Ethnicity, Race, Language and Ancestry Flashcards
- involves a relationship which leaves one side dependent on the other to define the world
- European settlement in the America’s is painfully and tragically represented in standard indicators of social pathologies such as high rates of suicide, unemployment, and substance abuse
Notable income inequalities exist, moreover, whether we consider individual income, household income, average income, median income, or other measures
Education and unemployment
Indigenous peoples have increasingly shown in recent times that they retain the same motivations and aspirations to succeed in the larger education system as do other Canadians
-there have been notable increments in educational participation and achievement for Indigenous over time
The gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and other Canadians has been declining over time, but continues to be substantial
Restorative justice
One community based strategy that has been employed in which victims, offenders and community members come together to discuss a particular crime’s impact and to decide collectively on how the offender can make amends
Social cohesion
Ethnicity and diversity may adversely affect society’s cohesiveness in two ways:
- when diversity results in inequality, it may undermine the sense of fairness and inclusion among individuals and groups
- racial diversity may also weaken the commonality of values, commitments and social relations among individuals and groups, thereby affecting their capacity to co-operate in the pursuit of common objectives
- refers to the capacity of society to set and implement collective goals (all groups have a voice!)
Social integration
Refers to the extent to which individual members of a group form relationships with people outside the group
The centrepiece of Canada’s policy on inter-ethnic relations, focuses on broad ideals rather than specific goals and objectives
Gender inequality
Results when women’s perspectives, skills and work are undervalued
Maternal and Cultural Feminism
Tend to see men and women as inherently different, but argues that those differences should not be a source of gender inequality
Liberal/Equity Feminism
Holds that men and women are more similar than different and should have equal access to opportunities
Radical feminism
- See gender inequality as being tied to reproduction
- linking women’s oppression to men’s control of women’s bodies and reproduction
Marxist Feminism
Examines how class and gender inequalities are intertwined through women’s role in social reproduction
What are the 4 components of domestic labour?
- reproduction of labour power on a daily basis
- child-bearing and child-rearing (producing future labour power)
- housework to maintain the household
- the transformation of wages into goods and services for the household (money management, shopping etc.)
Dual systems theory
Gender inequality in the hierarchal division of labour in both the home and the capitalist economy
-gender inequality is the result of the intersection of historical trends in the patriarchy and capitalism