Europe Flashcards
Who and when prepared a series of prints visualising a dreamof ‘democratic and social republic ‘
Frédéric sorrieu , 1848
What is the statue of liberty holding in her hand ?
Torch of enlightenment and charter of the rights of the man
Which places were already nation state by 1848?
United States and Switzerlanf
What changes in the 19th century resulted in formation of nation state?
In 19th century, nationalism emerged as a force which brought sweeping changes in political and mental world of Europe
What is the difference between a nation state and a modern state ?
In modern state , a centralised power exercised sovereign control over a pre defined territory
A nation state is one in which the majority of its citizens came to develop a sense of commonness
When was the first expression of nationalism came ?
French revolution, 1789
What were the steps taken to create a sense of collectiveness amongst french people?
- ideas of la patrie and la citoyen
- A new french flag
- the estates general was renamed national assembly
- hymns composed
- oaths taken
- martyrs commemorated
- uniform laws
- custom duties and dues were abolished
- uniform system of weight and measures
- regional dialects were discouraged
What did students and educated middle class began setting up after the French revolution?
Jacobins club
What was the Napoleonic code or civil code of 1804?
- all the privileges of birth were abolished
- equality before law
- secured right to property
- abolished the feudal system
- freed preasents from serfdom and mamorial dues
- guild restrictions were removed
- ## transport and communication systems were improved
In places of Europe , french armies were first welcomed as harbingers of liberty. What changed their mind ?
That the new administrative arrangements did not go hand in hand with political freedom
What was the only tie between the people of Europe?
The allegiance to the same emperor
What was the common way of life of the aristocracy ?
Owned estates in the country side and townhouses
Spoke french for diplomacy
Connected with tues of marriage
What wa liberalism for the middle class?
Freedom of individual
Equality for all
What was liberalism on political basis ?
Govt by consent
End of autocracy
A constitution
Presentativd govt throught parliament
What was liberalism economically ?
Freedom of markets
Abolition of state imposed restriction on good movements