European at War Flashcards
Lightning war
Invasion of Poland
September 1, 1939
No country suffered greater misery
330000 British and French troops are evaluated to England in what becomes known as
Battle of Dunkirk
The German objective is to destroy the royal air force and the royal navy in preparation for invasion of the British isles
Battle of Britain
Desert fox
Field marshall Erwin rommel
June 22 1941 hitler invades
Russia (soviet union)
Fuhrer directive 21
Rules of was no longer apply
Order 227
Not a step back
The Russians call ww 2
The great patriotic war
For gitler the temptations for invasion are too great
It’s the heart of communism, it is where lebenstraum is to be found, it is home to the largest Jewish population in the world
For the remainder kf the wat the battle between the user and Germany will be simply called
The Russian front
Passed by congress in 1935 36 37 38
Neutrality acts
Ig you got the cash we got the goods, come and get em
Cash and carry
The first peacetime draft in is history
Selective service act of 1940
The US will give 40 billion in aid
Lend lease
Pearl harbor get us in ww2
Pearl harbor December 7 1941
Axis powers
Germany- Adolf Hitler
Italy- benito mussolini
Japan- hideki tojo
The allied powers
America- fdr
England- Winston Churchill
Soviet union(russia) - Joseph Stalin
Collectively known as
Big 3
Size vital materials known to the war effort
War productions board
First combat in European theater
Operation torch north African invasion
Ole blood and guts
George s Patton
Fdr issues his controversial unconditional surrender ultimatum
Casablanca conference
This defeat shatter the myth of German invincibility
Is the most important battle of ww2 and the turning point in Europe
Allies invade on July 10 1943
D day allies invade normandy in France
June 6, 1949 operation overlord
The Supreme allied commander in Europe
Dwight David Eisenhower
3rd army
The longest tank battle in history
The battle of Kursk
Hitlers last offensive of the war
Battle of the bulge
The yalta conference yalta
April 12 1945 fdr dies and the new president is
Harry s Truman
May 7 1945
Germany surrenders