European Exploration/Global Interactions Flashcards
New Maritime Tech, and Wind Wheels
Astrolabe, Caravel ships (three sailed ships developed from the Portuguese), stern rudder that eased steering the ship without rowers, and astrological Charts. Wind wheels were notes on the currents of the atlantic ocean based on seasons. It was regular and reliable
Portuguese In Africa
Established sugar plantations in Cape Verde, Azores, and madeira Islands. Also established trading posts in Ghana under Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460). As muslim empires lose trading in norther african territories, their power decreases.
Portuguese in africa
Established trading posts in Ghana. Exchanged Euro. horses, leather, textiles, metal wares for gold and slaves. The Portuguese traveled right to the source to get rid of the middle men. Gold, Ivory, and slaves were umong popular trading items. Sugar was also incredibly important.
Portuguese in Africa
Impact on Swahilli
The Portuguese attempted to take over the Swahili City States, and couldn’t have done it without sugar plantations and Prince Henry. He paid for voyages down the African coast. Because it was difficult to be diplomatic, they started to blow up places in the Swahili City-states, causing a decrease in trade.
Portuguese in South Asia
Set up trading posts in Africa and india. Pepper and cinnamon were profitable.
Portuguese in South Asia
Why did they only control ports and not land?
Were port empires. They have guns and other artillery, but not enough Portuguese people to take over the land. They were a small and new country like the Dutch
Portuguese in South Asia
Cultural differences made it difficult to trade and be diplomatic. Makes changes in India as it becomes the dominant feature of being the middleman. Set up port empires for purpose of making money off of the trade that is happening in these places.
Spanish Atlantic Trade
Spanish motives for eploration
Gold, Glory, and God. They needed power over trade. Mercantilism was the idea that the more wealth you have, the more power you have, so they were incredibly focused on creating wealth. They did not want to be one upped by the Portuguese.
Spanish Atlantic Trade
Area “discovered” by columbus
Reached he West indies, such as the Bahamas. They gained very little gold, however, the idea of economic wealth inspired exploration.
Spanish Atlantic Trade
Spanish wealth
Controlled Indonesia and take over from the Portuguese. Set up trading routes on the Eastern Coast of India.
Took after the portuguese who went to Africa for gold in the 1470’s. They went to the West Coast, however, was thwarted and robbed of their gold. Were obsessed with the idea of wealth and gold, however, their expeditions only made their wealth dwindle more.
Spanish Pacific Trade
Route discovered by magellan
Started in spain and went downwards over the coast of South Africa. Traveled through the pacific ocean through the Philippines, then traveled back through the Indian Ocean and underneath Africa before reaching Spain.
Spanish Pacific Trade
Manila Galleons
Spanish trading ships with square sails, treasure ships that transported luxury items.
Spanich Pacific Trade
Spanish control of Indonesia and India
Conquered Indonesian islands and set up trading routes on the Easter Coast of India during the early 1500’s. Had control for three hundred years and were their main outsource for asian goods.
Spanish Pacific Trade
Trade goods in Indonesia (east indies)
Porcelain, silk, ivory, spices, ect, to Spain.
English in the North Atlantic
Motives for exploration
Everyone was doing it. Compete or die. In Spain’s shadow and needed money to surviving. They had a population growth, and was running out of land and money. However, they had advanced nautical tech, powerful military arsenal, efficient organization, and privateer sponsorships. JSC, like English East India Company, led to financial success.
English in the north atlantic
Area settled
Since Spain went the southern route in America, and the portuguese conquered brazil, they thought of going north to Asia. However, couldn’t find a way to Asia so they settled in the thirteen colonies where they had Naval stores for resources.
English in the north atlantic
Trade goods
Tobacco from the Americas. From indian ports, they gained tea, cotton, gems, and tea became a staple in british culture. Furs became very important as it gained a lot of trade from the Native Americans and for warmth in the colder weather.
Dutch in north atlantic
motives for exploration
Hate the Spanish, and want independence from Catholic Spain. Had religious uprisings, tired of farming for the spanish. Needed to establish wealth, and power in Europe so they can challenge Portugues power. Joint Stock companies limited investor risks. VOC contributed to global trade, so even people who weren’t dutch can invest in exploration and make money. Did not seek to convert to Christianity and focused on Trade ports.
Dutch in the north atlantic
Area settled
Conquered Malacca in 1641 and opened more broadly from Cape Town (southern Africa), Colombo, and Batavia. Small country like Portugues, so didn’t have manpower to control huge countries so they set up a port empire. Did not seek to convert to Christianity, so they established trade in indonesia. Did not like the philippines
Dutch in the north atlantic
Trade goods
Spices from Batavia include pepper,nutmeg, mace, while bringing them cloth, silver, and ivory. Were the only people allowed to trade with Japan, so they brought them precious metals, lacquer ware, and gave them silver, spices, and luxury goods. In arabia, coffee and silk were traded, and they brought spices. Cloves.
French in the North atlantic
Motives for exploration
Compete or die situation, behind Spain, the Portuguese, and England. Motives were Gold, God, and glory. Brought priests, Jesuits, who facilitated the spread of Christianity.
French in the North atlantic
Area settled
In America, they came through the gulf of Mexico. Went through the great lakes of Louisiana. Found furs, and beaver pelts. In IndoChina, they went into Vietnam, Lapse, Cambodia, to trade.
French in the North atlantic
Trade goods
Furs and beaver pelts. RIce is super important.
French in the North Atlantic
French trade in the Caribbean
Capitalized on cheap goods like rum, tobacco, coffee, and indigo. Induced a slave labor system to make cash crops on sugar.
