evaluation of cognitive explanations Flashcards


what is evaluation


cultural bias
- Gibbs ( 1979) argues that Kohlberg post convential stage should be abandoned since it contains western cultural bias. instead he proposed two levels of moral reasoning - mature and immature . this is similar to piaget theory which suggest that child like ( criminal) moral reasoning is self centred and ego centric and when we get older this becomes empathy and concern for others.

indivual differences
Langdon et al 2010 believed intelligence may be a better predictor of criminality. also pre convential moral reasoning is more associated with crimes such as robbery. but impulsive crimes such as assault are not associated with any type of reasoning. pre convential reasoning tend to be evident in crimes where offender thought good chance at evading punishment. therefore level of reasoning may be depend on kind of offence committed.

real life application
cognitive distortions are used treat offenders through cbt such as anger management. they are encouraged to acknowledge their crimes and change their distorted views also reduced minimisation bias from therapy has correlated with reduce risk of reoffending.

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