Ethinicity and Achievement Flashcards
Which ethnicities are above average for achievement
Chinese (highest achievers), Indian, Blangladeshi and Black African
Which ethnicity is on average for achievement
Which ethnicity is below average for achievement
Gyspy and Roma (lowest achievers), Black Caribbean and White
What are the external factors impacting ethnicity and achievement
Cultural deprivation
Material deprivation
Racism in wider society
What are the three categories within cultural deprivation that impact ethnicity and achievement
Attitudes and values
Family structure and parental support
How do Parents attitudes and values impact ethnicity and achievement
Black children- parents socialise children into low aspirations = key cause of failure
Most children socialised into mainstream culture = drive for ambition and willingness to sacrafice for long term goals - leads to education success
Belief that Black children socialised into fatalist subculture - ‘whatever will be will be’ - therefore dont see value in education = unequipped for success
What evaluation point did Platt and Parsons say to combat Black parents socialising their children into low aspirations
Parents dont socialise their children into low aspirations. Among 7-14 year olds, girls and boys from minority backgrounds has higher aspirations then their white counterpartners
What does Archer argue against Parents socialising their children into low aspirations
It is actually racism that cause low aspirations
What is a genral critisim for Parents socialising their children into low aspirations
Ethnic minority groups may see education as a ‘way up in society’ (social mobility) and so socialise their children into valuing it
How does Language affect ethnicity and achievement
Ethnic minority children lack linguistic skills and interllectural stimmulation which leaves them poorly equipped for education
Bereiter and Engleman: language spoken in low-income black american families is unrammatical, disjointed and incapable of expressing ideas
Students who are in ethnic minorities, english may not be their first language
How do Baker-Bell and Anti-Black linguist racism criticise Language as a affecting factor of ethnicity and achievement
All speech is equally valid but ‘white mainstream English’ dominates the education system and wider society. Black speeh codes are labelled as inferior
How do official statistics critisise the theory of Language impacting ethnicity and achievement
Stats show that having English as a second language does not impact achievement. Indian pupils do very well depsite not havng English as their first language
What does Family structure and parental support mean with educational achievement
Failure to socialise children adequately is the result of a dysfunctional family structure
What is the Family structure and parental support in terms of black families
Moynihan: Many balck families are matriarchal so children are deprived from a male role model or breadwinner
Sewell: absence of a father and ‘tough love’ results in black boys turning to gangs with other ‘fatherless boys’ who offer perverse ‘loyality and love’
Murray: high rate of single parent mothers, inadequate socialisation and lack of male role models to discipline children cause the underachievement of some minorities
What are the two critisms for Family structure and parental support affecting ethnicity and achievement
Driver: Black familie sare not dysfuntional, they provide strong role models for females of independant women
Gillborn: It is not peer pressure or absent fathers but institutional racism that produces the failure of a number of black boys
How does Family structure and parental support affect Asian families
Pryce: Asian families are more succesful as their culture is more resistant to racism and gives them greater self-worth
Consists of adult authority wich is similar to school - parents are more likely to supprt school behavioural policies. Place high value on education
How does Family structure and parental support affect White WC families
Lutons study found teachers reported poorer behavioural and discipline in white WC pupils. Teachers blamed lower level of parental support and negative attitudes towards education.
What is the main material deprication factor affecting ethnicity and achievement
Students for ethnic minority groups are more likely to experience material deprivation
Almost ½ of all ethnic minority children live in low-income households as against ¼ of white children.
Ethnic minorities are 2X more likely to be unemployed than white people.
Ethnic minorities are 3X more likely to be homeless.
How does material deprivation affect ethnicity and achievement
Ethnic minorities are more likely to be in bad housing therefore: Dont have as much space to study, increase chance of health issues due to damp conditions, Disturbed sleep causing tiredness at school leading to pupils failing school
Why are ethnic minorities more likely to live in poor housing
Many live in economically depressed areas with high unemployment.
Language barriers: Foreign qualifications may not recognised by UK employers.
Racial discrimination in employment and housing market
Cultural factors - EG purdah in some Muslim houses that prevents women from working outside the home.
