Ethics Flashcards
Models of doctor patient relationship
1) Paternalisitc
2) Informative
3) Interprative
4) Deliberative
Hammurabi Code
The first attempt in history to codify medical competence and legal legalability for negligence
An ancient Indian physician, proposed what seems to the be the earliest of medical ethics
Higher order principles
Deontolgy and Teleology
indicated the centrality of rules in medical practice
Rights and duties determine the action
Prima Facie Duties
Duties which are right because of their very nature, ie the duty to tell the truth
Meaning “purpose”, the central concept is that people have interests, whether these are concerns, desires or needs
Assumes that the right action is the one that has the best foreseeable consequences
Act Utilitarianism
Deals with specific act only
Rule Utilitarianism
Deals with general practice
Prima Face Principles
Non Maleficence
Humanistic Ethics
Emphasis on doing whats best for society
Nuremberg Code
Post World War II, a series of trails took place, at Nuremberg and this code of human experimentation took place
Declaration of Geneva
Modification of Hippocratic Oath, adopted by the General Assembly of World Medical Association in 1948
The Helsinki Declaration
Adopted by the 18th World Medical Assosition General Assembly in 1964
Consent requires?
Information, Competency, Autonomy
Exceptions to confidentiality
court order
Statutory requirement to aid legal proceedings
Veneral disease regulations