Europe Flashcards
What were the main causes of WW1?
M - Militarism
A - Alliances
I - Imperialism / Colonialism
N - Nationalism
When did Germany rise as a new country?
Germany arose as a new country in 1871.
Who was the Chancellor of Germany in 1871 and what did he establish?
Otto con Bismarck, the German Chancellor, attempted to maintain peace by developing an alliance system.
What two alliances were set up through the alliance system and who was involved?
- The Triple Alliance - Germany, Austria Hungary and Italy.
* The Triple Entente - Britain, France and Russia
Who was apart of the Dual Alliance? What was the aim?
The Dual Alliance was an agreement between Germany and Austria Hungary, which was created to protect one another from the threat of a Russian attack. The Triple Alliance, including Italy had the same aim whilst also stopping France.
What was the purpose of the Franco-Russian Alliance 1893?
It allowed Russia to build economic links with France. However, France wanted to turn it into a military agreement. Russia was forced into signing this when France withheld loans.
What was the purpose of the Reinsurance Treaty 1887?
To improve the relationship between Russia and Germany, although there was financial implications too. This Treaty ended when Russia introduced a new law that stopped foreigners buying land in their country.
What was the purpose of the Anglo-French Entente 1904?
GB and France were close to having a war, known as the Fashoda incident. This Treaty reduced the threat of colonial rivalry, whilst improving trade links.
What was the purpose of the Anglo-Russian Entente 1907?
This improved relations between Britain and Russia, whilst also allowing Britain to move a large proportion of her navy from Asia into European waters. It also settled disputes over Tibet, Afghan and Persia.
What was the Treaty of Frankfurt 1871?
This harsh Treaty was imposed on France, resulting in them having to pay reparations and lose the ore-rich provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. France demanded ‘la revanche’.
What was the Schlieffen plan, set up in 1891?
The fear of French revenge resulted in Count Von Schlieffen creating a military plan that included the following:
• Germany using all their forces to attack France.
• Sweeping through Belgium and down in order to invade Paris.
• Sending army to Russia after defeating France. They thought Russia would take longer to mobilise.
This happened in 1914.
What was the Dreyfuss Affair 1894-1906?
A Jewish officer, Major Dreyfus, from the French armed forces was accused of betraying secrets to the Germans.
What was Plan 17?
A plan set up by France in case of a war against Germany. The plan was to quickly attach Germany through Alsace and Lorraine.
Why did both France and Germany want Morocco?
It was in a strategic position, proving trading links from Europe into the Mediterranean Sea.
What happened during the First Moroccan Crisis 1905?
It was voted that France would be allowed to have influence in Morocco and use their police officers to train their police, whilst also establishing the State Bank of Morocco.
What were the results of The Second Morocco Crisis 1911?
France and Germany had to open up negotiations and created the Treaty of Fez. France was allowed to make Morocco a French protectorate, whilst Germany would be given party of the French Congo.
What was the ‘Two Power Standard’?
Whereby British navy had to be greater than the two largest navies in Europe combined to ensure that no one posed a threat to her empire.
What was the Jameson Raid in 1895?
Whereby Leander Jameson attempted to claim more land on behalf of Britain in South Africa by sending in 500 men. It failed. Germany used it as an advantage to isolate Britain by sending the Kruger Telegram, recognising Germany’s support.
What was Germany’s policy of Weltpolotik?
Germany wanted a ‘place in the sun’. Therefore, they set up naval building programmes known as Flottenpolitik to create a naval fleet that could rival the Royal Navy.
Why did both Russia and Austria Hungary want the Balkans?
Russia - to give them free access to the Mediterranean Sea and to unite the common heritage of Slavic people.
Austria - to increase her territorial ambitions and prevent their empire splitting up.
What was the Treaty of Stan Stefano 1877?
Russia imposed this upon the Ottoman Empire after their victorious invasion of Turkey. This gave Russia dominance in the Balkans, allowing Slavic nations to have independence. However, this was reversed at the Congress of Berlin 1878. It also allowed Serbia to annex the area of Nish.
What were the outcomes of the Congress of Berlin 1878?
Austria were able to negotiate that they would be allowed to place soldiers into the Slavic nation is Bosnia, although they weren’t allowed to own the country.
What was the Murzstag Agreement 1903?
It temporarily eased the tension in the Balkans between AH and Russia as it provided the maintenance of status quo (same thing) in Macedonia.
Why did Austria get away with the annexation of Bosnia 1908?
- Austria had seen how weak the Russian army was after their defeat by Japan in 1905
- Russia could not afford to engage in another war.
- It showed that AH had control over the Mediterranean Sea and was still a great power.
How did Austria’s annexation affect Serbia?
- It blocked Serbia’s demand for a “Greater Serbia”.
- To achieve a Greater Serbia, she would have to attack AH but lacked the support from Russia as she was not in the position to help.
- Reluctantly, they had to accept the annexation.
What was the Black Hand Terrorist Group?
This group was formed in the Summer of 1908 to pursue the goal of Greater Serbia. Terrorists, belonging to this group, assassinated Archduke Ferdinand in June 1914.
