1 Way Repeated Measures Anova Flashcards
Within participants variance
Participant mean
Calculate difference between conditions
Not having to take individual differences into account reduces amount of error or unsystematic variance
F ratio
F = treatment effect + error / error
If F greater than 1= some of variance is systematic (due to treatment effect
If F smaller than 1= none of the variance is systematic
Partial eta squared
Same as independent measures anova
Assumptions of a 1 way repeated measures anova
Continuous dependent variable (DV)
Normal distribution
No outliers
Equal sphericity
Mauchlys rest of sphericity
Significant outcome = sphericity differs significantly between conditions -> assumption of sphericity not met
Greenhouse-Geisser correction should be used- row down in results
Reporting output when mauchlys test is significant and assumption of sphericity is violated
Post hoc if significant
Report results in same way as independent measures