ethics and healthcare Flashcards
is that quality of human acts where the acts could either be good
or right, evil or wrong.
is the witness and deposit of our moral life”
reflects social morality over a period of
omething men create in their
best moments to protect themselves in their worst moments.”
with the minimum standards of human conduct
maximum standards of human conduct
“a helpful
starting point for thinking about a proper or ideal public morality for a
society” in pursuit of moral progress.
primary source of human ethics?
human reason
contemporary and historical experiences
Personal experiences
Experiences of others
to set norms or standards?
general theories of what ought to do
normative ethics
what kind of ethics?
inquiries are made about how a medical technologist should behave
normative ethics
what ought to be done in certain situation
normative ethics
what ought to be done in certain situation
normative ethics
how it should be done in dealing with patients and the public,
colleagues in the profession, physicians, and toward the hospital as a
normative ethics
professional dealings is enshrined in the Revised Code of Ethics for
Medical Technologists and the Oath of Medical Technologist
normative ethics
question whether moral judgments are objective or subjective.
meta ethics
inquiries are made on the nature of the moral judgment, ethical
statements, and attitudes of a medical technologist including its status,
foundations, and scope of moral values.
meta ethics
What is an ideal medical technologist?
meta ethics
Is an ideal medical technologist a perfect medical technologist?
meta ethics
is the transfusion of unscreened blood unit ethically wrong or refusal of
transfusion based on religious belief is ethically right?
meta ethics
application of normative ethics to practical problems
applied ethics
application of ethics to a specific bioethical issue.
applied ethics
refers to, in
Socrates words, “how we ought to live” and why
when performed by a person with full
knowledge or intelligence and on his/her own volition and free will.
human act
following factors that affect human act
actus humanus
human act
actus huminis
act of a human
A medical technologist who acted under threat, duress, coercion, or
compulsion shows an
act of human
The acts of a medical technologist who lost his/her sanity during the
course of employment are also considered
acts of human
Benevolence and charitable acts of a medical technologist to needy
and indigent patents are
human acts
new field devoted to human survival and an improved quality of life ( van rensselaer poter)
A science that deals with the study of the morality of human conduct
concerning human life in all its aspects from the moment of its
conception to its natural end
A science that deals with the study of the morality of human conduct
concerning health and health care.
health ethics
true or false?
health care ethics is part of bioethics
true or false
Bioethics is not a part of
health ethics. It has an
encompassing scope of
s the prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being
through the services offered by the medical and allied health
is that from which
something proceeds in any
manner, whatsoever
fundamental rule of moral law
moral principle