Evaluations Flashcards
NFO Evaluation: out of date
OAPA 1861: Only referred to physical harm:
* Victims may not receive justice
* No repercussions
* Defendants not facing justice
* Common law had to update statute.
NFO Evaluation: Inconsistency
Mens rea of ABH = assault or battery
* Max sentence 6 months for assault/battery but 5 years for ABH.
* definition of wound
NFO Evaluation: Need for modern language
GBH: Maliciously
Assault: too many uses
NFO evaluation: Ideas for reform
- Removed inconsistency and overlap
- Clear actus reus and mens rea
- increased sentences give victims better protection.
Intoxication evaluation: background
Previously not a defence:
R v Gamlen
Intoxication eval: specific and basic intent
Fallback offences, if a specific crime was committed under the influence.
Intoxication eval: level of intoxication
No fixed level
* Requires a large amount of evidence
Intoxication eval: Competing interests
Personal autonomy: spend as much money as you like
Social Paternalism: Excessive consumption is discouraged
Victims rights: not always a defence
Defendants rights: Full defence for both types of intent
Intoxication eval: Reform
- remove specific and basic intents
- being spiked
drugs taken for medical purposes.
General defences: Self Defence
* was force necessary?
* was force proportionate?
Self defence: Necessary force
- Jury in R v Bird had difficulty deciding D’s force
- s.76 (6A) CJIA 2008: no duty to retreat
- s.76 CIJA 2008: If force was mistake, general defence applies
Self defence: Competing interests
Victims rights: V has been assaulted for no reason
D’s rights: Had a genuine belief they were under attack.
Self defence: Pre-emptive strike
D can act to prevent force: AG Ref (No.2 of 1983).
Self defence: Characteristics
R v Martin: psychiatric evidence
R v Cairns: not enough psychiatric evidence.