Ethics Flashcards
Beliefs about the worth of something, standard to guide ones behavior
Personal Value Systems
Set of principles or ideals that drive and guide behavior
Value Clarification
Process by which individuals identify, examine and develop their own values and value systems
Systematic study or well rounded standards of right and wrong of what humans ought to do
Personal or communal standards of right and wrong
Ethical dilemmas
Attempted adherence to basic principles results in two conflicting courses or action
Bioethics - Advocacy
Promoting and protecting the patients rights
Bioethics - Altruism
Putting the patients needs first
Bioethics - Autonomy
Respecting patient right to make decisions about their healthcare
Bioethics - Fidelity
Doing what you say you are going to do
Bioethics - Human Dignity
Preserving dignity and privacy, uniqueness and worth
Bioethics - Integrity
Honest moral decisions, truthful and honest in your intent
Bioethics - Social Justice
Fair and equal care to all people regardless of individual characteristics
Bioethics - Beneficence
Do good and right thing for those under our care
Bioethics - Nonmaleficence
Dont do things that might cause injury