Ethics, Rules of Conduct, and Professionalism Flashcards
Which firms are regulated by RICS?
Those firms with 50% or more of their partners/directors that are members of RICS.
What is required to start your own firm?
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Business Continuation Plan
Registration of the Firm with the RICS
Complaints Handling Procedure
Client Money Handling Procedure
What is required to close a practice?
Inform the RICS
Inform clients and arrange their hand over
Return any client money
Set-up professional indemnity run-off cover
Retain copies of client files.
What are the CPD requirements?
20 hours per year, of which at least 50% must be formal.
What is required for a Complaints Handling Procedure?
The complainant must be able to submit their complaint in writing.
Complaints must be acknowledged within 7 days and responded to in full in 28 days, either with a resolution or requesting further time.
The company must inform their PI insurers of any complaint received.
What are the RICS requirements for a firms’ PI policy?
The cover must be adequate for the business.
What are the five rules of conduct?
Rule 1: Members and firms must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their
professional obligations, including obligations to RICS.
Rule 2: Members and firms must maintain their professional competence and ensure
that services are provided by competent individuals who have the necessary
Rule 3: Members and firms must provide good-quality and diligent service.
Rule 4: Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and
Rule 5: Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their
actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public confidence in the profession.
What is the significance of the Royal Charter?
The charter is a measure of prestige for the institution, which places a responsibility on the RICS to promote the usefulness of the profession for the public good in the UK and abroad.
What is bribery?
The giving of a financial or other advantage to encourage the recipient to perform their functions or activities improperly or to reward that person for having already done so.
What is the the policy on gifts and hospitality?
Anyone receiving a gift or hospitality should calculate the value of the gift/hospitality on a per person basis. Depending on the value and the source, the employee may either proceed with care, report the gift or apply for pre-authorisation.
The value thresholds are as below;
Public Sector (Always Pre-Authorise): Gifts at £15 and Entertainment at £30
Private Sector (Report): Gifts at £60 and Entertainment at £120
Private Sector (Pre-Authorise): Anything over £500
In addition pre-authorisation is required for overnight stays and costs of travel must be borne by recipients. Pre-authorisation is also required where a spouse is invited and the spouse’s costs must be born by the recipient.
Facilitation payments or cash/cash equivalents are not permitted.
What is a conflict of interest?
A conflict of interest arises where someone’s actions could be seen to be affected in a way that their impartiality may be questioned.
What is a party conflict?
A party conflict arises where the duty to act in the best interests of one client, conflicts with a duty owed to another client.
What is an own interest conflict?
A sistuation where by the duty to act in the interests of a client conflicts with the interests of the member or firm.
What is a confidential information conflict?
A conflict between the duty to provide material information to one client with the duty to another client to keep that same information confidential.
How can one check for conflict of interest?
When setting up a new instruction, our system automatically flags instructions undertaken with similar/the same client and in the geographical vicinity.
These instructions are reviewed by the secretary and by the instruction handler to confirm no conflict of interest is present, and the conclusion is recorded.
What is ‘informed consent’?
- Review whether the conflict of interest is irresolvable and if the instruction should be adeclined.
- Write to both parties affected by the conflict, setting out the nature of the conflict and requesting written confirmation from both clients that they are happy to proceed, providing ‘informed consent’.
- If acceptable to both parties, you may proceed with the instruction.
How can you mitigate the impact of a conflict of interest?
The impact can be mitigated by the use of an information barrier, whereby information is not passed between the parties that is not material or not consented to being shared, having two different employees operating for the different clients with an element of physical separation between the two, and maintaining a clear audit trail of the conflict check process and all communication.
What are the RICS Core Materials?
The RICS Core Materials are documents, published by the RICS providing setting out requirements and guidance for RICS members to follow. These include:
- International Standards
- Codes of Practice
- Professional Statements
- Guidance Notes
What are the nrew RICS Core Materials, to which the legacy materials are being migrated?
RICS Professional Standards & RICS Practice Information
What is the difference between Professional Standards and Practice Information?
Professional Standards are mandatory and Practice Information is non-mandatory but used to support best practice.
How much CPD must a member undertake?
Members need to undertake 20 hours of CPD in a calendar year,
What must a member do to record their CPD?
They must record their CPD online by 31st January each year.
What is negligence?
Negligence is failing to act using a reasonable degree of care and skill
What are the limitations for negligence claims?
The current limitation periods for negligence are for 6 years from the date of the negligent act, breach of contract or omission under a contract.
How can one avoid negligence?
Clearly understanding and detailing a client’s objectives and requirements in the fee proposal.
Only undertake instructions for which you are competent.
Abide by the relevant professional standards and guidance.
Keep detailed file notes and photographs of site visits
Keep up to date with market and legislation through CPD.
Who does PI Insurance protect?
The policy holder and the client.
When choosing to proceed despite a potential conflict, what is required?
Informed Consent
Should be detailed in writing, stating the conflict, permission to proceed and the justification for proceeding.
If in doubt over an ethical matter, where can you get assistance?
RICS Documents
RICS Ethical Decision Tree
Company Policy
Company Compliance Officer
When was the RICS Founded and when was the Royal Charter granted?
Founded in 1868, Royal Charter in 1881
Who is the current RICS President?
Tina Paillet
What are the 5 foundations?
Strategic Goals
World Class Organisation
What must each registered firm nominate?
A Responsible Principal who is obliged to take all steps reasonably required to ensure compliance.
What are the requirements for PI cover?
Fully retroactive and a maximum uninsured excess of 2.5% of turnover if turnover if less than £10,000,000, or unlimited excess if over.
Cover levels required is based upon the turnover of the firm.
£100,000 or less turnover = £250,000 minimum cover
£100,0001 - £200,000 turnover = £500,000
£200,001 or greater turnover = £1,000,000