Ethics,corporate governance,social responsibility Flashcards
Government intervention in business:
- Macroeconomic environment
- Legal and market regulations
- Corporate governance -social responsibility
Objectives for governments macroeconomic policy:
- Economic growth-GDP(within borders income) and GNP(+oversees-by oversees residents)/demand generates employment ,wage increase,more demand-economy expands /-balance trade negatively,gap rich and poor,enironment impact
- Controlled inflation( certainty if stable,fairer if income is stable/low,more spending(interest rates lower,more saving (higher prices less spending-real balance effect),distortion of price mechanism,civil unrest
- Employment-demand falls,welfare payment increase,societal problems)
Obj affected by fiscal and monetary policy.
Fiscal policy and taxations:
Definition:Government spending and taxation policy.
Based on Keynes theories:goverment influensy macro productivity by increasing or decreasing tax levels and spending.
Goal :inflation low (2 or 3%) and high employment-balancing act
- Direct tax:on earnings eg income tax ,special one -off
- Indirect :Value added tax,preferable as easy and cheap to collect
- Proportion of tax individ-corporations
- Proportion direct -indirect
Monetary policy
- Government policy on money supply,monetary system,interest rates,availability of credit.
- Interest rate increase:
- Spending falls
- Investment falls(opportunity costs increases and reduces NPV of investm)
- Attracts foreign funds
- Exchange rate rises
- Inflation rate falls-deflationary impact
Corporate political activity(CPA)
- Involvement in political process to gain favour-lobbying /donating on political campaigns
2 types:
Buffering:warning the government on the impact of pending legislation,influence the content
Bridging:Ensuring company is aware and compliant with proposed new legislation.
Situations when dealing with government necessary
- Multinational companies-terms of invest
- MC lobby government to provide conditions in the economy that benefit them-min wages
- New industries may seek protection (import restrictions)
- Developing industries -support/tax breaks to compete in the global market
Institutions involved in Global trade and growth:
- World trade organisation-free flow of trade,trade agreements ,disputes,policies.
- G8-no official powers ,economics,trade,politics,global warming,aids,poverty
- IMF(international monetary fund)-goal rebuild national economies,exchange rate stability ,major role in workd affairs (former communisyt nations to market economies),international liquidity.
- World Bank:help nations to reconstruct their economies after world war 2,after attention to developing world ,5 main bodies:
- IBRD-loans
- IDA-poorest countries -interest free loans
- IFC-private sector in developing countries
- Miga(multilateral inv guarantee aency)-guarantees against losses
- ICSID-conciliation and arbitration of inv disputes
- EBRD(european bank for reconstruction and dvt-world s only transition bank
- Central bank-bank acts on behalf of the government
Functions of central banks:
- Monetary stability(setting interest rates to meet inflation targets)
- Stability of the financial system-regulate banking system
- Lemder of last resonrt -banking system is out of money
- Banker to commercial banks-net balances with other banks settled through clearing accounts at central bank-funds act as liquid reserve controlled by fractional reserve ration
- Banker at the central government and holds the public deposits
- Centrak note -issuing authority in the country
- Manages the national debt
- Holds the countries foreign currency reserves
- Advisor to the government on the monetary policy
Regulation -def and effectiveness:
- Any form of state interference with the operation of free market
- Efficient when:
- Total cost of reg is less than the benefit it provides to the society
- The function of the business is not impeded
- The end -product /service being controlled is safe and it works as it should
Regulation and competition policy:
Involves regulating:
- demand,supply
- profit ,price
- quantity,quality
- entry ,exit
- information ,technology
- any aspect of consumption.production
- In UK much regulation around competition-delegation to individ/orgs
- Government plays part in regulating externalities
- Action of business people controlled(cease trade of insolvent companies,insider dealing ,money laundering
Competition act 1988 and industry regulators:
- Anti-competitive arrangements illegal
- Office of fair trading -controls and imposes fines up to 10% of revenue
Industry regulators:
Aim :promote competition by imposing price caps,performance standards,removing barriers for new companies to enter
OFCOM -UK telecommunications
Other regulatory bodies/types:
- Competition Commision(CC) -In the UK ,role :promote competition-eg investigate proposed mergers when assets exceed a certain value.
- Restrictive Practices court-agreenents contary to public interest
- EU competition policy:ensure fair and free competition in EU.The commission of EU has authority to prohibit price fixing and other uncompetitive arrangenments,prevent subsidies that will distort competition across the wider market
- Self regulation
Cost of regulation:
- Enforcement costs-reg agencies set up,cost of regulated org to conform
- Regulatuore capture-regulator dominated and controlled by regulated companies
- Unintended consecquences of regulation-business move away from regulated activities
Adv,dis of deregulation(liberalisation):
- Increased incentive to find internal cost saving and efficiency
- Improved allocative efficiency-prices closed to marginal output/socially otimal output level
- Loss of economies of scale(more competitors)
- Lower quality of quantity of service
- Need to protect competition
Knowledge gap or agency problem-corporate governance def:
- Owner- managed companies:directors and shareholders same people,same info and are in position to direct comp policy
- Bigger companies :no access to day to day company mgt
Corporate gov:system by which companies and entities are directed and controlled.
