Europe until fall of Western Roman Empire Flashcards
Where is Europe?
Europe is to the West of Asia.
This is why Europe is sometimes referred to as “The West”.

Who was the first civilization to develop in Europe?
The Minoans
What are the accomplishments of the Minoans?
The Minoans were mostly peaceful.
They have no significant accomplishments aside from the fact that they were the first civilization in Europe
Who conquered the Minoans?
The Mycenaeans conquered the Minoans. This was possible because the Myceneans were more war-like than the Minoans.
What is a major difference in the culture between the Minoans and Mycenaeans?
The Minoans mainly lived in the cities and were peaceful. Their culture was diverse, whether it was in the way they made pottery, made fishing ships, or played sports.
The Mycenaeans lived out in the countryside. Their culture was not diverse, because the only time they made anything having to do with culture, it always showed something having to do with war.
What civilization was the next big one after the Mycenaeans?
The Greek City States
Why did the Greek City-States develop into tiny city-states instead of one big empire like the Mauryan or Gupta?
The Greek City-States are surrounded by mountains. Because of these natural barriers, travel between city-states is difficult.
Because people did not travel very often between city-states, each city-state developed its own unique culture.
What was the religion of the Greek City States?
Today, it is called “Hellenic Polytheism”.
Basically the religion is like a big soap opera where the Gods act like humans do. So the gods get jealous, the gods can love, and can hate. The gods can do stupid things too.
What are some important Greek Mythology stories to know?
Well. Here is a website with the top 10.
My favorites (and the ones you will be required to know) are:
- Prometheus
- Explains how Humans obtained fire
- Icarus
- Explains the danger of extremes
What are the Olympic Games?
They were friendly competitions between Greek City States to test athleticism
What happened when Persia attacked the Greek City states?
All the Greek City-States got together to fight off Persia.
Athens and Sparta led the fighting against Persia.
What was the city-state of Athens like?
Athens was a democracy. Meaning, that the citizens of Athens could vote on important decisions within the city-state, but only a minority participated.
Women had no right to vote, only men.
Who is Socrates?
Socrates was an Athenian philosopher, who taught people to question everything.
If your boyfriend or girlfriend says “I love you”, but then doesn’t treat you like it, Socrates would ask you why you believe they love you if they don’t treat you like it.
This process is called “rational inquiry”.
Socrates would teach this to kids, and as a result, was killed, for “corrupting the youth”
What are the three main styles of Greek Architecture?
The first (on the left) is Doric
The middle is called Ionic
The last (on the right) is called Corinthian
These styles are important because they are still used today!
What is another way to describe the civilization of Ancient Greece?
Ancient Greece (and also Ancient Rome) are referred to as the “Classical Civilizations”.
Besides Athens, who was another major Greek City State?
Sparta was different from Athens in that it had two people in power, which was called a dual(meaning 2) Monarchy
Why did Sparta have two Kings?
One King was to take care of the homeland. The other King was to be in charge of the armies in battle.
Spartan Kings ruled for life
What are the biggest differences between Sparta and Athens, aside from the government?
- Athens had a trade-based society, Sparta was based on growing food and conquering
- Athens had a powerful navy, Sparta had a powerful army
How did Sparta and Athens treat their women?
In Athens, women had less freedom. Girls, would only be taught how to do work around the house so they could be good housewives.
In Sparta, women had more freedom. Girls would be taught everything boys needed to learn so that when the men went off to fight in a war, the women knew what to do.
What was the major battle that occurred within the classical Greek City-States?
The Peloponnesian War
This war was fought between Athens and Sparta.
It was just not those two city-states though. The FRIENDS of Athens also fought against the FRIENDS of Sparta.
Who won the Peloponnesian War?
Sparta won, after defeating the Athenian Navy.
The Spartans won after they got help from Persia
What are the biggest consequences of the Peloponnesian War
- It greatly weakened the two biggest city-states, Athens & Sparta. After this war, neither city-state would ever be the same.
