Ethics Paper 2 Theme D Peace and Conflict Flashcards
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What are Causes of War?
Peace and Conflict
Reasons why war happens; greed, self-defence, retaliation.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Christian Aid?
Peace and Conflict
A Christian Organisation that workd to end poverty, which includes helping victims of war and refugees.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is a Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament?
Peace and Conflict
A group of Christians in England who work to eliminate (remove) all nuclear weapons from the world
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Conflict?
Peace and Conflict
Dispute between sides, can be between individuals, groups or nations
Ethics - paper 2 Theme D
What is a Conscientious Objector?
Peace and Conflict
Someone who refuses to fight in war due to their beliefs that violence/ war is wrong eg. Desmond Doss
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What are the Crusades?
Peace and Conflict
Battles between Christians and Muslims in the 11th to 14th centuries, both sides believed that God was supporting and helping them win.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Forgiveness?
Peace and Conflict
Pardoning/letting go of blame against a person for wrongs they have done; moving on
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Greed?
Peace and Conflict
Selfish desire for something
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Holy War?
Peace and Conflict
War that is believed to be supported by God
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Justice?
Peace and Conflict
Fairness in society and the world
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Just War Theory?
Peace and Conflict
Set of rules for fighting a war in a way believed to be justified and acceptable to God
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Nuclear Deterrence?
Peace and Conflict
Having nuclear weapons with the aim of deterring/preventing other states attacking for fear of retalliation and nuclear war (possibly leading to MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction)
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What are Nuclear Weapons?
Peace and Conflict
A weapon of mass destruction which causes widespread damage and loss of life. Nuclear War would be a war fought using these weapons.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Pacifism?
Peace and Conflict
Belief that all violence is wrong which then affects all behaviours.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Peace?
Peace and Conflict
The opposite of war; harmony between all in society
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Peace-Making?
Peace and Conflict
Working to bring about peace and reconciliation
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is a Protest?
Peace and Conflict
A statement or action to express disagreement; can be an organised event to demonstrate disagreement with a policy or political action. A protest can be violent or non-violent
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Reconciliation?
Peace and Conflict
Making up and rebuilding relationships between 2 groups/sides after disagreement.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Retaliation?
Peace and Conflict
To pay someone back for their harmful actions.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Self-Defence?
Peace and Conflict
Acting to prevent harm to yourself or others.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is Terrorism?
Peace and Conflict
The use of violence and threats to intimidate others; used for political purposes to build fear in the ordinary population and to secure demands from the Government
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What are Victims of War?
Peace and Conflict
Those who are harmed during a war, for example those killed, injured or left homelesss.
Ethics - paper 2 Theme D
What is Violence?
Peace and Conflict
Behaviour involving physical force which intends to hurt, kill or cause damage.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What is War?
Peace and Conflict
Fighting/armed conflict between 2 or more sides.
Ethics - Paper 2 Theme D
What are Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Peace and Conflict
Weaponds whicg cause widespread, indiscriminate damage (eg nuclear, chemical, biological)