What is the supporting evidence that having better material advantages increases your achievement rate based on ethnicity
Chinese and Indian pupils are the highest achieving ethnic group and tend to be more ‘well off’ (Only a small amount of Indian (7%) and Chinese (9%) are eligible for free school meals)
Black Caribbean and Gypsy or Roma are the lowest achieving group based on ethnicity and are more likely to be materially deprived (Most likely to receive free school meals – Black Caribbean (37%) and Gypsy or Roma (47%)
What is the other external factor that impacts all ethnic minority groups (material factors may only impact some)
Racism in wider society
what are the two things that Racism in wider society affects that cause underachievement
Employment: Woods
How does Racism in wider society affect housing based on ethnicity
Ethnic minority groups are more likely to be forced into inadequate housing than white people of the same class
How does Racism in wider society affecting housing cause underachievement
Pupils in these minorities experience more absences form school, tiredness, could cause labelling inside school
How did Woods find that ethnic groups are treated differently in employment
Sent three similar job applications to around 1,000 job vacancies with names associated with different ethnic groups (eg one application ‘appeared’ to come from a white person, the other two from ethnic minority groups).
Only 1 in 16 ‘ethnic minority’ applications were offered an interview, compared to 1 in 9 ‘white applications’
How do Woods finding show causing of underachievement in education
Less motivation, fatalistic attitude, low aspirations
What are the internal factors affecting ethnicity and achievement
Teacher labelling
Pupils response to labelling
Institutionalised racism
What did Gillborn & Youdell find with Teacher labelling and Black students
Teachers expected bad behavioural problems from black students
They would misinterpret black students behaviour as threatening.
Teachers act on this label causing black students to believe they are underestimating them and picking on them for their negative reaction to the label (SFP)
This may explain the higher levels of official and internal (sent out of class) exclusions of black boys – causing lost learning time
Racialised expectations about Black pupil’s ability and behaviour may result in them being labelled as ‘hopeless cases’ (in the A-C economy triage) and therefore placed in lower streams (SFP)
What did Wright find with Asian students and labelling
Teachers held ethnocentric views which viewed British culture and standard English as superior
Teachers assumed Asian pupils would have a poor grasp of English so left them out of class discussion or used simplistic language when speaking to them.
Some teachers expressed disapproval of their customs and mispronounced their names.
This resulted in Asian pupils feeling isolated and excluded.
What is a general critism of Wright and teacher labelling of Asian students
Teacher labelling does not automatically lead to underachievement as Asian pupils achievement levels have raised
What did Archer find out about pupil identities
Teachers often define pupils as having stereotypical ethnic identities which lack the favoured identity of the ideal pupil
What are the three pupil identities Archer found teachers identify their students as
Ideal pupil: White MC, masculinised – assertive, heterosexuality, achieve the ‘right way’ - natural ability.
Pathologised pupil: Asian, deserving poor, feminized and passive, oppressed sexuality, conformist/overachiever, achieve success the ‘wrong way’ – hard work,
Demonised pupil: Black or white WC, hypersexualized, unintelligent, peer led, culturally deprived, underachiever
What did Fuller find with black girls response to labelling
Studied Black girls in year 11 who rejected the label of being a ‘failure’ and put there anger at the school into eeducational success
It allowed them to maintain friendships with other black girls in lower streams and avoid the abuse of anti-school black boys while succeeding in education
(can be used as an evaluation of streaming/setting causing failure)
What did Mirza find with black girls response to labelling
3 types of racism in school: Colour blind (all pupils are equal but allows racism to go unchallenged)
Liberal chauvinist (believes black people are cultural deprived and have low expectations)
Overt Racist (believed black people are inferior and actively discriminations)
Girls in his study rejected thee label of ‘failure’ so had better sel-esteem, they spent there time trying to avoid teacher racism (not asking questions ect) as so were at a disadvantage
What did Sewell find with pupils response to labelling
Not all black students respond into anti-school subculture due to seterotyping, there are more than 2 subcultures:
Rebels: Small minority of pupils. Anti school macho lad identity, reject school rules, often excluded from school.
Conformists: Largest group. Keen to succeed, accept school rules, have friends from other ethnic groups, feared being labelled by teachers or peers.
Retreatists: Tiny minority. Disconnected from school and subcultures, despised by the rebels.
