Ethics Flashcards
What are the Rules of Conduct?
Set core expectations for professional practice by members and firms.
Who do these rules apply to?
All members and firms regulated by the RICS (ByeLaw 5.1)
When are they effective from?
2nd February 2022
What are the five rules?
“Rule 1 - Members and firms (M’s & F’s) must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their professional obligations, including obligations to the RICS.
Rule 2 - M’s & F’s must maintain their professional competence and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals who have the necessary expertise.
Rule 3 - M’s & F’s must provide good quality and diligent service.
Rule 4 - M’s & F’s must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion.
Rule 5 - M’s & F’s must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public confidence the profession”
“Rule 1 Example? - Honest, act with integrity
and comply with their professional obligations”
I always act with professional integrity.
For example, I was offered the opportunity to attend a sporting event as a guest of another company. I declined the offer as it was not proportionate.
“Rule 2 Example? - maintain their professional competence
and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals”
“I was asked professional advice by a friend.
I declined as I felt I could not do this without correct PII in place and proper TOE. I referred them to the RICS find a Surveyor service.
Rule 3 Example? Provide good quality and diligent service.
I take the time at the start of a project to meet my Client, understand their objectives for a project, and clarify these in writing from the start
What is a royal charter?
“Oldest form of sovereign incorporation (creation of legal entity).
Today new charters are usually conferred on bodies such as professional institutions and charities working in the public interest, which are able to demonstrate financial stability and permanence, and pre-eminence in their field.”
What is the role of the RICS?
Advancing the highest ethical and technical standards for professionals in land, property and the built environment. Protecting and providing benefits to consumers by enforcing standards and codes of best practice. Providing expert impartial advice to governments, business and the public.
Who is the current RICS president?
Ann Gray (1st Jan 2023)
Give one example of an RICS bye law?
“Members must conduct themselves in a manner befitting membership of the RICS
What is self regulation?
RICS self-regulates, meaning that it operates within it’s own published regulatory framework, rather than being legislated by Government.
What do the new rules of conduct replace?
“3 documents:
Rules for firms,
Rules for members,
Global ethical principles.
In effect from Feb 2022.”
What disciplinary actions can RICS take/impose?
For less serious offences a Regulatory Compliance Order to ensure future compliance. Can include fines, caution or conditions of membership. Serious offences may mean facing a disciplinary panel and can levy sanctions incl expulsion and costs.
What money laundering and bribery legislation are you aware of?
“Bribery Act 2010;
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002;
The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of
Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017.”
What is the RICS requirements for PII, including run-off cover and levels of cover
“RICS require regulated firms have adequate PII cover including a min of 6
years run-off cover with £1m aggregate cover on a claims made basis with
availability also through Assigned risk pool. Min levels required =
£250,000 for £100,000 income or less,
£500,000 for £101,000 - £200,000 income and
£1m for £201,000 +”
What are the professional Obligations of Members?
“CPD Requirements of 20 hours, minimum 10 Formal
Cooperate with RICS
Provide all information reasonable and requested by RICS.”
What are the professional Obligations for Firms?
“Those with sole principal must have adequate arrangements for their work to continue in the event of incapacity.
Co-operate with RICS
Display that they are regulated by RICS on literature
Report to RICS any matter that are required to under the rules of Registration of Firms.
PII Cover
rules of Conduct”
Why do RICS have rules of conduct?
“Framework can all work to so that any clients know they are getting a set level of service
Tool for institution and professional guide.
“What steps would you need to take when
setting up in Practice?”
“nform RICS that you are registering as a regulated practice
Appoint a contact officer
Register for Regulation with RICS
Arrange PII
Set up Client Account for Handling Client money
Set up a complaints handling procedure
Set up arrangements for CPD and Staff training
Run off cover?”
“What requirements for handling Clients Money
are there?”
“Clients must always have access to funds
Must be kept separately and clearly identifiable
Interest on account must be agreed with client
Maintain clear ledger/running balance of any transactions
agree terms and advise clients on the bank details
must never be overdrawn”
What are the 5 principles of better regulation?
What sort of information do registered firms have to provide RICS with annually?
“Annual Return (on-line) -
Types of business and staffing.
