ETOPS Flashcards
Extendced Range Two-engine OpersationS
no two engined aircraft shall be operated further than 60 minutes from an adequate aerodrome unless approved for ETOPS.
KLM approved One Engine Inoperative Cruise speed, max diversion time and distance
300 KIAS/M.84 1200 NM (180 min)
planning phase ends:
when the aircraft first moves under its own power (ETOPS). After that, ETOPS planning minima no longer apply
ETOPS alternate selection
it should be anticipated that the expected times of possible use, the adequate ETOPS aerodrome meets the weather and field conditions or the applicable operational requirements.
ETOPS ERA criteria
-Landing distance (for the expected rwy) including wind, surface conditions and aeroplane handling charactersitics.
-services and facilities (instrument approach, RFF 4 at 30 minutes notice acceptable)
-Weather (latest available forecast weather conditions for a period commencing at the anticipated time of landing and endinge one hour after the latest nominated time of use of that aerodrome, equals or exceeds the authorized whater minima for an ETOPS ERA provided for by the increments (200/800 & 400/1500)
In addition, for the same period, the forecast x-wind component plus any gusts should be within operating limits.
-Flight following
-ATS flightplan
Flight planning minima
precision approach: DH/DA + 200 ft, visibility + 800 meters
non-P or RNP APCH or Circling: MDH/MDA + 400 ft, visibility + 1500 meters
conditional forecast elements need not to be considered, except:
PROB 30/40 or TEMPO condition below the lowest applicable operating minima should be taken into account.
ETOPS Take-off alternate
shall be located within maximum two hours flying time, at the approved one engine inoperative cruise speed, in still air and standard conditions.
Critical fuel scenario
- Flight at long range cruise speed assuming a rapid decompression at the most critical point followed by descent to 10.000ft or a higher altitude if sufficient oxygen is provided in accordance with the applicable operational requirements.
- Flight at the approved one engine inoperative cruise speed assuming a rapid decompression and a simultaneous engine failure at hte most critical point followed by descent to 10.000 ft or a higher altitude if sufficient oxygen is provided in accordance with the applicable operational requirements.
- flight at the approved one engine inoperative cruise speed assuming an engine failure at the most critical point followed by descent to the one engine inoperative cruise altitude (never limiting)
Upon reacing an alternate, hold at 1.500ft above field elevation for 15 minutes and then conduct an instrument approach and landing
Add a 5% wind speed factor
correct the amount of fuel obtained in the critical fuel scenario calculation taking into account the greater of the effect of airframe icing and fuel for engine anti-ice and if appropriate wing anti-ice for the entire diversion time
Application of TAT method
TAT may be omitted when:
- meteorological data is available fo rthe applicable diversion route and indicate that the OAT at FL 1000 is above -5°C (TAT above +10)
- a significant weather chart shall be used to determine if clouds or humidity are present on the diversion route, the icing fuel correction shall be tanked despite the TAT method when this is the case.
Prior to operating beyond the EEP, the cockpit crew should evaluate:
- weather forecast at the designated ETOPS ERAs
- availability of each designated ETOPS ERA (rwy condition, aerodrome services and facilities, landing distances etc.)
- aircraft technical status
- fuel remaining
OFP acceptation check:
- flight number
- date
- registration
- stretch
- alternate aerodrome correct
- contingency fuel correct
accepted delay for OFP
not more than 30 minutes