- Because Athens and Sparta were no longer powerful, it left room for another city-state to become the most powerful. That city-state was called Macedon.
Besides becoming the most powerful city-state among all the Greek City-States, what’s important to know about Macedon?
Alexander the Great was from Macedon.
Basically, without the Peloponnesian War happening, there is a good chance there would have been no Alexander the Great.
What is the Delian league and the Peloponnesian league?
Delian League was led by Athens
Peloponnesian League was led by Sparta
Where did the Roman Republic begin?
On the Italian Peninsula.
A peninsula is a geographical land area that is surrounded by water on three sides

What were the two biggest reasons that made Rome difficult to conquer?
Reason #1: Its a peninsula, which means its surrounded by water on three sides
Reason #2: The only side that DOES NOT have water, is the same side that is covered in Mountains, specifically the Alps Mountains.

What was the name of the people who came before the Romans?
Those people were called the Etruscans.
Pronounced EH-TRUE-SCANS
What’s important to know about the Etruscans?
1: They treated their women like they treated their men
What was the most powerful Etruscan city-state?
Eventually, Rome came to be so powerful that it conquered all the other city states, creating a new government called The Roman Republic.
Once organized into the Roman Republic, city-states would no longer exist.
What are the two types of Romans that existed?
Patricians = Who were the landowning wealthy people. You had to own land AND be rich in order to be a patrician. All rich people owned land, but not every landowner was rich.
Plebians = Everone else that wasn’t rich and didn’t own land.
Why were Plebians upset with the Patricians?
Patricians were usually the bosses of the Plebians.
The Plebians would work on the farms that were owned by the Patricians.
One day, the Plebians had enough and threatened to go to war with the Patricians. This was called the “Conflict of the Orders”.
What was the biggest demand that the Plebians had?
The Plebians demanded that the Patricians agree to the 12 tables.
What’s important to know about the 12 tables?
Some of the most important ideas in our law system today come from the 12 tables.
The idea that all people are innocent until proven guilty, comes from the 12 tables.
The idea that you have the right to face your accuser in court, comes from the 12 tables.
The idea that NO ONE is above the law, comes from the 12 tables
How was the Greek system of Government in Athens different from the Roman system of government in Rome?
Athens had a Direct Democracy, Rome had a Republic.
In a direct democracy, the people are supposed to vote on everything.
In a Republic, people are elected as representatives, and then those representatives vote on everything.
How many parts of Roman government were there, and which part of Roman government was more powerful?
Rome had two branches of government. One of them was called the Senate, and the other was called the Assembly.
The Senate was for Patricians only, and the Assembly was for Plebians only.
The Senate was WAAAY more powerful than the Assembly. The Senate could block any of the Assembly’s laws, and the Senate would also replace Consuls.
What is a consul and how many were there?
Rome had two Consuls, who served for life. Consuls are similar to the way we have a President today. Except for today we have one President and back then, Rome had two consuls.
During times of Emergency, the Roman senate would vote to give ALL THE POWER to one consul. It was usually the consul that was the oldest or had the most experience.
Once the Consul was done protecting Rome with Emergency Powers, the Consul would give back all the power to the Senate & Assembly.
Where did the Roman Republic get its military strength?
The Roman Republic got its military strength from citizen soldiers.
Citizen-Soldiers were ordinary Roman citizens who volunteered to fight for the Roman Republic.
If the soldiers survived the battle, the Roman Republic, in exchange, would often pay soldiers back in land.
Whats important to know about the 1st Punic War?
- 1st Punic War was fought over the island of Sicily.
- It was technically started by Carthage (although there is some dispute)
- Romans won, establishing themselves as a naval power
What’s important about the 2nd Punic War
Started by the Romans
Hannibal ( a general in Carthage’s army) crosses the Alps Mountains with his army of War Elephants (first time ever done)
Despite Hannibal’s accomplishments, the Romans are still victorious.

