The role of the entrepreneur in propagating ethics and social responsibility in business cannot be overemphasized.
The study of moral obligation involving the distinction between right and wrong. As a consequence, the study of ethics paved the way for the adaption of the general rules of conduct in society.
The rules about how entrepreneurs ought to behave
Business ethics
The ethical behavior required of entrepreneurs is determined by the ff:
- the public;
- interest groups
- business organizations; and
- the individual’s personal morals and values
Factors influencing ethical behavior:
- situation;
- reward system;
- individual differences; and
- other factors
Circumstances vary, and the reactions of firms or individuals also vary. For instance, a firm that behaves ethically during prosperous times may act unethically in times of financial hardships.
If entrepreneurs adhere to ethical standards
- Establishment of trust
- Smooth flow of business exchanges
The expectation of high rewards for committing unethical behavior motives a person to do it.
If the entrepreneur believes that business success requires good ethical behavior, his next concern would be to encourage his people to adapt good ethical behavior.
There are certain ways of encouraging ethical behavior among employees. These are the ff :
- adaption of a code of ethics;
- institution of rewards and punishments concerning ethical behavior;
- adaption of internal programs for resolving conflicts;
- creation of ethics review committees;
- provision of training in ethics for employees; and
- top management support
A formal document indicating the entrepreneurship’s adapted principles of appropriate behavior. It serves as a basic reference for employees who make big or small decisions.
Code of ethics
A code of ethics can be made effective if the ff requirements are met :
- It should refer to specific unethical practices like receiving gifts, avoiding warranty claims, bid-rigging, making fictitious claims
- it must be supported by top management. Support comes in various forms such as providing sufficient funds for its implementation and assigning specific employees to handle ethical infractions of other employees
If the entrepreneurship wants to have some measure of control over the behavior of its personnel, a system of reward and punishment must be instituted.
Punishments could take the form of dismissal, demotion, suspension, or reprimand. Rewards may be given in the form of cash gifts, promotion, or citation.
This c0mmittee is usually composed of company employees as well as some who are not employed by the company. The committee provide advice to the entrepreneur and his staff concerning sensitive ethical issues.
Ethical review committee
Ethics training is more appropriate for persons occupying sensitive positions in purchasing, waste disposal, personnel, research and development, sales, and manufacturing.
Ethical issues facing entrepreneurships :
- between the company and the customers;
- between the company and its personnel and employees;
- between the company and its business associates; and
- between the company and the investors and the financial community
When ethical abuses are committed, the most probable victims are customers. This is expected because of the high frequency of transactions between the company and the customers.
Entrepreneurs are expected by society to treat their customers fairly and not to act in ways that will be harmful to them. Entrepreneurs should provide support for consumer rights which are as follows :
- the right to be safe
- the right to be informed
- the right to choose; and
- the right to be heard
Consumers expect that the products and services taht they buy will do them no harm. They also expect to be free from bodily harm when they are inside the entrepreneur’s business premises. This concern brought about the passage of laws intended to protect the consumer.
The Right to Be Safe
The quality of their decision , will depend on whether or not they are property informed. Advertisements and information printed on labels are some of the ways of providing information to consumers aboiut products and services.
The right to Be Informed
Firms that intend to adhere to business ethics should strive to protect consumers right to choose, what products and services they need and intend to purchase.
The Right to Choose
Customers have the right to communicate their concerns to entrepreneurship they patronize. THIS RIGHT MAY BE USED TO EXPRESS APPRECIATION ABOUT WHAT THE COMPANY IS DOING, OR TO PROVIDE INFORMATION about defects in the products the customer bought. To support the customer’s right, some companies install a system of receiving and processing complaints.
The Right to Be Heard
Good ethical conduct requires entrepreneurs to be aware of their responsibilities to employees. These are the ff :
- workplace safety;
- quality of life issues;
- avoiding discrimination; and
- preventing sexual harassment