Euthanasia Flashcards
Literally “good death”
Willful action (or inaction) intended to hasten death, usually in order to end the suffering of a terminally ill patient who is experiencing severe pain and desires to die
Non-voluntary euthanasia
When the explicit consent of the individual concerned is unavailable, such as when the person is in a persistent vegetative state
Involuntary euthanasia
Performed against the will of the patient
Active euthanasia
When death is brought through action - such as in administration of an overdose
Passive euthanasia
When death is brought through omission - withdrawing of treatment
Ordinary means
medicines, treatments, operations, and such that offer reasonable hope of benefit without excessive means
Extraordinary means
Medicines, treatments, and operations, which cannot be obtained or used without excessive pain or inconvenience, with no reasonable hope of benefit