Ethics 8/3 Flashcards
Informed consent
Agreement to do something only after all the relevant facts are known
Punitive damages
Damages awarded in a lawsuit as a punishment for malicious, evil or fraudulent acts.
Lacking in due care or concern; act of carelessness
Motivation coming from factors outside of an individual
Professional ethics
Framework of evaluating conduct applicable to members of a given profession
One that acts or has the power or authority to act for another
Standards of conduct and moral judgement
Crimes sufficiently serious to be punishable by death or a term in a state or federal prison
Person appointed by a judge to care of a minor child or incompetent adult
Statute of limitations
State law that establishes the number of years during which legal collection procedures may be filed against a patient
Standard of care
The watchfulness attention, caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the circumstances would exercise
Beyond a reasonable doubt
Being sure of a criminal defendants guilt to a moral certainty
The provision of approval or agreement; to permit, approve, or agree
The party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution
Health insurance portability and accountability act
Written defamation by printed words or pictures other than by spoken words
In criminal law the government attorney charging and trying the case against a person accused of crime
Belonging to ones self inherently; motivation coming from within an individual
Organizational ethics
Standards by which an organization will hold itself accountable to proper conduct
Having the mental competency to make health care decisions
Principle of right and wrong in conduct
Federal law
Legislation enacted by congress and signed by the president
Wrongful death
The death of a human being as the result of a wrongful act of another person
Malicious false or defamatory statement or report
Advance directives
Living will; document written in advance that states the patients wishes regarding end of life care
Benefit which must be bargained for between the parties
Privileged communication
Private statement kept in confidence by the recipient for the benefit of the communicator
Good Samaritan act
State if volunteer responding to a crisis makes an error in treatment he or she will not be held liable for the mistake
Common law
“Cause law” originating from England recognized by the courts in the forms of judgments