Ethncity Flashcards
What number of Pakistani and Bangladeshi people are Taxi drivers?
1 in 8 implying that they are over-represented in un/semi-skilled and low paid service sector
How are Indian people more likely to enter white collar jobs?
In 2016, 1/5th of doctors in the NHS came from Indian backgrounds
How do unemployment rates differ based on ethnicity?
In 2016, 4% of white women were unemployed compared with 12% of black women and 16% of Bangladeshi/Pakistani women
What did Li find?
Many Muslim women would remove their hijab or adapted their names to sound more English to avoid discrimination in the job market. They also interviewed prospective employers of women form ethnic minority groups which the interview deteriorated when women with European sounding names were found to be black
What did the business network employers in the community find in 2018?
One in three employees from ethnic minority backgrounds experiences bullying or harassment from managers in the last 2 years. There was an increase in those who witnessed it in customer service to 19%
What did Heath and Cheung (2006) find?
An ethnic penalty existed for Pakistani, Bangladesh, Black Caribbean and African men as they still experiences higher unemployment rates, greater concentration in routine and semi-routine work and lower hourly earning especially as most of them are second generation immigrants
What did the Joseph Rowntree foundation find in 2007?
Men from minority ethnic groups in managerial and professional jobs earned 25% less than their white employees
What did the national equality panel for BAME households find in 2008?
White households have £221,000 level of wealth whilst Bangladeshi households only had £15,000
How does poverty effect ethnic minority children?
Half of all children from ethnic minorities live in poverty with 40% of ethnic communities (Joseph Rowntree foundation 2007) which is double the poverty rate of white communities
What does Alcock argue?
BAME groups are at most risk of social exclusion through living in overcrowded rented accommodation or terraced housing that suffers from damp, poor ventilation and infestation
What are the differences in infant mortality rates?
It is twice as high for Pakistani and Bangladeshi babies than white babies
What does Ali suggest?
BAME women face a concrete ceiling that is impenetrable as they are still impacted by downward mobility to enter employment especially as managers
How does intergeneration change affect ethnic minorites?
Only 34.3% of Bangladeshi maent improved their social class compared to their fathers compared to 45.6% of white men over the course of four years
How does ethnicity affect education?
- Black male pupils are three times more likely to be excluded than white pupils
- By 2011, Chinese, Indian and Black African groups had higher proportions of people with a degree than white social groups
What did Marxist Cox (1970) argue?
Racism is socially constructed and was created to benefit capitalism and the exploitation of labour. The success of early capitalism was linked the colonialisation wo justified exploitation that has manifested into contemporary society
What did Marxists Castles and Kosack (1973) argue?
Most immigrants were concentrated in lo-skilled and low-pain manual labour jobs in poor working conditions or were unemployed. This treatment is justified for the need of the reserve army of labour in order to keep wage costs down to weaken the bargaining position of existing workers. The divide and rule tactic was benefitted for the ruling class as they could be scapegoated for unemployment, housing shortages to divert from the real cause on inequality
What did Neo-Marxist Miles (1989) argue?
Racism was originally used to justify the exploitation of non-Europeans however in contemporary society, it has shifted towards national inferiority. Miles was influenced by Weberian theory that racism links to the concept of status. Due to exclusion from the white working class, it creates racialised class factions as they celebrate their class identity preventing class infinity. This can also apply to the middle and upper class so status inequality always applies even if class doesn’t
What does feminist Collins (1990) challenges?
The universal nature of female experience highlighting the unique challenge that black women face because of intersectionality encouraging the growth of black feminism
What does feminist Rutherford (1986) argues?
Gender analysis can be used to suggest that BAME women face double colonialisation as they are oppressed by the patriarchy and ethnocenrism which can create unique problems
What does feminist hooks (1981) argues?
Racist imperialism lies at the heart of ethnic inequality as she is frustrated at the failure of black liberation movement and the women’s liberation movement for the concerns of black women as race and sex are intertwined
What does feminist Mirza (1997) claim?
Women of colour can challenge the disorientated assumptions of a variety of dominant groups, not just males by drawing on their own experiences
What does functionalist Patterson (1965) argue?
They coined the concept immigrant host model to suggest that the value consensus in host countries is challenged by the arrival of immigrants creating a culture clash due to different norms and values. She justifies that the clashes reflect understandable fears and anxieties on behalf of the host countries supported by BAME groups failing to assimilate themselves especially in the short-term but it can happen long-term
How can functionalist Patterson (1965) be evaluated?
- Optimistic about first and second BAME generations to assimilate
- Assimilation was impractical until racism was outlawed by legislation
- Marxists believe racism benefits capitalism (Cox 1970)
What doe functionalists Francis and Archer (2005) argue?
The academic success of Chinses people implies that the blame for negative outcomes experienced by other ethnic groups is due to cultural attitudes rather than a lack of opportunities
What does Parkin (1968) argue?
Minority ethnic groups are negatively privileged status groups. Privileged status groups (the white majority) can operate social closure, preventing minority groups from reaching positions of authority
How does ethnicity link to the dual market theory?
Ethnic minorities are affected due to education, fewer qualifications and discrimination from employees
What do Weberians Rex and Tomlinson (1979) argue?
Minority ethnics experience both class and status inequality that has led to a poverty-stricken black underclass isolated from the white working class and disadvantages in the labour market, housing and education worsened by hostility. They felt socially excluded from the standard of living most members of society took for granted
What do Herrnstein and Murray (1994) argue?
Ethnicity affects the achievements of African Americans in the USA but this is challenged because IQ tests are shown to be culturally biased and thus unreliable
How can the underclass be applied to ethnicity?
Through illegitimacy, violent crime and drop-out from the labour force, African American women are more likely to have children out of wedlock and become single mothers. This can be supported by Sewell (1997) who found that 57% of African Caribbean families were single parent compared to only 25% of white families