ethnicity, crime and justice - topic 6 Flashcards
victim surveys - ethnicity and criminalisation
gain info about ethnicity/offending
ex. for mugging, black people signif over rep as offenders
vs shows lots cr intra ethnic
how.; rely on vict memory, bowling et al fou white vict over identify black peop even if not sure
cover personal cr wh only makes us 1/5th cr
exclude organisational cr, no corporate/white collar cr
vs not representative as only tells us about small min
self report studies - ethnicity and criminalisation
bowling et al; 2500 peop, fou black (43%) and white (44%) had simi rates of offending, indian (30%) pakistanis (28%) and bangladeshis (13%) had lower rates
sharp/budd; 2003 cr/justice survey of 12000 peop fou white/mixed ethnic orig people +re like admit to offence (40%) than black (28%) and asian (21%)
study; mixed eth males (27%) admit to drug use, black (16%), asian (5%), class A drugs higher among white people
findings of self rep challenge stereotype that black people offend +re than white but support view asians less like offend
overall, evidence of offending/ethnicity inconsistent
ethnicity racism and criminal justice system
1 policing - many allegations of oppressive policing of min eth grps
2 stop and search patterns - eth min +re like stop/search, black people 9x +re like to have force used on them compared to white, eth min over policed
3 arrests and cautions - E/W fig show arrest rate for black peop 3x rate for white in 2018/19, asians less like to receive caution maybe cuz eth min +re like exercise right to legal advice wh means +re like charged
4 prosecution and trials - sugg cps +re like drop cases against eth min as evid based on steroty so weak evid
5 convictions and sentencing - black/asian less like fou guilty due to weak/less serious cases against min gr wh dropped by court, black offend 1%/asians 3.4% higher imprisonment than white offend
6 pre-sentence reports - hudson/bramwell; psr allow for unwitting discrim, rep on asian offend less comprehensive/remorseful
7 prison - 2021; over 1/4 prison popul min eth, black peop 4x +re like in prison, black/asian offend serve longer sentences, all min eth grps have higher than avg proportion of prisoners on remand bec less like granted bail, simi patterns in oth countries
explaining stop and search patterns
police racism
low discretion stops; poli act on relevant info
high discretion stops; poli act on stereoty
demographic fact; min eth grp over rep in popul grp and most like stopped
ex. young, unemployed, manual dwellers +re like stopped regardless of eth bec have high prop of eth min
social climate - explaining differences in offending
1 by 1970s conflict b/w black peop/poli common and stats reflect patt of black criminality
2 asian criminality started to increase in correlation to politicians/media associating gr w terrorism
left realism - explaining differences in offending
focus on w/c eth min grp ie. black + pakistani peop
lea/young; stats reflect real differences in cr
1 relative deprivation; experi maternal depriv due to poor performance in skl + poor treatment by education sys, so attempted to turn to illegal means in order to gain materialistic lifestyle
2 subculture; grp -vely labelled and put into low stream, beco fustr/join anti skl subcult wh promote deviant norms/values wh conti in their lifestyle in fut
3 marginalisation; grp x do well in skl and beco excluded fr soc, don’t have many political parties on their side and due to marginalisation they cou face poverty/unemployment, TF: feel fust and start rioting
LR theory can expla both utilitarian/non utilitarian cr
LR; policing + selective racism - explaining differences in offending
arg OS valid reflection of offending rather than res of instit racism for 2 reasons
1 90% cr known to police reported by public
2 if poli racist they would be practicing selective racism wh unlikely as some EM grp such as east asians barely criminalised
how., selective racism x far fetched as LR believe chinese + indian pup perf partic well w/n ed sys wh leads to better experi w jobs etc and -ve stereoty attached to them
TF: poli typifications informed of these stereoty making them pay less attent to those grps explaining y less rep in strategies
neomarxism, gilroy; myth of black criminality - explaining differences in offending
arg black criminality is myth created by racist stereoty of african/caribbean/asian
poli/cjs act on stereoty so eth min appear greater nu in OS
eth min cr can be seen as form of political resistance against racist soc, resistance has roots in earlier struggles against british imperialism
most black/asian originated in former british colonies where anti-imperialist strugg taught oppression resistance ex. riots, police cr sentencing and courts act 2022 signif increase pow of state to regulate protest/activism so poli have pow to ban non viol protests that’s too noisy
leads increased policing and OS in eth min
gilroy critiques - explaining differences in offending
lea/young; 1st gen immigrants v law abiding so unlikely that they passed down anti colonial strugg to childr
most cr intra ethnic, gilroy romantics st cr
asian cr rates simi/lower than white people, if gilroy was right then poli only racist towards black peop wh unlikely
canteen culture - explaining differences in offending
poli thru secondary socialisation socialise next gen poli into same stereoty about crim
this maintains invalid eth min OS on cr
hall et al; policing the crisis - explaining differences in offending
moral panic over black muggers served capitalism
black youth assoc w muggin by media/poli
created moral panic wh divided w/c on racial grounds/weaken opp to capitalism and win consent over authoritarian rule
black youth marginalised thru unemployment wh drove them to petty cr
black youth used as scapegoats for soc problems
criticisms of hall et al - explaining differences in offending
dawnes/rock; arg hall et al consistent in claiming black st cr x rising b then it is rising due to unemployment
x don’t show evid public we’re panicking/blaming cr on black peop
LR arg inner city residents fears about mugging realistic
more recent approaches - explaining differences in offending
black youth +re exposed to affluent/rich houses wh reminds them of relative depriv wh drives them to commit cr
sharpe/budd; fou black offend +re like than white to be caught cuz they commit cr like robbery wh vict can identify them w, white people +re like commit corporate/white collar cr
they’re +re like excluded fr skl so +re visible to authorities
extent and risk of victimisation - ethnicity and victimisation
poli record 54,000 racist incidents most of prop damage and verbal harassment
most incidents unrep, CSEW estimates acc 89000 racially motivated incidents
poli recorded 38000 racially/religiously aggravated offences b only 8600 prosecuted
responses to victimisation - ethnicity and victimisation
memb eth min oft active in responsive to victimisation as poli oft ign racist dimensions of victimisations/failed to record or investig reported incidents properly
ex stephen lawrence case; failure of leadership by senior officers/instit racism