Ethiopia - DD Flashcards
Current level of development
2015 GNI per capita of $505, 1/4 of the worlds average
Population: 94 million
Land area : 1.1 million km^2
largely rural landscape
high birth rate and slowly falling death rate, natural increase -> 2.6% per year
HDI -> 0.435
Life expectancy -> 63, lower than the world average
89% of all exports, 80% of all jobs -> primary sector
Ethiopia and Rostow’s Model
negative balance of trade -> exports lower than imports + primary employment dominating = stage 1 of Rostows model
However gov spending has led to improvements in healthcare, education + arrival of TNCs + improving infastructure = stage 2.
While nomadic livestock, farming and water culture are the norm there is improving efficiency and quality of life with newer tech = Pre conditions for take off.
Influences upon Ethiopias development - Physical
Western Highlands:
Wettest region with one long rainy season (May - Oct)
steep land up to 4500m
temp down to 25-35
average 1200 - 2000mm - crops
Central Area:
two rainy + one dry
unreliable rainfall 400 - 800mm
lowlands to the east are drier and hotter; 24-40
Eastern Lowlands:
2 rainy + 2 dry seas
unreliabl, 0 -300 mm yearly. temp 30-40
- climate is unpredictable -> close to the equator but due to the relief and to winds, temperatures can vary wildly (lowland desert areas can reach uo to 60), monsoon can fail making agriculture difficult to manage
- water shortages -> infestations of disease - carryign insects (mosquitos) prevemt the use of potentially valuable land. Eastern areas suffer from drought -> over farming and over grazing -> soil erosion and desertification (dry and desert-like)
Influences on Ethiopia’s development - political, social, tech
years of Communism led to a successful military coup in 1974. Soviet Union financed the Cuba rebellion, military, and the military evicted the gov -> many arrests, banishments, deaths
1.4 million people died in the civil war & DERG gov remained in power until 1987 -> monarchy was abolished and the land was declared a new republic state.
1977-1978 became known as the Ethiopian ‘Red Terror’ -> grabbed land + evicted owners -> migration + economic decline
50,000 people killed during DERG era; 1.5 mill relocated
pursued a strict policy on agriculture, eventually declined to famine -> live aid -> $2000 mill delivered in food aid from NGOs
remained food deficient -> made worse by continued pop growth
collapse of Soviet Union -> international spotlight + aid -> stabilise + remove derg control
new gov allowed free trade, lowered food prices, imported fertiliser + machinery without tax
following middle east conflicts in the early 2000s USA gave increased support -> growth since
-> Growth and Transformation Plan -> MGD -> ambitious plan to end poverty
stability in gov, increased trust, still limited free speech
poverty + hunger
down 49 - 29
Unemployment still high but poverty should halve by 2015
40% children malnourished
28% food insecure + lack essential nutrients
Combat disease
HIV/AIDS stabilised but still 1.1 mil cases
100% pop access to malaria nets
89% within 10km of a doctor but shared by 3333 people
Gender equality
representation in gov 2 - 22
education gap closing, 93% girls in primary
Unemployment higher for women + in traditional roles
Primary education
50% - 96%
literacy rate low - 36% - not effective
more males than females
Child mortality
malaria 20% & diarrhoea 20%
65% vaccinated
still relies on foreign support for food, infrastructure + development, water supply + pop control
98% access to clean water + food security next aim
trade + debt
currently has a trade deficit, exports $3 billion and imports $11 billion - debt remains and less gov income to support development
80% of exports and 46% of imports = agriculture -> one of the worlds largest producers of food + flowers but agriculture is susceptible to changes in climate and global price fluctuations
- veg + legumes = 15%
- pulses + seeds = 15%
- livestock = 23%
- flowers in highlands = 7%
- coffee growing at 1000 - 2000m = 28%
products expected for a developing nation
overall economy growing at 11%, per person income grown 203 - 505
increase in international trade and links to other countries
Hilton hotels - leisure and recreation services + hotels creation
Employment which increase locals’ income
Investment in hotel infrastructure can increase tourism
Workers in hotels are often paid a fair wage and may have access to facilities out of hours
TNCs often invest in infrastructure e.g. roads and bridges, which benefits local people
Workers in LIDCs are often paid a low wage and working conditions can be poor (often TNCs want to locate in LIDCs due to the lack of regulations on wages and working conditions). Workers in Ethiopia may get $50 a month whereas in an EDC they would get $175 for the same job
TNCs can pull out of the country taking jobs and wealth with them
Some profits from TNCs leave Ethiopia to benefit the origin nation of the TNC
International aid and debt relief
MAF, Oxfam and Farm Africa and other charities have worked to support ethiopia for 30+ years
aid from MAF -> Abyssinian flight services -> taken responsibility of flying aid to those in need + sustainable aid example
2006 benefitted from debt relief, leading to a decline in debt by 21% between 1995 and 2012 -> gov can invest more money in development nd locals services -> still depends on international aid of over $550 billion