Ethical Analysis of Issues Flashcards
The belief that all moral obligations originate from ___ is known as the divine command theory.
The ______________ Theory can be described as a member of a group of moral theories called moral objectivism.
Divine Command
Moral objectivism contends that moral judgments are objectively true or objectively false. Therefore, Thou shall not kill under the divine command theory is objectively true since Gods law prohibits killing. This would be objectively false if Gods law did not prohibit it.
There are 2 versions of the divine command theory; the first is that moral rights and wrongs are independent of Gods will and the other is that morality is logically linked to Gods will and so Gods ________ make things right or wrong.
According to the independent version, actions are right or wrong in spite of Gods commands, so for example, murder is wrong because it is wrong rather than because God stated it is wrong.
The aim of _______ law was to ensure the well being of the community in a situation where both the ruler and his subjects were believed to be motivated to obey the law and avoid punishment in Hell.
Islamic thought tends not to emphasize the rights of human beings but rather their duties to obey God’s perfect law. For example, Ayatollah Khomeini insisted that man had no natural rights and that believers were to submit to God’s commands.
The ________________ can be described as the Judeo-Christian religious moral code that governs the actions between individuals and between individuals and God.
Ten Commandments
The first four commandments relate to the actions of individuals and God, whereas the other six govern the relations between individuals.
The Commandments that concern the relations between people and God include the requirements to believe in the one true God, not to have a graven image of God, not take the name of God in vain, and to keep the _______ day as holy to perform good deeds.
The reason for this is that God created the Earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. God intended that the people spend this day in prayer and contemplation of religion, and the performance of good deeds.
The commandments that one shall honor their mother and father, not kill, commit ________, steal, bear false witness against your neighbor, or covet the property of others govern the behavior of people towards one another.
The adultery commandment is intended to protect the bond and fidelity of the family. It is a challenge to individuals to resist carnal temptations.
The Book of ______ lays down the moral laws and punishments relating to personal injury, property damage, trusts and loans, and social laws.
In the New Testament, Jesus advises us to follow the ______ Rule, which states that you should do unto others as you would have them do to you.
The Golden Rule and is a central tenet of morality.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasized that ______ purity matters far more than strict observance of the outward signs and rituals which people perform to obtain social favor.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ appears not so much to have changed the Law as to have extended it to matters internal and spiritual.
Jesus states that we should love God above all others and then we should love our _________ as much as we love ourselves.
Humans are created in the image of God and hence we all deserve love. So, we should treat our neighbors in a way appropriate to those we love, as opposed to hatred or indifference.
There are 2 main problems with the divine command theory: 1) not everyone believes in Gods existence and 2) the determination of precisely what Gods ___ consists of.
Not everyone believes that God exists and hence this theory can be undermined by atheists and agnostics.
One of the roles the prophets undertook in the Bible was to _______ the oppressors of the people and to comfort the victims.
For example, the prophet Nathan condemned King David for an act of injustice.
In the Bible, the prophets Amos and Micah both warned Israel of God’s ________.
Gods message to Israel was that He was great in mercy to those who feared Him and terrible in vengeance to those who would not.
The type of justice meted out in the Bible is mainly ___________.
Most of the laws impose a retributive penalty on the wrongdoer. For example, in Exodus, it is said life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
Throughout the Bible, we find that God occasionally killed or caused to be killed merciful kings or soldiers who ______ people whom God wanted punished.
Retributive justice is a recurring theme throughout the Bible.
The Bible contains a well known reference to ___________ justice: “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
This phrase reflects the fundamental assumption that perpetrators should suffer injury that is equal to that suffered by their victims.
When considering the rule, “Thou shalt not kill”, only a relatively small number of pacifists interpret this to prohibit _______ punishment, killing in war, and killing in self defense.
Most people, who consider themselves as honoring that rule completely, interpret it as “Thou shalt not kill the innocent.” In essence “Thou shalt not kill unless the person to be killed is guilty of a capital crime, is an enemy combatant, or is trying to kill you.
According to the Bible, the first murder was committed by ____, who killed his brother Abel.
After Cain’s sacrifice to God was rejected and Abel’s sacrifice was accepted, Cain murdered Abel in a fit of jealous rage.
The concept of restorative and __________ justice is based on the premise that a crime represents a debt owed not only to the state, but to the victim, the victims family and to the community as a whole.
Restorative justice programs target the ultimate goals of improving public safety and reducing the likelihood that additional criminal activity will occur.
The three ________ of the Good Samaritan, the rich fool, and the rich man and Lazarus show that wealth and property should be shared.
In the Good Samaritan, the Samaritan uses his possessions and money to aid the injured man. In the rich fool, the rich man accumulated wealth for himself and was not rich towards God. This indicates a criticism that he did not share it with others. In the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man is described as having an opulent life which he does not share with the poor.
In the matter of love, the Bible states that the greatest is love of God and that we should love our _________ and enemies as well.
This is what is stated in the Bible: To you who hear me, I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you… It articulates the position that love is a very important aspect of morality.
The concept of the ________ in relation to the Bible indicates an agreement between an individual and God, with blessings in exchange for obedience.
The basis for obeying God is set out by Moses in Deuteronomy 27:9-10. Being the people of God carries with it the responsibility of obeying God. Individuals obey God. We are not equal with God and therefore, individuals should submit to him.
Among other things, the writings of Paul promote ________ for singles, marriage, fidelity, and above all else love.
Love is the key moral principle espoused by Paul in his writings.
Before his conversion to Christianity, the Apostle ____ was known as Saul of Tarsus.
Prior to his conversion, the Apostle Paul was a Pharisee who violently persecuted the followers of Jesus. At the time of his conversion Paul was on his way to arrest Christians and bring them to Jerusalem.
St. Augustine was a theologian and philosopher who taught that the desire for _________ was the basis of philosophy.
He was a great defender of the Christian Church against heretics. Augustine believed that in order to be happy, one had to grow in the knowledge of God.
Existentialists believe that each person must choose their own way without the guidance of universal, objective _________.
There are two types of Existentialism, Theistic and Atheistic Existentialism. The first believes that God created us but then left us on our own, and the second believes that there is no God. Existentialists believe that there are no universal rules for right and wrong; there is full freedom in making your own choices, though you must take all responsibility and risk for your actions.
The most important philosopher of __________ was French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre.
Sartre made the term Existentialism popular by using it for his own philosophy, but generally Kierkegaard is considered the founder of modern existentialism.
The Principle of __________ allows for killing people in cases of self-defense or when that person has threatened the life of someone else.
According to the Principle of Forfeiture, anyone who threatens the life of an innocent person forfeits his or her own right to live. The Principle of Forfeiture can be extended to cover a defensive war or capital punishment of a murderer. It does not allow for the suicide or the invasion of innocent countries which have not threatened anyone.
_________ is an ancient Hellenic philosopher who believed that happiness in life could be attained by living a virtuous life according to Nature.
Epictetus was a Stoic Philosopher who believed that only virtues and virtuous activities are good, and that the only evil is vice and actions motivated by vice. The pursuit of wealth and pleasure, for example, cannot be considered virtues because they may not necessarily be good for everyone and hence would be against Nature.
The moral teachings of Epictetus stress the fundamental rule that we must understand that some things are within our _______ and some things are not.
Epictetus believed that through this understanding, we could attain inner peace and external effectiveness.
The three key areas of study according to Epictetus are the discipline of assent, the discipline of ______, and the discipline of action.
Desire must be managed and kept in check. It is pointless to pursue goals which are outside of your control as it will only lead to disappointment.