Ethics, Rules of Conduct and Professionalism Flashcards
Who is the current president of the RICS?
Tina Paillet FRICS
What are the RICS 5 Rules of Conduct?
1) Members and firms must be honest, act with integrity and comply with personal obligations, including obligations to RICS.
2) Members and firms must maintain their professional competence and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals who have the necessary expertise.
3) Members and firms must provide a good-quality and diligent service
4) Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion.
5) Members and firms must act in public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public confidence in the profession.
What are the rules for registration of firms?
• Must complete an application to register for regulation by RICS
• Must assign a responsible principle
• Firms must confirm their compliance with RICS obligations annually
What are the professional obligations mandatory for RICS firms?
• Must publish complaints handling procedure, including an ADR provider approved by RICS, and maintain a complaints log
• Ensure all previous and current professional work is covered by adequate PI insurance that meets standards approved by RICS
• Firms with sole principle must make appropriate arrangements for work to continue in the event of their incapacity, death or inability to work
• Firms must cooperate with RICS
• Must provide all information requested by the Standards and Regulation Board
• Must display on their business literature, in accordance with RICS’ published policy on designations, a designation to denote that the are regulated by the RICS.
• Must report to RICS on any matter that they are required to report under the Rules of Registration of Firms
What professional obligations are mandatory for all RICS members?
• Members must comply with CPD requirements set by RICS
• Members must cooperate with RICS
• Members must promptly provide all information reasonably requested by the Standards and Regulations Board, or those exercising delegated authority on its behalf
What are the requirements for Chartered RICS members?
1) Minimum 20 hours of CPD per year half being formal
2) Cooperate with the RICS
3) Promptly provide all information reasonably requested by the Standards and Regulations Board, or those exercising delegated authority on its behalf
What are the benefits of being an RICS Member?
a. Status
b. Recognition
c. Market advantage
d. Knowledge
e. Network
What is the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulation 2017 (amended in 2023)?
Money laundering is when proceeds of crime are disguised as legitimate assets.
• There are requirements to have a written ML and TF risk assessment.
• Implement systems, policies and controls and procedures to address AML and TF risks.
• Estate Agents need to register with HMRC if they let individual properties for over 10,000 Euros a month.
• Customers due diligence checks on vendors, purchasers, landlords and tenants will have to be undertaken on new sales and any lettings or reletting.
• EDD (enhanced due diligence) checks will need to be undertaken if red flags occur
What is the role of the RICS?
• Maintain highest standards of education and training
• Protect consumers through strict regulation of professional standards
• Leading source of information and independent advice on land, property, construction and associated environmental issues
What was the Levitt Report?
- Criticism of RICS governance as a result of poor financial controls, reputational damage, apologies of wrongful dismissal of 4 non-executives who raised concerns. Internal governance was reviewed, and advice to increase board members.
- Governing council made a public apology to the 4 non-executives and published a values statement in response to the Levitt review, integrity, transparency, inclusion, collaboration, advocacy, and passion.
- Lord Bichard to lead an independent review into RICS purpose, governance, and strategy.
What are the five principles of RICS Regulation for Members and Firms: PACTT?
Proportionality: making penalty proportional to breach
Accountability: to members and the public
Consistency: treating all members the same
Targeting: Serious breaches
Transparency: to members, clients and public
What is the RICS Hierarchy of Publications?
Rule of Conduct
International Standards
Professional Statements
Practice Statement
Guidance Notes
Codes of Practice
Do you need Professional Indemnity Insurance and to what level with a firm?
Yes, all firms require PI insurance to protect clients, surveyors and third parties against negligence claims where a duty of care is breached, and a claim arises.
How do you handle clients’ money?
- RICS Rules of Conduct for Firms 2007 – Rule 8 – Client’s money: Preserve security of client’s money entrusted in course of business
- Clients’ money includes rent, service charges, holding deposits.
- RICS Professional Statement: Client Money Handling 1st Edition 2019:
o Holding Clients money
o Providing information to clients
o Receipts of client money
o Payments from client accounts
o Accounting records and controls
o Compliance
How would you start a new practice?
- Inform RICS of a new practice by completing firms details form
- Appoint responsible person for all RICS communication
- Register with RICS for regulation for firm
- Arrange PI insurance and send details to RICS
- Set up procedures for client money handling, including a protection scheme
- Obtain RICS approval for Complaints handling procedure
- Set up complaints log
- Appoint complaints handling officer
- Plan for succession/future running if sole practitioner
- Ensure CPD is logged online
- Ensure completion of an annual RICS annual return at the end of each year
What statutory compliance do you need to be conscious of?
- Need to disclose business name
- Compliance with Equality Act 2010
- Financial Services Act 2012 and Markets Act 2000
- Bribery Act 2010
- Appoint Money Laundering reporting officer
- Health and Safety compliance (Health and Safety Act 1974)
- Asbestos Register (control of asbestos regulation 2012)
- Fire Safety Compliance (regulatory reform order 2005)
- Register for Data Protection (General Data Protection regulation and Data Protection Act 2018)
- Estate Agency Compliance (Estate Agents Act 1979, Consumer Protection Regulations 2008, Misrepresentation Act 1967 et al.)
- Ensure compliance with current employment law
- Ensure insurance compliance for employer and public liability
What do you do when closing a RICS practice?
- Inform RICS of retirement/closing
- Ensure clients are informed at the earliest opportunity and hand over arrangements made to a new firm
- Return any monies held by clients to their own accounts
- Ensure insurers and procure PI insurance run-off cover for a minimum of 6 years from expiry of policy in force at the time of cessation
- Retain a copy of the clients’ files and records for a minimum of 6 years
What do RICS say on use of social media?
- RICS Guidance Note: Use of Social Media 2021
- Reminds members of high standards of professional behaviour expected and rules of conduct to protect the interests of members and the profession as a whole
- RICS likely to investigate concerns about social media posts
What RICS guidance is there on Anti-money-laundering and bribery and how does this relate to your organisation?
RICS Professional Standard: Countering bribery, corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing 2019 – Sets out mandatory, globally applicable requirements for members and firms in relation to the above. 3 Part Document.
1) Mandatory requirements
2) Guidance setting out good practice
3) Supplementary guidance on concepts in part 1 and 2
4) Glossary
What are the 6 principles of the Bribery Act 2010?
1) Proportionality
2) Top level commitment
3) Risk assessment
4) Due diligence
5) Communication
6) Monitoring and review
What is the RICS Ethics Tree and why did you use this?
Provides a framework of questions when facing a situation in which an unethical action is requested.
I have used it when asked by an officer to accept an offer when selling a property that is lower than the S119 valuation over an offer that is over. In this situation it is not legal to consider an offer when it does not demonstrate best value as highlighted in the Charities Act 2022.
How did you manage the response to the enquiry? What rules do you consider this example related to?
Once I had established that the enquiry was based upon incorrect information and provided evidence to the member dealing with the enquiry but explained that details could of the buyer could not be disclosed due to GDPR.