ETVT that the republcians are more divided than the democrats Flashcards


Economy - Democrats are more divided


Progressive democrats generally prefer much greater state intervention in the economy and expanding the deficit.

In the 2016 primaries more moderate democrat Clinton committed to the increase of the deficit by $700 billion and more progressive, former chair of the congressional progressive caucus, Bernie Sanders to over 18 trillion over the next 10 years.

During the American recovery and reinvestment bill’s passage in 2009, progressives didn’t think that $787 billion was enough, and they wanted a larger stimulus. More conservative blue dog Democrats were more reluctant to invest, and 7 voted against the bill in the house. ALTHOUGH STILL PASSED.

In the case of the American recovery and reinvestment Act all Republicans were united against the act and not 1 voted in favour in the house, they are very critical of high deficit and large dept and were unified against the bill.

Furthermore, Joe Manchin and Jim Cooper a former member of the blue dog democrat coalition, along with 45 other democrats in both the senate and the house, voted with the republicans to ease Dodd-Frank banking regulations in 2018.

Furthermore there are minor differences In tax reform policy, in the 2016 democratic primaries Clinton pledged to raise income taxes for the rich by less than sanders did, showing a slightly less progressive view point. Whereas the consensus in the Republicans is tax rate should fall. Tax cuts and Jobs act 2017.

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Economy - Republicans are more divided


Blue dog coalition democrats are a small group, they had just 9 members in the 118th congress and therefore their influence has declined, meaning the democrat party is much less divided, whilst they voted against it, they were unable to prevent the American recovery and reinvestment act 2009 from passing.

In the Republican party there is different levels of commitment over the extent of deficit reduction.

Republican moderate speaker John Boehner came under increasing scrutiny for ‘undercutting’ the fiscal conservatives in congress when resolving the 2013 government shutdown, tea party fiscal conservatives pressured congressional leaders to apply a dept ceiling and reject appropriations bills, unless democrats accepted spending cuts, in attempt to stop much funding of the ACA, however, this standoff ended after moderate republicans conceded and supported ending the dept ceiling and funding the government.

Donald Trump took actions to suggest the dept isn’t his top priority, fiscal conservatives like Rand Pual and members of the House freedom Caucus accused colleagues of hypocrisy by signing the Tax cuts and Jobs act in 2017 and the 2018 Bipartisan budget act, committing to the rising deficit and debt.

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Social policy and RIGHTS - Democrats are more divded


Progressive democrats such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, member of the congressional progressive caucus, when discussing the moderate presidential candidate Joe Biden in 2020 she remarked that ‘In any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party, but in America we are’.

Some differences with abortion views, Dan Lipinski lost his primary race in 2020 but was pro-choice.

Stupak Pitts amendment was a proposed amendment to the ACA 2010, it was submitted by Bart Stupak a democrat from Michigan and Joseph Pitts a republican from Pennsylvania, this prohibited the use of federal funds to pay for abortion.

The Blue Dog coalition are more conservative democrats that are more socially conservative, therefore they are less supportive of LGBTQ rights.

Collin Peterson for example received a A grade by the NRA before the 2020 presidential election, a member of the blue dog democrat group that supported the 2nd amendment right to bear arms.

Joe Manchin also a Blue Dog democrat voted against repealing the ‘Don’t ask don’t tell’ policy and in 2015 he opposed gay marriage.

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Social policy and RIGHTS - Republicans are more divided


Moderate republicans and the ‘Tuesday group’ are much less socially conservative, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins have supported same-sex marriage, in 2014 Collins argued that ‘44% of Americans now live in a state where same-sex marriage is legal and I believe this number should continue to grow’.

12 Republicans voted for some same sex marriage legislation, and Susan Collins publicly criticised Trump in 2020 after the administration announced it would abandon Obama administration non-discrimination protections for the LGBTQ+ community under the affordable care act.

However arguable these number are getting smaller and only have around 15-20 members, meaning they are becoming less influential and the party has become much less divided over social issues.

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Health and Immigration polivy - the democrats are more divided


In terms of immigration policy some conservative democrats have shown significant agreement with republican party policies and ideas.

There was significant conservative opposition to Obama when he attempted to pass the DREAM act, which would give illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. DREAM Act, 5 democrats voted against, therefore they couldn’t end the filibuster. Furthermore, Moderates and conservatives of the democrats are more in favour of the Trump wall as they represent more southern states and face more illegal immigration.

The most conservative democrats for example did not support the public option of the affordable care act, the opposition from blue dog democrats meant Obama was forced to drop the provision, blue dog democrats agreed with republicans arguing that the fiscal cost of public health insurance is too expensive.

For example, Mike Ross, a member of the blue dog coalition voted against the Affordable care act in both House votes.

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Health and immigration policy - Republicans are more divided


Democrats have less divide, Joe Machin voted for ‘Don’t ask don’t tell’ Act but even blue dog coalition members have shown support for same sex couples.

Moderate Republican senator John McCain submitted a plan that gave dreamers a path to citizenship but also involved increased border security, TRUMP on the other hand said he would only sign a bill including sharp cuts of legal immigration and 25$ billion towards a wall at the Mexican border.

Although united against ACA, divisions within the party meant they were unable to repeal it, democrat divisions did not prevent the policy.

American Health care Act was not voted on as Republican leader didn’t think they would win, moderates such as Susan Collins went to far, Freedom caucus claimed it hadn’t gone far enough. Healthcare freedom act 2017, repealing the mandate of ACA was rejected in the senate, John McCain, Susan Collins and Murkowski were the Republicans who voted against the ‘skinny repeal’, it was voted down 51-49

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