What is the Expanded Senior Citizen Act?
R.A 9994
Discounts included in R.A 9994
20%, 5%, and 12% for VAT
Additional Incentives for R.A 9994
Vaccinations, Death Benefit, Monthly Pension, PhilHealth, Social Safety Assistance
Kinds of Abuse - May result in bodily injury, pain, or impairment.
Kinds of Abuse - Nonconsensual contact or any other kind.
Kinds of Abuse - Infliction of anguish pain or distress through verbal and nonverbal.
Kinds of Abuse - Illegal or improper use of an elder’s fund, property, or assests.
Financial and material exploitation
Kinds of Abuse - The refusal or failure of a person to fulfill about part of his/her obligations or duties to an older person.
Kinds of Abuse - Desertion of an older adult of those who has physical custody of the elder or by a person who has assumed responsibility for providing care to the older adult.
Covers all the decisions about the treatment. Providing the capacity to decide for themselves ahead of time.
Right to Self-determination
Set of documents made in advance include the pt’s wishes and preference for their treatment.
Advance medical directives
Order in which healthcare providers are not to do CPR or other life saving measure.
Do not resuscitate
Measures to restore cardiac function or pulmonary function during emergencies.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Process where competent and reasonable decision are made with the provided information for the treatment or intervention
Informed Consent
Person to make the decision regarding the pt.’s condition if he/she is not capable.
General power of attorney
Legal tool that provides written information about the pt’s wishes concerning the medical treatments that will be used in the future.
Living wills or destination of healthcare agents
Legal instrument in which stating who is the designated person that will make the decisions when the pt. is not capable.
Durable power of attorney
Senior Citizens Center Act of the Philippines 1995
R.A 7876
Senior Citizens Act 1992
RA 7432
Expanded Senior Citizens Act 2003
RA 9257
Generics Act 1988
RA 6675
Mandatory Philhealth Coverage for All Senior Citizens
RA 10645