Nature of clients
Training Provisions
Complaints procedure & log
PI insurance details
Details on whether any client moneys are held”
What are the components for a complaints handling procedure?
“RICS provides a model form….
Redress mechanism
Provided in terms of business
Clear, quick, transparent, impartial and free of charge
Name & contact info of nominated investigator
Complaint to be investigated in 28 days
All complaints, progress and outcomes to be recorded
Advise PI of complaints
2 Stages: Complaint considered by internal senior member of firm, if not resolved then referred to independent 3rd party with the authority to award redress”
Why do you want to be a surveyor?
I want to be part of a prestigious organisation that works toward the promotion of the industry I am passionate about
“How many years after instruction has been completed can a
professional indemnity insurance claim be made?”
15 years
“What type of cover is needed to cover a claim brought after a
firm/member ceases to trade?”
Run-off Cover
What is the role of RICS?
Global leading professional body promoting the highest standards in the property industry
When did the Bribery Act 2010 come into force
1st July 2011
If you are sole practitioner what do you need to have in place?
A locum to cover incapacity/death
Name some potential sanctions by the RICS
“Fixed penalty notice
Consent order
Interim measure
Panel hearing
What is the Key objective of the RICS? Hint - usefulness
To promote usefulness of the profession for the public advantage.
What should you do if you receive notification of a Professional Indemnity Claim?
“Inform your manager
Inform your insurer”
Name the 5 principles of better regulation?
“1. Transparent
2. Proportional
3. Accountable
4. Consistent
5. Targeted”
Can you accept a proportionate gift?
Yes - providing it does not compromise you impartiality/integrity
Name the penalties for breaching the Bribery Act
“10 years imprisonment
Unlimited fine
Directors can be disqualified
EU-wide ban in relation to public procurement”
Who should you report bribery too?
Serious Fraud Office”
“When did RICS Conflict of Interest Professional Statement take
effect from?”
1st January 2018
“When was RICS PS - Countering bribery and corruption money
laundering and terrorist financing effective from?”
1st September 2019
When do RICS new rules of conduct apply from?
2nd Feb 2022
What do the new RICS Rules of Conduct replace?
Ethical & Professional Standards Rules of Conduct for Members Rules of Conduct for Firms
“What are the three parts of the RICS Conflicts of Interest
Professional Statement?”
“Part 1. Sets out mandatory rules
Part 2. General commentary on how RICS expects the member to use the Prof statement
Part 3. Supplementary guidance note - how M+F can meet their obligations(Appendix 1 example informed consent form)”
How would you check for a conflict of interest for a firm?
“It would depend on the size, complexity and number of businesses.
However; you can use database checks, advisory emails to staff to enquire about any individual involvement, existing record searches.”
Why do you want to join RICS?
I want to be part of a prestigious organisation and progress my career in an industry I am passionate about. It will also provide a level of recognition amongst and allow greater work opportunities
Who is the CEO of RICS
Richard Collins
What are the Disciplinary procedures for RICS
“3 levels
1. Action by head of regulation
- fixed penalty notice for not sharing info
- consent order fine of £2k
- referral to disciplinary panel
- Action by Disciplinary panel
- consent order
- unlimited fine
- temp/suspension expulsion
- publication of the result - Appeal Panel
- fixed penalty notice
- disciplinary panel findings
- conditions placed on registration”
“4 offences under bribery act 2010(Think about crimes relating to
“1. Bribing
2. Receiving a bribe
3. Bribing a foreign public official
4. Failing to prevent a bribe”
Name the 7 obligations for firms (CPLCPDR)
“1. CHP with an ADR approved by RICS, keep a complaints log
2. PII
3. Locum
4. Cooperate with RICS
5. Promptly provide info to standards and regulation board
6. Comply with designations
7. Report to RICS any matter required under obligations”
Name the 3 obligations for members (CCP)
“1. Comply with CPD requirements
2. Co-operate with RICS
3. Promptly provide information requested by Standards & Regulation Board”
Regulation for new practice
“Comply with
Business names act
Bribery Act
Control of asbestos regulations
Data protection
Financial services Act
Inform HMRC
Money laundering regulation 2007”
What is the process for closing down a firm?
