of the sinful state of man.
- Where do we find the first indication of evangelism?
A: The garden of Eden.
- Since every believer has an important work to perform, what is necessary?
A: Spiritual gifts and fitness or capacity for the work.
- Why do we think every gift is equally honorable?
Each gift is equally important because it is bestowed by the same Spirit, administered by the same Lord, and energized by the same God.
- What does a vivid conception of the gospel consist of?
A: A realization of the Holiness of God, the sinful state of man and the consciousness of the power of the cross.
- Name three people who received the definite call of God.
A: Isaiah, Jeremiah and Paul
- Name three qualifications of an evangelist?
A: Have a clear and vivid conception of the gospel of Christ, have a deep love for lost souls and have a capacity for leadership.
- What is meant by personal work?
A: How to deal with individual souls.
- What is considered important while the evangelist is preparing for the field?
A: Knowledge of the bible and knowledge of theology, or the great doctrines of the bible.
- Why do you think an evangelist’s education should be as extensive as possible?
A: The evangelist’s education should be as extensive as possible because a sharp tool will cut better than a dull one. A trained mind will go further, comprehend more quickly, and strike with more force than an untrained one.
- How can we readily see the difference between the birth of the spirit and the filling of the spirit?
A: The difference can be seen by comparing the life of the apostles before and after pentecost.
- Site two incidents that prove the power of the pentecost in the lives of the apostles.
A: Prior to the pentecost the apostles were weak in faith and defective in character. After the pentecost Peter was as bold as a lion.
- When does the filling of the spirit occur?
A: The filling of the holy spirit occurs when a believer is willing to surrender his/her life to God.
- Name three effects that follow the filling of the holy spirit.
A: A deep abiding assurance, the Word of God is wonderfully illuminated and prayer takes on a new meaning.
- Name three conditions of being filled with the holy spirit.
A: Repentance, obedience and faith
- What is a revival?
A: A revival is a renewal of spiritual life that has grown dormant and a moving of the spirit in an unusual manner on the church or in the community.
- What good does a revival render to a community?
A: Revivals awaken excitement and cause men to seriously consider the value of their souls.
- What are God’s main means for spiritual maintenance?
A: Praying, reading the word and fasting
- What do Christ and Paul say about praying?
A: Jesus said in Luke 18:1, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Pray without ceasing.
- What three things will get forces ready for revival? (Scripture reference must also be memorized for this question only)
A: Repairing of the temple (2 Chron. 34: 8-12), The reading of the law (2 Chron. 34:8-12) and the keeping of the passover (2 Chron. 35: 1-9
- To what would you compare the passover? (This is the only question that can’t be found within our lesson sheets.)
A: Christ’s sacrifice for us.
- Give two incidents that show Christ’s concern for lost souls.
A: He prayed all night (Mark 1:35) and He wept (Isaiah 66:8)
- Who does Christ expect to share the concern with him?
A: The church
- What is the approximate membership in the United States?
314 Million