Ethical egoism Flashcards
What type of ethic is ethical egoism?
- a normative ethic
- it is teleological - with the goal of achieving one’s self interest
What is the fundamental of ethical egoist’s belief?
- ethical egoists believe if an action creates a beneficial outcome for the moral agent; then this can be considered morally good
“ethical egoism holds that…”
“all actions ought to be motivated by self-interest.”
Julia Driver
What is the only obligation of an ethical egoist?
- the only obligation is to themselves and any actions that upholds this principle is deemed acceptable
“ethical egoists may hold…”
“any kind of theory off what is good and what is bad for their welfare.”
William Frankena
What is the contrasting ethical position to ethical egoism?
Altruism - altruism holds that moral agents have an obligation to help others.
What does altruism state a moral agent should always do?
Should always try to positively impact other individuals, regardless of the outcomes for the moral agent.
What do ethical egoists ironically consider about altruistic actions?
Recognise them as ultimately egotistical in nature. This is because when we carry out altruistic actions, we are doing so from some form of self gain.
What would the ethical egoist consider about the altruist who gives money to a homeless person?
- making yourself look like a better person; to impress your friends.
- it is not a concern for others, but a concern for yourself that motivates you.
“in caring for other people…”
“I do so because I think it will make my own life happier.”
Richard Norman
What is psychological egoism?
The view that humans are always motivated by self interest.
Why is ethical egoism the ideal normative ethic to follow
Because it supports our natural psychological state.
What is the difference between psychological egoism and ethical egoism?
- Psychological egoismi is a theory of human nature and argues that egoism is our natural state.
- ethical egoism is a theory that states moral agents should act upon their egotistical nature.
Long term interests not just short term interests
- Ethical egoism doesn’t always entail the moral agent pursuing short term self interests.
- because the fulfilment of short term desires may prove detrimental to the long term desires.
An example of a selfless act having a self-interested long term goal
A business may help someone by giving them a free product, but this provides the organisation with positive advertising and further business.
What does Ayn Rand argue about selves behaviour?
It is short sighted and creates a society that treats individuals as disposable.
What does long term interest do to a society?
Creates a society where individuals satisfy their own best interests.
“ethical egoism endorses selfishness…”
“but it doesn’t endorse foolishness.”
James Rachels
Who was Max Stirner?
A German philosopher who is seen as one of the forerunners of ethical egoism. Wrote “The Ego and its Own.”
What does Stirner agree with of the theory?
The general ethos that self interest should be the root cause of an individual’s every moral action.
Stirner’s 3 arguments
- the ego is a slave to obligation
- freedom comes when I recognise my ownness or authority over myself
- ownness is realised by understanding that our uniqueness gives us power to make our own decisions
What is the reason why we should all act in our own self-interest?
Because any attempts to satisfy the needs of other restricts our own uniqueness
You are a unique individual, you have a unique ego to satisfy.
How does an individual maximise their uniqueness?
They must concentrate all their actions purely on themselves. We must treat ourselves as the highest being.
What does one need to recognise also, in order to develop their uniqueness?
Stirner calls for human beings to recognise our enslavement to moral obligations and duties imposed by other moral frameworks.
What does Stirner call for the rejection of?
All other ethical frameworks and particularly religious ones. Religious ones have stopped us being our own true ego.
“the religious way of thinking has…”
“biased our mind so grievously that we are terrified of ourselves.”
Why does Stirner reject the dictates of our conscience?
The subconscious thoughts that guide our moral actions or the inner thoughts, are no more than an internalised set of moral values that have been imposed on us by society.
“I decide whether it is…”
“the right thing in me; there is no right outside of me.”
Why does Stirner believe individuals are sacrificing their free will?
Because any person who thinks they’re acting independently in making moral choices is misguided, because the moral idea controls them
What does Stirner believe we should centre all our moral actions upon?
Upon ourselves because if we don’t we are not being true to our own unique ego and we would be sacrificing our free will
What does Stirner say about eigenhelt?
Means ownness. It is not until I develop what my own ego wants that I can become my own free person.
What does Stirner say about material gain?
- Stirner concedes that material gain can be part of an individual’s personal ego
- but it is just one part of the ego and to spend all life pursuing that part of our ego would deny all other parts of our ego.
What does Stirner call the pursuit of material gain?
“one sided, narrow egoism.”
What does Stirner argue excessive concentration on moral gain would do?
It would enslave the moral agent in the same way that following a moral ethic would. They would become a slave to capitalism.
What is the Union of Egoists?
Stirner’s alternative way of organising modern society but on egoist principles.
People would unite in ‘unions’, based on what 3 principles?
- free agreement (members cannot be forced to join a particular union)
- equality of all members
- mutual self interest of those involved
Why would unions exist?
To ensure they maximise an individual’s ego, as well as ensuring that those involved sacrifice nothing of themslebs.
How would ethical egoism diminish a community ethos?
Because moral agents will instead concentrate upon their own self-interests and ignore community needs (which rely on altruism)
What is a community ethos?
A group of people working together for the greater good of their community.
What could an individual’s pursuit of their own interests lead to?
- Could lead to other individual’s suffering.
What could a particular egoist’s pursuit for money lead to?
As one individual accumulates money it means other individuals have less. Therefore ethical egoism could create the social injustice of poverty for some and ultra-richness for others
What do bigots tend to believe?
That their group is superior to other groups, therefore they cause divide.
How can ethical egoism be seen as a form of bigotry?
Because it divides people into me and everyone else. This can lead to discrimination against others.