Whats important about the 3rd Punic War?
Started by the Romans
Carthage is annihilated (destroyed) by the Roman Empire
The Romans put salt over Carthage’s fields, destroying them
Who was the historical Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ was known for saying things that went against the patricians of the Roman Empire.
He would say things like “..easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God”, “First shall be last and the last shall be first”.
It’s for this reason why Jesus Christ was arrested and later crucified, by the Romans.
What religion did Jesus Christ belong to, before becoming the founder of Christianity?
Jesus Christ was a Jewish Carpenter.
A Carpenter is someone who fixes and repairs wooden structures.
How did soil depletion affect the Roman Empire?
Overtime, the agricultural output of the farmers decreased, meaning, they were growing less and less food as time went on
How did the problems of the farmers affect the Roman Empire?
To make up for lost money, (because farmers were having difficulty growing food) farmers would often take out loans.
These loans were difficult to pay back because the farmers were not making more money, but they were making less and less money.
In response to the plight of the farmers who owed lots of money, Patricians were willing to forgive the loans of the plebeian farmers, but only if they gave up their land to the Patricians.
This made income inequality worse, where the rich got richer and the poor got poorer
What military problems did the Roman Empire face?
The citizen-soldier did not want to fight for the Roman Empire anymore. Over time, Roman citizens did not think the pay they received was worth the cost of defending the Empire.
So basically, the Roman Empire had a shortage of soldiers
How did the Roman Empire respond to the shortage of soldiers?
They hired barbarians (nomadic people)
They didn’t pay the barbarians more money, they just paid them what they used to pay the citizen-soldiers.
These nomadic people were used to living out in the woods and countryside and didn’t mind working hard and getting dirty, unlike the Roman citizens who got used to enjoying city life.
Who was Julius Caesar?
He was a Consul who refused to give back the emergency powers that the Senate had given him.
Obsessed with his power, the Senate assassinated him in the room of the Senate with his BFF Brutus delivering the final stab.
Julius Caesar started the Roman Empire. He was still considered a Consul when he was assassinated, and WAS NOT the first Emperor of Rome
Who was Augustus Caesar?
Was the 1st Emperor of Rome
Went after the senators who assassinated his Uncle, Julius Caesar.
What were the major accomplishments of Augustus Caesar?
- He ordered the creation of massive infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, aqueducts.
- He established the creation of a single currency, which was split up into gold, silver, and bronze.
- He expanded the Roman Empire to its greatest maximum landholdings. In other words, the Roman Empire would never be bigger than it was under Augustus
What was the major problem that Rome faced, 200 years after the death of Augustus Caesar?
The Roman Empire was waaaaay too big to manage efficently
As a result, Emperor Diocletian decided to split the Roman Empire in half.
The Western Half had the city of Rome as its capital and would be called the Western Roman Empire.
The Eastern half had the city called Byzantium as its capital and would be called the Eastern Roman Empire. Later, a Roman Emperor named Constantine would change the name from Byzantium to Constantinople
What was the status of Christianity for most of the time it existed in the Roman Empire?
Christianity was illegal to practice.
This was just plain 100% persecution. The polytheists didn’t like Christians because Christians only worshipped one all-powerful God, whereas the Polytheists worshipped lots of gods.
Who was Constantine?
Constantine was the Roman Emperor who made Christianity legal
He made it legal through his “Edict of Milan”
Constantine didn’t actually do this because he was a big fan of Christianity or Jesus’s teachings. Constantine made Christianity legal because he thought it would make it easier to control the Roman people.
Why did the Western Roman Empire Collapse?
The Western Roman Empire collapsed because it was conquered by Barbarians (nomadic people)
These are the same nomadic people who the Romans would pay money to in order to defend Rome.
What happened to the Eastern Roman Empire after the Western Roman Empire collapsed?
The Eastern Roman Empire dropped its name and took on a completely new name, calling itself the Byzantine Empire.
Its capital city would continue to be Constantinople.