Euk translation regulation (mRNA) Flashcards
what are the main steps in translation in euk?
what is translation?
synthesis of long chains of amino acids from a mRNA transcript using a ribosomes
describe a ribosome
they are large multisubunit complexes (ribonuceloproteins)
what are eIF?
eukaryotic initiation factors are proteins that can promotoe translation and transcription initiation
why is translation initation important?
Rate limiting step of translation so
the bulk of translation regulation occurs at the initiation phase
what are the steps of translation intiation in euk?
ribosome neeeds to be prepared
ribosomal entry point needs to be found
the start codon needs to be found
why is the 5’ m-G cap important in translation intiation
enables the capping binding complex to be formed which helps the ribosome align and dock onto the mRNA properly
how does ribosomal scanning work?
scanning model of initiation occurs so that the start codon can be found and elongation can begin
ribosome uses eiF4A/B helicase activity to unwind the mRNA secondary structure
what is the function of Kozak sequence?
the AUG start codon should best match the Kozak which helps with ribosomal recognition of the AUG
then allows 48S complex to form
before forming the 43 pre-initiation complex (40S+ternary complex), the 40S ribosome binds to other eIFs. Why is this?
binds to eIF1, 1A and 3
> this helps to seperate the 60S and 40S subunits and prevents reassociation of them until after the initiation codon has been found (scanning)
how is the 60S ribosomal subunit recruited
once 48S complex is formed, the eIF sneed to be released via GTP hydrolysis
then 60S can associate with 40S creating 80S initation complex
what 3 main things can influence translation initiation efficiency?
in Euk
5’ cap - if no there then complete absecne of tranlation
RNA hairpins - these riboswitches can pair strongly and block helicase activity
AUG - if strong or weak concensus can affect rate of synthesis
why are pico-viruses cool?
they are single.stranded RNA viruses and do not have a 5’ cap and contain several strong AUG codons
yet they can be translated!
what did picovirus research inform us about
it told us that ‘‘cap-Independent’’ translation initiation is another mechanism of tranlation :0
how does cap- independent translation intiation work?
they use IRES to recruit ribosome internally instead of having a 5’cap
(particualarly useful in pro with multiple ORF)