What was the Black Cheque?
Germany promised Austria support in whatever measures they took against Serbia. The ultimate support meant that Austria would risk a war against Serbia, knowing if Russia got involved, Germany would step in.
What 3 list of demands did Serbia fail to meet, which provoked war?
- Sacking anti-Austrian policemen, officers and officials.
- Taking action against the Black Hand Terrorist organisation, bringing members to trial.
- Allowing Austria officials to take part in the Serb investigation into Franz Ferdinand.
What date did Austria declare war on Serbia?
June 28th 1914
Why and when did Germany declare war?
Russia mobilised their troops, which was seen as an act of war, therefore Germany declared war on August 1st 1914, putting the Schlieffen plan into place.
Why and when did Britain declare war?
Germany invaded Belgium on August 2nd. Due to the agreement between Belgium and Britain known as the Treaty of London, Germany declared war on Germany on August 4th 1914.
What was the Treaty of Versailles 1918?
A peace conference made with little time to prepare. The victorious allies met in Paris to decide how to deal with the defeated powers.
What does LAMB stand for?
Land - Germany had to give up overseas colonies to give the GB and France. Alsace and Lorraine were given to France. And Germany was not allowed to join with Austria.
Army - The army was cut down to 100,000 men. They were allowed no aircraft, or heavy military weapons. Also the demilitarisation of the Rhineland.
Money - Germany had to pay reparations of £6,600 million to make them weak.
Blame - The War Guilt Claude meant that Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war.
What other aspects of the Treaty were there?
- National Self Determination - it was decided that each race of people had the right to separate nation with their own government.
- General Disarmament - other countries had to reduce their arms to avoid the dangers of war. A further conference would take place in Washington 1921.
- League of Nations - everything would be resolved through this to ensure that members felt safe.
What was Germany’s reaction to the Treaty?
They felt bitter and resentful. Many called it a DIKTAT. It was completely forever upon them. They hated the War Guilt Clause as the blame should have been shared. The economy was completely crippled.
What was the Treaty of St Germain 1919?
This broke up the Austrian - Hungarian Empire. Austria was forced to give up a large proportion of land to the new Slavic nation - Yugoslavia and also to Poland and Italy. It was about dividing the Empire rather than punishing her for her part in the war. No Anschluss was allowed either.
What was the Treaty of Neuilly 1919?
Bulgaria lost territory to countries within the Balkans and had to pay small amounts of reparations.
What was the Treaty of Trianon 1920?
This focussed on Hungarian transferring territory to her neighbours to cripple the Hungarian empire.
What was the Treaty of Sevres 1920?
The allies were convinced that Turkey was finished as a nation and allowed Greece to invade the mainland, forcing turkey to accept it. However the Turks declined and raised an army to challenge Greeks. By 1922, the Greeks were driven out of Smyrna.
What was the Treaty of Lausanne 1923?
This officially recognised that Smyrna was once again Turkish territory.
What was the Washington Naval Conference 1921?
This made other countries decrease their arms to prevent another war. Britain and the US had the largest navies because they operated in both the Pacific and Atlantic. A naval holiday where countries were not allowed to build ships for 10 years was also proposed.
What impact did the additional peace treaties have on Poland, Czech and Yugoslavia?
Poland - a country without any natural frontiers, found it hard to protect themselves from an attack. It was a mixture of Jews, Russians and Germans, many of whom resented living in Poland. There was feats Germany would reclaim territory. And there was also a threat that communist Russia would attempt to reclaim land prior to WW1.
Czech - consisted on different nationalities. The dangers were the Germans living in the Sudetenland wanting to break away and join Germany (which happened)
Yugoslavia - most of its neighbours belonged to the old Austro-Hungarian Empire.
What was the US’s position in the 1920s?
The US followed the policy of isolationism and they refused to join the League of Nations even though the president - Woodrow Wilson created it. This weakened peace as the US did not act against any country that broke the terms.
What was the Treaty of Rapallo 1920?
Formed between Russia and Germany as Germany was unhappy with the terms of the Treaty and wanted to change them. Russia and Germany agreed to economic cooperation and Germany was able to begin a small armament programme.
What was the Occupation of the Ruhr 1923?
Germany defaulted on their reparations and in 1924, 70,000 French and Belgian troops were sent to invade the industrial heartland of Germany, crippling their economy and leading to hyperinflation.
Locarno Treaties 1925
- Germany had to accept the borders with France and Belgium.
- Britain and Italy said that that would protect France if Germany violated the borders.
- Germany accepted the demilitarisation of the Rhineland.
- France and Germany agreed to settle disputes through the league.
- Locarno spirit - Germany could join the league in 1926 and their armaments were no longer inspected in 1927.
What was the Kellogg Briand Pact 1928?
The agreement which promised to outlaw war as a means of settling disputes. This was the result of the disagreements between the US, France and GB about the disarmament and alliances.
What was the Young Plan 1929?
This plan reduces the payment of reparations and increased the time to repay the debt for Germany with help from Stresemann.
The Wall Street Crash 1929
The crash of the US economy.