Ethnicity Flashcards
EXTERNAL factors ethnic differences in achievement.
Cultural deprivation theories
Cultural deprivation theories
- Intellectual and linguistic skills
- Attitudes and values
- Family structure and parental support.
Intellectual and linguistic skills
BOWKER - lack of standard English creates barrier to UK education.
BEREITER and ENGELMANN - language spoken by black America families is inadequate for educational success. Grow up incapable of abstract thinking and unable to use language to explain, develop, compare leading to educational underachievement.
EVALUATION: Intellectual and linguistic skills
2010 pupils with English as their 1st language only marginally ahead of those with English as their 2nd language.
DRIVER and BALLARD - Asian children who spoke a different language at home were as good at English as their classmates by the age of 16.
GILLBORN and MIZRA - Indian pupils do every well despite not having English as their home/1st language.
Attitudes and values
Different ethnic groups are socialised into / inherit different attitudes and values, socialised into fatalistic “live for today” attitude that doesn’t value education.
ARNOT - media have created a negation anti-school role model for black pupils reinforced through rap lyrics and MTV videos.
EVALUATION: attitudes and values
Stormzy scholarship programme - funding tuition fees ad maintenance costs.
BURGESS - ethnic minority teenagers consistently demonstrated higher educational aspirations than white pupils.
BURGESS and WILSON - Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, black Caribbean and black African families 90+% of parents want their child to stay in education at 16 compared to 77% white families.
Family structure and parental support
MOYNIAH - Afro cariubbean families headed by lone mother leading to children beng deprived of adequate care.
MURRAY - lone parenthood to blame for educational underachievement as there is a lack of male role models.
SEWELL - low acvhievement is the result of ethnic minority groups failing to conform and embrace British culture.
PRYCE - family structure contributes to underachievement off balck carribean pupils in Britain.
DRIVER and BALLARD - Asian families have more of a pro-school attitude.
STRAND - Indian pupils most likely to complete homework 5 evenings a week.
LUPTON - adult authroity in Asian families, muslim backgrounds have similar to that in schools.
Black family stucture has een focused on in research as being the cause of underachievemnt.
white working class pupils often underachieve and have lower aspirations.
MULLOCH - ethnic minority pupils more likely to aspire to go to uiversity.
BURGESS and WILSON - over 90% of etnic minority families want their child to stay on at school at the age of 16 compared to 77% of white families.
EVANS - street culture in white working clas areas can be brutal.
EVALUATON: Family stuructre and parental support.
DRIVER - ignores psoitive effects of ethicity on achievement, highlights how ethnicity can be an advanatge on achievement.
Culture barriers can’t explain all ethnic differences in achievement.
KEDDIE - black pupils fail because theoir culture is weak = lack self-esteem he argues that black pupils fail in reuslt to racism not low self-esteem.
school are ethnocentric - education system is bias and in favour of white culutre.
Material deprivation, class and ethnicity
MATERIAL DEPRIVATION - lack of physical necessities that are seen as essential for day to day society.
ETHNIC MINORITIES - more likely to face problems as they are more likely to be unemployed or low paid.
— almost all ethnic minority children live in low income housing.
— Africans, Pakistani & Bangladeshi 3x more likely to be unemployed than whites.
— ethnic minority likely to have low-income jobs.
Racism in wider society
MASON - ‘discrimination is a continuing and persistent feature of experience of Britains citizens of minority ethnic groups’.
REX - racial discrimination leads to social exclusion worsening poverty faced by ethnic minority groups.
NOON - sent identical letters to 100 of the UK top companies found replies to the white candidate were more helpful.
EVALUATION: Material deprivation, class and ethnicity
— STROKES ET AL - gaps in educational achievement by minority group have narrowed over the last 20 years. — Ethnicity no longer be a determining factor in underachievement as gender and social class may be more responsible for educational performance.
INTERNAL factors and ethnic differences in achievement
Label someone is it attach a meaning or definition to someone.
Interactionists focus on different labels teachers give to children from different ethnic backgrounds.
GILLBORN and YOUDELL - white females teachers have low expectations of black academic performance and classroom behaviour.
BOURNE - black boys seen as threats and labelled negatively.
OSLER - black pupils more likely to suffer from unrecorded exclusions.
FOSTER - teachers stereotypes to black pupils results in being placed in lower sets. Can lead to a SFP of underachievement.
WRIGHT - many Asian pupils victims of labelling in result of teachers labelling.
CONNOLLY - primary school teachers saw Asian pupils as passive and conformist, Asian boys seen as “feminine”, vulnerable and unable to protect themselves.
EVALUATION: labelling and teacher racism
FULLER - shows pupils can reject labelling as it is too deterministic.
Black girls group refused to accept their negative label and were successful in education in result of this.
Pupil identities
Ideal pupil identity
— white MC pupils with ‘normal’ sexuality, pupil is seen as achieving in the “right way” through natural ability.
Pathologised pupil identity
— Asian and feminised identity seen as conformist ‘over-achiever’ doesn’t have natural ability.
Demonised pupil identity
— black or white within a hyper sexual identity, unintelligent, easily influenced by peers, culturally and materially deprived.
Chinese pupils
— ARCHER - students who perform well can be pathologised. Pupils seen as having achieved the “wrong way” through hard work instead of through natural ability.
ARCHER and FRANCIS - sum up teachers’ views of them as negative positive stereotypes as they cannot be viewed as the ideal student.
Pupil responses and subcultures
Fuller shows how pupils can reject labels as she studied a group of yr 11 black girls who refused to accept their negative stereotypes. Maintained a positive self image.
MIRZA - ambitious black girls who faced racism from the teachers
Teachers discouraged black pupils from being ambitious racist in the career advice they give.
Girls that were given this advice were unsuccessful in education.
SEWELL variety of boys’ responses
Claims students responses to schooling include racist stereotyping. Black boys adopted range of responses to teachers’ racist labelling.
CONFORMISTS - keen to succeed
INNOVATORS - valued success but did not seek the approval of teachers.
RETREATISTS - tiny minority disconnected from both schools and subculture outside of the school.
REBELS - rejected schools goals.
SEWELL - underachievement of most boys not just rebels is in result to discrimination of teachers.
EVALUATION: pupil responses and subculture
Instead of blaming child’s hoke background labelling theory shows how teacher labelling can be a cause of failure.
SEWELL - the real cause of black boys underachievement lies outside of the school and lack of the father role models and peer pressure.
Individual racism
Individual - results in prejudice views of individual teachers and others.
Institutional - schools procedures and policies discriminate against ethnic minority groups.
GILLBORN - assessments rigged to validate the dominant (white) group in education and teachers stereotyping affecting results.
Pupils took assessments at the end at the end of primary school showed that black pupils where ahead of white pupils. Black pupils appeared to be doing worse than white pupils.
Access to opportunities
Ethnic minorities don’t have equal access to educational opportunities.
GILLBORN - official statistics show that white people are 2x likely as black Caribbean to be gifted and talented.