Eukaryotes Flashcards
What are the 7 classifications of Taxonomy?
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus , Species
What is taxonomy?
the science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms.
What are the two kingdoms?
Plants & Animals
Define Protophyta
Unicellular ; Plants
Define Metaphyta
Multicellular ; Plants
Define Protozoa
Unicellular; Animals
Define Metazoa
Multicellular; Animals
What is a unicellular Eukaryote?
What are the three domains of life?
Eukaryota, Archaea & Bacteria
What is part of the Eukaryota?
Plants, Animals and Fungi
Define Monera
biological kingdom made up of prokaryotes ; single celled organisms that lack a nucleus.
7% of their genes match those in existing data? what virus
Amoeba Virus
Domain that live in extreme environments?
Halo is greek for?
Salt ; Halophiles
what is LUCA
Last Universal Common Ancestor
What is the Endosymbiont Hypothesis?
theory that states some eukaryotic cell organelles, such as mitochondria and plastids, evolved from free-living prokaryotes. Mitochondrial endosymbiosis initiated the evolution of the eukaryotic cell (suggested by Margulis)
Chrysophytes are?
Golden Algae, yellow pigment. can be photosynthestic if food is scarce
Define Mixotrophs
survive using both photosyntesis when food is scarce and they eat bacteria and diatoms
Define Heterotrophs
get energy by consuming other organisms, growing that way - included animals, bacteria and protists
Define phototrophs
use light to make food and grow - include chloroplasts in their body
name 3 main Alveolates
2. Apicomplexa
3. Ciliates
Red tides are caused by what?
Noctiluca blooms (Dinoflagellate)
Cilia is used by unicellular protists for?
feeding and locomotion
name 3 main Rhizaria
- Amoeba
- Flagellates
- amoeboflagellates
SAR stands for?
Stramenopiles, Alevolates and Rhizaria
What is SAR within
the Chromalveolates
what is an Amoeba?
a type of cell or organism which has the ability to change its shape, primarily by extending and retracting pseudopods (pseudopodia used to move and feed)
Define Hacrobia
diverse group of microbial eukaryotes - only related to eachother by molecular data sequencing
What is seafoam?
protein mucus built up from dead Haptophytes ( Phaeocytstis)
the pink photosynthetic pigment in extreme halophiles is…
the red pigment in cyanobacteria is called…
the red pigment in cyanobacteria is called…
bacteria that produce methane are known as…
salt loving organisms are called..