Ethics Flashcards
What is the history of the ethics code?
1st American Psychological Association
(APA) Committee on Ethical Standards for
Psychologists appointed in 1947
2nd committee identified major ethical
themes emerging from incidents submitted
by APA members
Final draft of code adopted by APA in
1952 and published in 1953
Why was the ethics code revised?
-Based on the experience and perspectives of members was seen as integral to maintaining the value of the code for both the profession and the public.
-Driven by the evolving roles and responsibilities of psychologists, and legal landscape.
What are the 3 forms of codes
-What forms does the current code have?
-Aspirational code* Broadly worded ideals, but no definition of right and wrong behaviors
-Educational code* More explicit definitions, can help make more informed decisions
-Enforceable code* Set of specific standards of behavior
The current code has aspirational and enforceable
2010 Amendments
Know why their involvement in enhanced interrogation was questionable, why did
some believe it was okay, what happened as a result, and what changes were made to
the Code
-They made the claim that it was consistent with the APA ethics code for psychologists to serve in consultative roles to interrogation and information- gathering processes for national security-relate problems.
-Many APA members questioned whether a consultative role can be morally distinguished from involvement in torture if the tactic is used in the psychologists presence or with the psychologists awareness, or is based on techniques the psychologist has developed for the purpose of interrogation,
-These tactics should be ethically prohibited irrespective of whether it was considered lawful
-On 2010 the APA voted to amend the language of these two standards to make clear that when there is a conflict between ethics and law or between ethics and organizational demands, psychologists are prohibited from “engaging in activities that would justify or defend violating human rights”
(Format and Distinctive Features of The APA Ethics Code)
Why are the principles and standards separate?
-What are their purposes?
-The General Principles impart core moral values reflecting the highest ideals of the profession: promoting the welfare and protecting the rights of others, doing no harm, and acting faithfully and responsibility with integrity and fairness.
-The 151 standards are in behaviorally specific language
Can therefore be enforced by the APA Ethics Committee and other organizations that adopt the Code
Support members ability to defend their ethical actions
What are the general standard sections?
1.Resolving Ethical Issues
3.Human Relations
4.Privacy and Confidentiality
5.Advertising and Other Public Statements
6.Record Keeping and Fees
What are the specialized activities sections?
1.Education and Training
2.Research and Publication
Who does the code apply to?
- All standards within the first six general sections apply to all psychological activities
-APA members and student affiliates
(Forensic and Legal Psychologists)
Roles of:
Parts of code that applies to them
- assessment, treatment, teaching, research, consultation, and public statements
-Relevant general and area specific standard sections apply to them.
-Boundaries of competence, multiple relationships, informed consent, bases for assessments, informed consent in assessments, Release of test data, explaining assessment results, maintaining test security and therapy involving couples or families
What is the purpose of the code?
The purpose of the code was to:
1. Establishing the integrity of a profession
* What happens if individuals decide on their own what
is and is not acceptable?
* Core value of psychology = welfare and protection of
the individuals and groups with whom psychologists
2. Education and professional socialization
* Provides a guide of what to reasonably expect
* Deters from unethical behavior
* Helps resolve ethical dilemmas
3. Public trust
* Demonstrates a responsible profession
* High standards
* Can hold them accountable
* A way to evaluate conduct made by psychologists
4. Enforcement value
* Less vulnerable to external regulation
* Assist consumers in making ethical complaints
* Ensures complaints are adjudicated clearly and fairly
* Guide for licensing boards, courts, etc.
* Can also help them defend their actions to these bodies
-Help establish and maintain the viability of a profession
Why was the code developed?
The desire for standards that would encourage the highest endeavors or psychologists, ensure public welfare, promote sound relationships with allied professions, and further the professional standing of the discipline.
-increase in professional activity and public visibility of its members begore and after world war 2 .
Core Values of the discipline of psychology?
Welfare and protection
Why might an ethics code change over time?
- New ethical situations may arise
- To accommodate changes in the law
-Values change
Why might a psychologist? FBSer act unethically?
- unaware/misinformed of standards
- behave irresponsibly
- incompetence
- insensitive to needs of others, self
- fearful
- inappropriate rationalizations
- “slip” lose sight of goals
- Exploitive
- vengeful
What are ethics?
study of morals (right, wrong)
(Understanding the Introduction and Applicability Section and The Preamble)
-Code contains what parts/sections?
Introduction and applicability section, followed by the preamble, and a set of five general principles that reflect the underlying values and ideals of the discipline
The remainder is composed or 151 enforceable standards*
Code applies to?
APA members and student affiliates
What type of activities does the code apply to?
Clinical, counseling, and school practice; research; teaching and supervision, public service and policy development
Should personal vs professional values mix? Why or Why not?
No do not mix because what if they are treating a family member.
(Relevance of Specific Language)
-Needs of language to fulfill code goals
(A) To have the clarity necessary to provide adequate notice of behaviors that would be considered code violations
(B) To be applicable across many multifaced roles and responsibilities of psychologists
(C) To enhance and not impede good scientific and professional practice
What does the code need to have broad language?
To be specific enough to provide guidance yet general enough to allow for critical thinking and professional judgment
What is a modifier? Why are they needed
A word or phrase that qualifies the meaning of an ethical rule
-appropriate, potentially, to the extent feasible
To allow for professional judgment across a wide range of psychologists activities and contexts
What does “reasonable” mean? Why is it needed?
-Prevailing professional judgment of psychologists engaged in Sicily activities in similar circumstances given the psychologists had or have had at the time
-Prohibits psychologist from exercising idiosyncratic ethical judgments inconsistent with the prevailing values and behaviors of members of the profession
The Code And Enforcement
-Who can bring a complaint?
APA members, nonmembers, intimated by committee members
What happens after a complaint is filed? What is the process?
It may be dismissed prior to review by the ethics committee if it does not meet jurisdictional criteria. If criteria is found, case is open violations are charged and investigation begins