evaluate the view that opinion polls are harmful to democracy Flashcards
evaluate the view that opinion polls are harmful to democracy
intent: no, they’re ok
-sampling leads to false results
-however, it doesn’t, and exit polls are accurate
-undermines democratic processes (leads to tactical voting)
-no it doesn’t (just increases turnout)
-changes party policies in a way that is bc of outside interests (russia)
-however, it more often changes party policies in line w public views
example of polls being wrong
yougov poll for 2015 general election showed Labour and the Conservatives neck-and-neck, but the actual results gave the Conservatives a lead of around seven points
pensioners don’t tend to have yougov on their phones
yougov bias
-LSE study showed yougov overrepresented labour supporters and underrepresented tories
-hence encouraging tories to vote and making labour voters feel satisfied, so the tories win
how many neeks are tactical voters
how brexit polls could suggest polls increase turnout
yougov brexit poll suggests slight remain, but we got slight leave
-> perhaps slight remain poll motivated turnout of leavers (BOOMERANG EFFECT)
evidence of outside influence on opinion polls
russia ALLEGED (dont come at me) interference (via fake social media accounts) in 2016 eu referendum opinion polls
evidence that it represents constituent interests
uxbridge and south ruislip still voted con to oppose ulez -> changed tory party line to against ulez
decreases turnout
IPSOS MORI claimed there would be a 15 percent lead of blair
hence 59.4% turnout 2001