EU Regional Policy Flashcards
NUTS 1, 2, 3 regions
- Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics with the purpose of dividing up the EU territory for analyses and statistics
- NUTS-2 includes the EU’s basic regions which are also relevant for regional policies
Objective 1, 2, 3 regions
Objective 1: less-developed regions, whose GDP per capita is less than 75% of the average of the EU
Objective 2: transition regions, whose GDP per capita is between 75 and 90% of the average of the EU
Objective 3: more developed regions, whose GDP per capita is above 90% of the average of the EU
Reasons for EU Regional Policy
- enhance growth, create new job opportunities (in particular sectors)
- solidarity mechanism to reduce gaps between European regions
Origins and evolution of Regional Policy
1957: First mention in the Treaty of Rome
1958: Creation of the European Social Fund (ESF)
1975: Creation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
from 1988 on: adapting to the arrival of Greece (1981), Spain and Portugal (1986), the Structural Funds were integrated into an overarching cohesion policy
1993: Maastricht Treaty introduces the Cohesion Fund, the Committee of the Regions and the principle of subsidiarity
1994–99: Doubling of the resources for regional funds, now equal to a third of the EU budget
Constituents of the European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF)
Addressing gaps:
Transport & environment:
- Cohesion Fund
Particular sectors:
- EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development)
- EMFF (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund)
- EUSF (EU Solidarity Fund): natural disasters
Differing funding priorities of various EU RP funding cycles over time
e. g.:
- Making enlargement a success
- Focus on growth and jobs
- Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the EU
- 2021-2027: Regional development investments will strongly focus on objectives 1 and 2; smarter, greener, carbon-free EU, connected & social EU, EU closer to citizens
Determinants of fund allocation
- largely based on GDP per capita, new criteria are added(youth unemployment, low education level, climate change, and the reception and integration of migrants)
- > less red tape, simpler ways to claim payments is aimed for
Effectiveness of EU RP on Regional Level: Sala-i-Martin (1996)
- RQ: Compare EU with other federations without a cohesion programme: is EU growth and convergence pattern different?
- Answer: no
Effectiveness of EU RP on Regional Level: Boldrin & Canova (2001)
- RQ: Compare EU recipient and non-recipient regions: is growth and convergence pattern different?
- Answer: no
Problems of Sala-i-Martin and Boldrin & Canova
- problem with data availability: aggregated NUTS1 and NUTS2 data were used as NUTS3 data were not yet available
- both papers looked at the combined Structural Funds Programme and not specifically at the Objective 1 scheme, which primarily aims at closing the gap in per capita income
Effectiveness of EU RP on Regional Level: Cappelen et al. (2003), Ederveen et al. (2002) and Gallo (2008)
Cappelen, Castellacci, Fagerberg and Verspagen (2003), Ederveen, Gorter, de Mooij and Nahuis (2002):
- significant positive impact of structural funds on regional growth
Gallo (2008):
- no positive impact
BUT: potential problems due to (i) data availability, (ii) methods applied
Studies on the effectiveness of EU RP on National Level
Midelfart and Overman (1996):
- positive impact of the Structural Funds Programme on industry location and agglomeration
Beugelsdijk and Eijffinger (2005); Ederveen, de Groot and Nahuis (2006):
- positive relationship between Structural Funds Programme spending and GDP-per-capita growth (at least in countries with favourable institutions)
Studies on the effectiveness of EU Regional Policy: Becker (2010)
- Investigate structural funds to Objective 1 regions
- 3 periods: 1989-1993, 1994-1999, 2000-2006
- NUTS 2 regions
- RQ: did regions that obtain funding witnessed a growth in their (i) per capita GDP (ii) employment?
- Answers: (i) yes, a growth in per capita GDP,
(ii) no, no growth in employment (maybe these effects take longer)
Studies on the effectiveness of EU Regional Policy: Becker (2012)
- Investigate structural funds and cohesion fund
- 2 periods: 1994-1999, 2000-2006
- NUTS 3 regions
- RQ: did some regions receive too much funding and others too little to be optimal?
- Answers: yes, a reallocation of EU transfers would appear optimal
Studies on the effectiveness of EU Regional Policy: Becker (2018)
- Investigate structural funds and cohesion fund
- 4 periods: 1989-1993, 1994-1999, 2000-2006, 2007-2013
- NUTS 2 regions
- RQ:
(i) did regions that obtain funding witness a growth in their per capita GDP?
(ii) was the impact smaller (if positive)/negative during the financial crisis?
(iii) what happens to growth (gains) if the Objective 1 status is lost? - Answers:
(i) yes
(ii) yes, still positive but smaller
(iii) previous growth gains seem to be largely undone when the Objective 1 status is lost