Stakeholders def and types-stakeholder theory:
- Stakeholders:persons or groups that have a legitimate interest in business conduct(business strategy) and whose concerns should be adressed as a matter of principle.
- stakeholder theory:shareholders not the sole focus of orgs attention
- 3 constituencies of stakeholders:
- internal-empl,mgt
- external-community,gov,trade unions,pressure groups
- connected-customers,suppliers,financiers
- Also primary(formal contractual relationship) and secondary stakeholders.
Stakeholder conflict:
- Mostly interested in the success of the business
- Incompatible interests between different groups of stakeholders
- Example of conflicting interests
- shareholders-profit vs customers-quality
- employees pay rise-mgt max profit
- community (min environm impact vs shareholders cheaper way of disposing waste.
Mendelow ‘s matrix (pg 50)
Vertical:power/infl Horiz: level of interest
- Key players :High both.Any strategy should be acceptable to them (major customer).Participate in decision-making.
- High power/low interest:Treated with care.While often passive they might change to key players so they should be kept satisfied.
- Low power,high interest:no ability to influence strategy but may influence more powerful stakeholders by lobbying.Should kept informed(community reps,charities)
- Low both.Minimal effort(contractors empl)
Corporate governance-reasons,facts
- Scandals:polly peck,Bcii,Maxwell communications,Enron,Parmalat
- Domination by a single individual-single exec with other board members acting as a rubber stamp.Presence of non exec directors on board-important safeguard against domination
- Lack of involvement of board.
- Lack of adequate control function-inffective internal audit,lack of technical knowledge (compliance positions),rapid turnover staff in accounting makes control difficult
- Lack of supervision-segregation of duties
- Lack of independent scrutiny -Barlow clowes case -audit failed to identify illegal activity
- Lack of contact with shareholders
- Emphasis on short term profitability
- Misleading accounts and info
Uk corporate governace code-key principles
- Leadership-(role of NED attend board and board comittee meetings and constructively challenge and help develop proposals on strategy).
- Effectiveness-board should have experience,skills,knowledge,independence ,elected through nomination comittee
- Accountability-audit comittee (non exec directors) to monitor integrityof accounting policies and financial statements,review of internal controls,ext auditors independence
- Remuneration: remuneration comittee by NED to determine pay ,same number as audit comittee.
- Relation with shareholders:annual general meeting,dialogue satisfactory
Ethics in orgs:
Ethical approach towards:
- stakeholders
- Environmental issues
- Disadvantages
- Dealings with unethical companies or countries
Pressure comes from :
- Gov
- UK and European Legislation
- Treaty obligations
- Consumers
- Employees
- Pressure groups
Advantages of CSR strategies:
- High quality employees
- Reduce packaging costs,env taxes
- Improves image
- Differentiation from competitors
- New markets for goods/serv attracts new likeminded customers
- Positive impact on profitability
Carol and Buchholtz’s layers of CSR:
- Economic responsibilities-properly functioning economic units
- Legal responsibilities-more emphasis in Europe and Anglo-american economies
- Ethical responsibilities-act in a fair and just way
- Philanthropic responsibilities-desired rather than required (charitable donations)
Corporate citizenship-views on how it should extend:
- Limited view:voluntary philanthropy,loc communities and employees-limited focus projects
- Equivalent view:Partly voluntary and partly imposed,wide range of stakeholders,focused on legal requirements and ethical fulfillment
- Extended view:promotion of social ,civil and political rights
CSR stances Johnson,Scholes,Whittington:
- Laissez faire -short term interest of shareholders-meet only min obligations
- Enlightened self interest(long term shareholder interest)-social action makes good business sense/corporate image enhanced by undertaking such responsibilities (promo exp)/less less pressure for legal obligation
- Multiple stakeholder obligations-legitimacy of the expectations of stakeholders other than shareholders for sustainability
- Shaper of society-financial considerations secondary importance
Against corporate social responsibilty- M Friedman
- Only people have responsibilities-not businesses
- General aim make as much money as possiblewhile conforming to the laws,ethics
- Manager with social responsibilities-translated to acting in a way that is of no interest of his employer.
- Manager spending money for social reasons not right-gov s responsibility/wasting stakeholders money
Maximisation of wealth should be best way society can benefit from business activities:
- increase tax
- trickle down effect on other disadvantaged members
- Many company shares-pension funds (not the wealthy anyway)