Ethics Flashcards
BPS Code of Human Research Ethics
Respect for the anonymity and dignity of others
Fair treatment
BPS code for Human Research Ethics
Maximising effect, minimising harm
Consider research activities from the perspective of participants to avoid risks to physical and mental health
BPS code for Human Research Ethics
Scientific integrity
Research should be well designed to maximise scientific knowledge and avoid wasting participant contributions
BPS code of Human Research Ethics
Social responsibility
Be aware of social aspects of conducting research
Eg communication of research results and interpretation of research outcomes
Research governance and scientific integrity
Procedures for conducting research, scrutinised by ethics committees
Researchers submit an application for ethical approval
Trained academics review application
Problems identified and feedback provided
Revise applications and re-submit
Research practice
Fabrication or deliberate manipulation of data
Incorrect data processing
Dubious analysis practices
Accountability in practice
Health & care professions council
Failure to comply with ethical standards when practicing may result in ‘fitness to practice’ case
Caution the registrant
Set conditions of practice
Suspend the registrant
Strike the registrant from the register
Gaining informed consent
Respect via clear information to ppts regarding aims, methods and data storage
Demonstration of scientific integrity
Description of risks and benefits
Evidence of social responsibility
Ppts should not be coerced
Sought before during and after research
No information is collected from ppts that could identify them
If data is anonymous it does not have to conform to the processes in GDPR
Information is collected from the ppts that could identify them but is kept confidential (I.e stored appropriately, not published)
If data confidential must comply with GDPR regulations
For qualitative methods if data is not anonymous
Transparent about the uses to which data will be put and any risks involved
Ppts should be fully informed about how and why their data will be processed, including the legal basis for the processing
Protection of researcher
Physical risk to researcher, always carry mobile phone to interviews, tell someone where you are
Risk of being challenged by a pot of sensitive topics are covered
Scrutiny of proposed methods during ethical review provides protection from mistakes
Information and consent forms avoid risk
Giving ppts as much info as possible to allow them to provide informed consent
Allowing ppts to make a decision about whether they want to take part
Providing ppts with details regarding the handling of their data
Allowing ppts to withdraw
Appropriate handling of data avoids risks
Ppts are at risk of exposure
Have to place a lot of trust in researcher to respect their privacy
Vital to maintain trust, make sure audio recordings of interviews or personal details are not made available
Minimise harm by not using deception and using effective debriefing
Deception viewed as morally unacceptable in qualitative research
Researchers may elect to withhold detailed information about aims
Ppts should be aware of the topic and nature of questions to be asked
Make sure ppts happy for their data to be used
Make sure ppt knows who to contact In case they want to withdraw
Should leave interviews in same mood as arrival