Ethics Flashcards
What are the five aspirational principles?
- People who participate in the planning process shall continuously pursue and faithfully serve the public interest.
- People who participate in the planning process shall do so with integrity.
- People who participate in the planning process shall work to achieve economic, social, and racial equity.
- People who participate in the planning process shall safeguard the public trust.
- Practicing planners shall improve planning knowledge and increase public understanding of planning activities.
Rule 1, quality and integrity of practice
We shall not deliberately fail to provide adequate, timely, clear, and accurate information on planning issues.
Rule 2, quality and integrity of practice
We shall not accept an assignment from a client or employer when the service is to be performed in both conduct that we know to be illegal or in violation of this code.
Rule 3, quality and integrity of practice
We shall not accept work beyond our professional confidence, but may with the understanding agreement of our client or employer, except such work to be performed under the direction of, another professional competent to perform the work and acceptable to the client or employer.
Rule 4, quality and integrity of practice
We shall not accept work for a fee, or Pro bono, that we cannot perform with the promptness required by the prospective client, or that is required by the circumstances of the assignment.
Rule 5, quality Integrity of practice
We shall not direct or pressure other professionals to make analyzes or reach findings not supported by available evidence.
Rule 6, integrity of practice.
We shall not deliberately commit any wrongful act, whether or not stated in the rules of conduct, that reflects adversely on our professional fitness or the planning profession.
Rule 7, conflict of interest
We shall not as public officials or employees, accept from anyone other than our public employer any compensation, commission, rebate, or other advantage that may be perceived as related to our public office or employment.
Rule 8, conflict of interest
We shall not perform work on a project for a client or employer if, in addition to the agreed upon compensation from our client or employer, there is a possibility of direct personal or financial gain to us, our family members, or persons living in our household unless (A) Our client or employer, after full prior disclosure from us, consents in writing to the arrangement and (B) We make full disclosure of the potential conflict part of our public record at every public meeting and in all written reports related to the work.
Rule 9, improper influence and abuse of position
As public officials or public employees, we shall not engage in private communications with planning process participants if the discussions relate to the matter over which we have authority to make binding, final determination.
Rule 10, improper influence abuse of position
You shall not engage in private communications with decision makers and the planning process in any manner prohibited by law or by agency rules, procedures, or custom.
Rule 11, improper influence and abuse of position
We shall not solicit perspective clients or employment through use of false or misleading claims, nor shall we, in the conduct of our work, imply and ability to improperly influence decisions.
Rule 12, improper influence and abuse of position
We shall not use the power of any office to seek or obtain a special advantage that is not a matter of public knowledge or is not in the public interest.
Rule 13, honesty and fair dealing
We shall not disclose or use to our advantage, nor that of a subsequent client or employer, information gained in a professional relationship that the client or employer has requested to be held inviolate or that we shall recognize as confidential because it’s disclosure could result in detriment to the client or employer, except when the disclosure is required by (1) Process of law, (2) to prevent a clear violation of law, or (3) to prevent a substantial injury to the public.
Rule 14, honesty and fair dealing
We shall not deliberately misrepresent the qualifications, views and findings of other professionals.