Ethics Flashcards
what is epistemology?
the way of knowing
what is naive dialectism?
- situational context
- contradiction, change, holism
- culturally shared folk epistemology
- eastern cultures
what is formal logic?
- decontextualized thoughts, feelings, or behaviors
- western cultures
- culturally shared folk epistemology
what is change in naive dialectism?
dynamic process, the world and truth is constantly changing
what is contradiction in naive dialectism?
all phenomena are composed of at least 2 opposing elements (compliments)
what is holism in naive dialectism?
nothing can be understood without relation to the whole (interconnectedness)
what are implicit beliefs?
evaluations that occur without conscious awareness towards an attitude, object, or the self.
what is countertransference?
therapist projecting their feelings onto the client
what is informed consent?
the process by which researchers working with human participants describe their research project and obtain the subjects’ consent to participate in the research based on the subjects’ understanding of the project’s methods and goals.
what is confidentiality?
under normal circumstances no one outside the Counseling Center is given any information
when do you breach confidentiality?
when the client is at risk (ethical issue)
what is an example of an acceptable breach in confidentiality?
child abuse example - in class
what is the multicultural perspective of counseling?
counseling is culture bound, take into account the individual and the environment
assessment and diagnosis?
culture bound, how would assessments made by white people work for multicultural clients?
dual/multiple relationships?
do you want to counsel people you know? what are the circumstances?
- we have been taught that the answer should be NO but it is always dependent on the situational context
what are the parts of Kitcheners Principle of Ethics model?
- autonomy
- nonmamlefiance
- beneficence
- justice
- fidelity
- veracity
what is autonomy?
(independence) never forget you are dealing w an autonomous individual, they are their own person
what is nonmamlefiance?
(do no harm) try not to do any harm, you counsel to help not to hurt
what is beneficence?
(do good) try to do good, at the very least if you cannot help leave the client the way you “found them”
what is justice?
(equal/fair treatment) always give your best to every client
what is fidelity?
(maintaining trust) client should always feel like they can trust you
what is veracity?
(truthful/genuine) don’t be someone you’re not, try to always remain genuine and truthful, you can use how you feel towards the client to help the client