Ethics Flashcards
A significant ethical issue facing health care today, according to USA Today, is affected by restrictions in federal funds for research on stem-cell technology. What is the ethical issue at the center of debate?
Destruction of human embryos to obtain stem cells
What is the difference between legal and ethical?
Legal responsibilities are determined by laws. Ethics is a set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong.
As a health care professional, you may not always agree with a patient’s health care decisions. It is important to be able to “hear” both sides of an issue even if you do not “believe” all the arguments. Write one statement in favor of the decision to continue with tube feedings for a patient in a persistent vegetative state and one statement against this issue.
In Favor: No right to play God, Cure might be found to allow for recovery
Against: Cost to keep person alive in persistent vegetative state, no quality of life
What is a code of conduct representing ideal behavior for a group of people?
Professional Code of Ethics
What is relating to principle of wrong when performing a certain job?
What is the term set of standards that reflect moral values?
What is a set of values that demonstrate a spirit of service while performing specific duties with excellency with treatment all patients?
Work Ethic
What legislative act was passed in 1996 by Congress to reduce administrative overhead of health care providers and protects the individual?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
What religion has their baby son circumcised on the 8th day after birth?
Jewish and Muslim
Many cultures have different dietary laws. What animal cannot be ate because it is sacred?
What is the term used to describe a person overlooked for employment based on age, race, and sex?
Most professions have developed a list of what the profession considers to be a standard of conduct or what the member of that profession accept as morally right and good conduct. These lists often include things such as saving life and promotion of health above all else, respect the patient’s choices etc. This list written by the health professions is called what?
Code of Ethics
What are a set of principles relating to what is morally right or wrong?
What is the term for being held accountable for actions or behaviors; willing to meet obligations?
What is the good quality for a health care worker that is used to identify another’s feelings but realizing that you may be unable to change or solve the situation?
What is the name of the pledge that physicians take that is based on an ancient Greek physician?
Hippocratic Oath
What is the term for values, beliefs, attitudes and customs shared by a group passed from one generation to the next?
The space or distance people require to feel comfortable while interacting with each other is called?
Personal space
What is the term that means “assisted patient death”?
What is the term for the care that provides for the well-being of the whole person and meets not only the physical needs but the emotional, social, intellectual and social well-being?
What is the term for respecting the ethnic background of your patient?
Residents who are married have the right to share a room in a long term facility. This is listed in what for every facility?
Residents’ Bill of Rights
Which religion may refuse surgical procedures or diagnostic tests on Sabbath or holy days?
Judaism (Orthodox)
A patient who would avoid caffeine and alcohol or refuse medications with either of the two products would belong to what religion?
Mormon (Latter Day Saints)
Which religion believes one must take medications with the right hand since the left hand is considered dirty?
Islam (Muslim)
What is the name for a Muslim spiritual leader?
What is the process of learning the beliefs and behaviors of a dominant culture and assuming some of the characteristics?
What is the classification of people based on physical or biological characteristics such as the color of skin, hair, eyes, and facial features; blood type and bone structures?
What is the name for the ability to meet the health care needs of patients while meeting and adhering to their cultural values, beliefs, and practices?
Cultural Competence
What is the belief that one’s own culture is superior to another?
What is the act of belonging to a designated group called?
What is the preparation of Jewish and Orthodox food called?
What is an action that does not represent ideal behavior but may not be illegal?
What is a generalization made about a person or group based on gender or race?
The (list of) ideals and thoughts that determine what is considered worthwhile or meaningful, right or wrong is called what?
Value System
What religion does not allow a person to receive blood or blood products?
Jehovah’s Witnesses or Christian Scientist
Which culture believes that the cause of an illness is the imbalance of yin and yang?
What career field is a branch of anthropology that studies and records various human cultures?
What is a strong feeling or belief about a person or subject that is formed without reviewing facts or information?
What is the preference that inhibits impartial judgment of a group of people?
What is the assumption that everyone in a particular group is the same?