Innovators: Second largest group. Pro-education but anti-school (like Fuller’s girls). Gained credibility with rebels
What is institutionalised racism
Racism that is built into the way institutions, such as schools, operate. This is often through policies and practices and can be overt or covert.
Racism is a ’locked in inequality’ – It is not just the intentional actions of individuals; it is an ingrained feature of society
What is Critical Race Theory
Argue we cannot explain ethnic differences simply as a result of individual racism (eg teacher labelling) but instead look at institutional racism.
what are the topics inside Institutionalised racism as a internal factor affecting ethnicity and achievement
Marketisation and Segration
Ethnocentric curriculum
Access to opportunities
New IQism
What is marketisation
The process of mkaing schools run like a business and making them compete for government funding. Results in better schools being over-subscribed with applications - giving them a chance to be selective with pupils
What did Moore and Davenport find with marketisation (institutionised racism)
Found that many minority pupils failed to get into better secondary schools due to discrimination – creating an ethnically stratified education system
What did The Commission for Racial Equality (1993) find for marketisation (institutionised racism)
Supported the above findings, claiming that discrimination occurs in the admissions process.
How does discrimination occure in the schools admissions process
References from primary school’s often stereotyped minority pupils.
Schools screened out applications with language difficulties.
Lack of forms provided in minority languages.
Minority ethnic groups are not made aware of how the waiting system works – eg the waiting list systems
What does ethnocentric mean
An attitude or policy that gives priority to one ethnic group’s culture (usually the dominant culture) whilst disregarding others.
What is a general critism for Marketisation and segregation (institutionised racism)
Some schools and universities now have ‘widening participation schemes’ which aim to increase the numbers of students from under-represented ethnic backgrounds
How is the education system ethnocentric
Languages, literature and music: National curriculum focusses on teaching European languages whilst ignoring Asian languages.
History: Ball criticises history for focusing on the British empire while ignoring the history of Black and Asian pupils. Within this empire is presented as bringing civilization to the people they colonized – focus on ‘little englandism’
How does the education system being ethnocentric cause underachievement for ethnic minority students
Lack of representation and inclusivity portrays ethnic minority cultures as ‘inferior’, this may reduce self-esteem and motivation to study
What does Gillborn argue about Assessments as a factor affecting ethnicity and achievement
The ‘assessment game’ is rigged so as to conform to dominant cultures superiority
What is an example of the ‘assessment game’ being rigged in terms of ethnicity and achievement
In the past primary schools used ’baseline’ assessment which were written test pupils took when they started schooling
In these tests black students were usually the highest achievers.
Later changed to ’foundation stage profile’ tests in 2003. The difference being, the tests were based on teacher judgements and were taken at the end of reception year.
Black students were achieving lower than white students (this could then be used as a ‘justification’ to put black students in lower streams with foundation papers).
What is Sewells criticism to assessment games affecting ethnicity and achievement
Racism has not disappeared but it is no longer powerful enough to prevent black boys from achieving. Instead it is external factors such as matriarchal and family structure
What is a general criticisms for Assessment which Gillborn responded to
How can there be institutional racism within the education system when both Indian and Chinese pupils over-achieve?
Gillborn: ‘model minorities’ who achieve provide an ideological function: making the system seem fair.
He also argues that these pupils report experiences of racism
How does access to opportunities effect ethnicity and achievement
Official statistics show white students are 2X more likely than Black Caribbeans and 5X more likely than Black Africans to be part of gifted and talented programmes
Black students were more likely to be entered in foundation exams that restrict them to a grade C. This was mainly due to these students being placed in lower streams.
How does access to opportunities cause underachievement for ethnic groups
Both of factors (gifted and talented programmes and exam tiers) reflect teachers’ expectations and therefore could lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy
what is New IQism
Teachers and policymakers see ability as a fixed quality that could be easily measured (similarly to an IQ test). This can then be used to judge which pupils can access higher sets & exams, alongside gifted and talented programmes
What does Gillborn say about New IQism causing underachievement based on ethnicity
There is no genuine measure of ability as this only shows what a student has learnt already, not what they can learn in the future. These judgements about ability are based on racialised expectations which result in a disproportionate number of black students being placed in low ranked groups.