chapter idk (general something mcarthur) Flashcards
random Pearl Harbor
december 1 1941 Pearl Harbor
is ordered by FDR to leave Australia
General Douglas MacArthur
where he issues his famous declaration
I shall return
76000 American and Filipino troops surrender
The Bataan Death March
japan sought to establish what they call
Greater East Asia Co. Prosperity Sphere
for the military the highest honor they could gain in battle was
die for their emperor
surrender was considered a
random japan emperor
Emperor Hirohito
Japanese Navy is stopped in the attempt to capture Port Moresby
Battle of Coral Sea
commander and chief of the US Pacific fleet during ww2
Chester w. Nimitz
supreme allied commander in the pacific theater during ww2
douglas macarthur
led the air raid on tokyo
jimmy dolittle
americans at home followed the war
were placed in the window of americans who lost loved ones during the war
gold stars
it is the turning point of the war in the pacific
battle of midway
first land victory for america in the pacific
battle of guadalcanal
random battle on island nation
battle of iwo jima
random image question
most famous image of ww2, classic flag raising on mt. suribachi
first assault on the japanese home islands
battle of okinawa
divine wind
code name for the bomb project
the manhattan project
first nuclear explosion was on US soil on july 16
japan surrenders
on august 15 1945 japan surrenders; VJ day
will be the military governor of occuied japan
douglas macarthur
important events during ww2
Japanese Americans were targeted as potentially disloyal, They were viewed as potential spies for the Japanese government.
which offered the benefit of free college education to returning veterans
GI Bill of Rights