“1. Inform RICS
2. Inform clients
3. Return clients money
4. PII - 6 years run of £230 minimum
5. Retain clients files (6 years)”
What are turnover limits for PII?
“Less than £100k = £250,000 excess
£101k - £200,000 = £500
Over £200k = £1mill”
Can you tell me your complaint handling procedure?
“1. 2 stage complaint procedure
2. 7 days to acknowledge
3. 21 days for substantive reply
4. Stage 2 is a redress system
5. Property Ombudsman (could use property redress scheme)”
Penalties for breach of bribery act?
Upto 10 years in prison Unlimited fine
Penalties for breach of Money laundering regulations?
Upto 14 years in prison Unlimited fine
“What is the key principle of RICS conflicts of interest professional
statement global 2016?”
Informed Consent
When have you acted with integrity?
Informal Tender Example
What are the Benefits of joining the RICS
Market Advantage
What is a Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest arises in a situation where there may be an actual, perceived or potential risk that the professional judgement of an RICS-regulated firm or member will be compromised when undertaking an assignment. The most common conflicts that arise include the following:
A ‘party conflict’ – a situation in which the duty to act in the interests of a client or other party in a professional assignment conflicts with a duty owed to another client or party in relation to the same or a related professional assignment.
An ‘own interest conflict’ – a situation in which the duty to act in the interests of a client in a professional assignment conflicts with the interests of that same RICS member/firm.
A ‘confidential information conflict’ – a conflict between the duty of an RICS member to provide material information to one client, and the duty of that RICS member to another client to keep that same information confidential.
How will you deal with a conflict in interest:
Informed consent
Reject the instruction
Information barrier
How do you deal with Anti money laundry ?
Ask customer for proof of address and up to date ID
Carry out due diligence on the customer
If an issue is spotted then report this to the Anti money laundry reporting officer to log a suspicious activity report
What are the penalties of the MLR
Up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine for assisting with money laundering
Up to 5 years prison sentence and unlimited fine for tipping off a person
What do you need to set up an RICS firm
Fill our registration form
Appoint responsible person and complaints handling officer
Indemnity insurance
Approval of Complaints handling procedure
Client money
Arrangements in the event of incapacity or death
Training plan
When was RICS founded
Name me two professional statements
Conflicts of interest 1st edition 2017
RICS Property Measurement, 2nd Edition 2018
How many faculties are there in the RICS
17 professional groups
What are the three levels of disciplinary action
Action by Head of regulations
Disciplinary panel
Appeal Panel
What actions can the head of regulations impose:
erve a fixed penalty notice
Make a regulatory compliance order
CPD sanctions
Refer the matter to the disciplinary panel for consideration
What are the levels of members
Fellow of RICS
Member of RICS
Associate Member of RICS
Student Member
What is informed consent
Consent given willingly by a party who may be affected by a Conflict of Interest, that party having demonstrated to the RICS member working independently or within a non-regulated firm or regulated firm or member
How do you treat other with respect ?
I treat everyone with courtesy, politeness and understand/ consider cultural sensitivities
How do you take responsibility
I am always accountable for my actions
Jow do you provide a high standards of service ?
I give my clients the best possible advice
If you suspected a client of money laundering, what would you do?
otify the Money laundry Monitoring officer within my organisation
Who polices money laundering regulations?
How would you manage a conflict of interest
I noticed a conflict for a consultant and asked them to provide a letter confirming how they will deal with that conflict and provide an information barrier.
What are the key principles of the client money professional statement
Client money is kept safe
Used for appropriate purposes
Controls/ procedures to deal with client money
What else should you consider when dealing with Client Money
eep money separate
Make money immediately available when requested by Client
Use client money for agreed purposes
Obtain written consent before using the funds
the RICS Ethics Tree, what is it used for and can you give me a few of the questions within it?
It is a tool used when faced with an ethical dilema.
Would you be content for your actions to be made public
Is it legal ?
it it in line with the RICS ethical and global standards ?
What is the definition of an inclusive environment?
n inclusive environment is a safe space in which integration of diverse experiences and perspectives can freely coexist. It’s a place where people feel respected by and connected to each other.