New Plants to Eastern Hemisphere
Squash, pumpkins, peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peppers, tobacco, pineapple, cacao, beans, vanilla
New plants to the western hemisphere
Sugar cane, bananas, grapes, citrus fruits, onions, olives, turnips, coffee beans, peaches, pears, wheat, rice , barley, oats
Animals new to Easter Hemisphere
ANimals new to western Hemisphere
Honey bees, cattle, sheep, pigs, horses
New diseases to Easter Hemisphere
Nothing. The natives did not introduce any sicknesses to other places
New diseases to the western hemisphere
Smallpox, influenza, typhus, measles, malaria, diphtheria, whooping cough, STI, Syphilis
Concepts to know
1.Diseases substantially reduced the indigenous populations, with catastrophic effects in many areas.
2.Afro-Eurasian fruit trees, grains, sugar, and domesticated animals were brought by Europeans to the Americas, while other foods were brought by African enslaved persons. (example - rice and okra)
3.Populations in Afro-Eurasia benefitted nutritionally (increased) from the increased diversity of American food crops.
Dutch in the east Indies
Trade Goods
Textiles, pepper, yarn, from india, cinnamon, cardamom, and gems from Sri Lanka. Silk, pepper, spices.
Dutch in the east indies
Dutch methods of control
They captured Malacca from the Portuguese and weakened POrtuguese position in Asia. Hated people who forced religions onto others, so they hated the Philippines. VOC had control because it had the most wealth. Dutch tortured, and often comited atrocities against the indonesian civilizations.
French in southeast asia (indo china)
Trade goods
Rice becomes super important. Haitians had a crash crop at the southern tip of Africa. To kick out the portuguese in Haiti, the french grow sugar and enslave the people of Haiti.
French in southeast Asia (indo china)
French interactions with Female merchants
It was a continuity from the last period that Female merchants were popular among indo china, in Vietnam, Lapse, and cambodia. Many men married cambodian, vietnamese, women who were merchants to solidify and legitimize better trade.
English in south asia (india)
Trade goods
Tea, cotton, and gems. Tea became a staple in their culture
English in south asia (india)
Why did they only control ports?
had ports in the south. India was too large to control because their population was so large.
Political motives for exploration
Wanted money and glory. Europe needed more territory because they had a large population and not enough land, so they settled in other places where there was a high possibility of more wealth. Nobody wanted to be left behind or taken over.
Economic motives for exploration
Countries wanted more money, a way to get rid of the middlemen so they found different routes to Asia where there was high valued items being sold. Joint stock companies encouraged many to participate in stocks for money, so they were able to explore further.
Religious motives fore exploration
Because of caltholic religion crumbling, Europe is not stable so religious issue is causing competition between countries. Use the likes of Jesuits in France and priests to spread their ideas of christianity, just like the Spanish and Portuguese had done. Englishmen had the opportunity to get Religious freedom from Britain so they settled in the colonies. The Dutch had a religious uprising, tired of farming for the spanish and being under their rule.
A concept in which they sell products for more money than they are importing. There is a limited amount of wealth in the world (gold, and silver), so the ones with the money hold the most power.
Joint stock companies description
Joint Stock companies limited investors risk because, each investor owning a share based on the amount of money the expeditions around the world gained. Persuaded people to invest in overseas trading ventures and by the indefinite profit they would gain. Helped spread wealth throughout the world.
Countries that use joint stock companies
England had the English east India Company, bringing back cargo ships of gold and silver, and spices. Netherlands and Dutch, Netherlands become a center of finance because of their stock exchange.Dutch created first JSC, called the VOC. VOC contributed to global trade.
National rivalries
Because of constant competition, some would go under the table sponsored by the government, called privatiers. However, these people thought why not just take it all for ourselves instead of giving it to the government, creating piracy.
National rivalries
Seven Years War (1756-1763
Between the French and britain over who gained territory in NA. American Indias fought to maintain control over their lands, but ultimately lost as britain and france fought over it. They had more weapons and artillery. France in tern loses control of their colonies, giving way to British expansion.
Where did silver come from?
Mexico had the largest amount of silver produced. most of the silver supply during this period came from mines made in Mexico. Silver from the Americas came mostly across the Atlantic to the far east. City of manila served as a primary outpost for exchange of goods between America, indonesia, india, and china. Manilla galleons were ships that was transported over the pacific oceans straight from the americas. Silver came from slave-labored outposts where they were forced to mine silver for european countries.
Route of Silver
Went over Manilla Galleions through the pacific, through the atlantic to spain. From there it either went to russia, or through Mangellan’s route over the tip of Africa to India. From india, a large portion of silver ended up in China because of their switch from paper money to coins.
Who got rich off the silver?
England and the Dutch. They had the JSC, like the VOC and VWIC. Using their expeditions to get silver from Mexico, using slave labor.
Rising merchant class
How did they gain wealth
Merchants became new gentry/land owners/ stock owners. The king was limited by the constitution, so the JSC could continue helping the merchant class. Merchants wanted to make sure their money wasn’t taken away by the king.
Rising Merchant Class
How did they gain social status?
Gained status by getting wealthy from the JSC that had gained power and legitimacy because of their increasing wealth. Merchants needed status and nobles needed cash, so they helped each other out. Their gained status meant they could go into parliament.
Impact of Trade on the European Governemnts
Trade and the growth of absolute monarchs
In France, they nearly went bankrupt because the monarchs showed off their wealth. Spain had an absolute Monarch and believed they had a divine right, so nobody could go against them. France and Spain were both Catholic. Didn’t have JSC, so they had less wealth.
Impact of Trade on European Governements
Trade and the creation of limited monarchy
Limited monarchy as set in England where protestantism was on the rise. Had a parliament that helped the king make decisions and limit his actions. JSC was incredibly important at this time because it gave the people and merchants more power since they were becoming wealthy from exploration.