DEVRY ETHC 445 Entire Course With Final Exam
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ETHC 445 Entire Course With Final Exam
ETHC 445 Week 1 Assignment Ethics Paper
ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 1 Helen s Wisdom of Friends Dilemma
ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 2 Study of Ethical Philosophy
ETHC 445 Week 1 Quiz
ETHC 445 Week 2 Assignment Ethics Paper
ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 1 When Siding with the Majority
ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 2 The Struggle of Good vs. Evil
ETHC 445 Week 3 Assignment Ethics Paper
ETHC 445 Week 3 DQ 1 Applying the Death Penalty
ETHC 445 Week 3 DQ 2 Living in Our State of Nature
ETHC 445 Week 3 Quiz
ETHC 445 Week 4 Assignment Ethics Paper
ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 1 Ethics of Controlling Environmental Innovation
ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 2 Kant Accomplice to Crazed Murderer
ETHC 445 Week 5 Assignment You Decide Scenario and Response Solution Paper
ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 1 Life & Death Politics & Ethics
ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 2 Dealing With Emergencies and Outcomes
ETHC 445 Week 6 DQ 1 Applying Rand’s Objectivism
ETHC 445 Week 6 DQ 2 Working Conflict Resolution Methods
ETHC 445 Week 6 Quiz
ETHC 445 Week 7 DQ 1 Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle
ETHC 445 Week 7 DQ 2 Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
ETHC 445 Week 8 Final Exam
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Final Exam
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ETHC 445 Final Exam
1. (TCOs 2, 4, 5, 6) The idea that the assisted suicide of terminally ill patients should be allowed simply at the patient’s direction reflects what type of ethics? (Points : 5)
Hobbes’ State of Nature
Rand’s Objectivism
Aristotle’s concept of Virtue
Thomas Aquinas’ concept of conscience
Socrates’ concept of excellence
2. (TCOs 1, 2, 7) What is the moral ideal of temperance? (Points : 5)
Exercising control over one’s own desires and inclinations
Keeping one’s temper under control
Minimizing the impact of one’s decisions
Seeking the good of others before one’s own
Overcoming one’s passions
3. (TCOs 1, 2) One of the common errors in Ethics is that of the hasty conclusions. Hasty conclusions consist of what? (Points : 5)
Rushed work under pressure
Comparing unknown cases to known ones to find precedents
Embracing conclusions before examining cases fully
Judging cases by the source of their origin
Belief that first impressions are valid until challenged
4. (TCO 2) Prescriptive language is commonly used in ethics for what reason? (Points : 5)
To indicate what is prohibited or impossible
To indicate that one choice is better than others
To show what actions are legal
To convey requirements and obligations
To indicate that there are really no choices available
5. (TCOs 7, 8) Ethical Egoism proposes that all decisions should be made to promote what? (Points : 5)
Our fiduciary responsibilities
The good will of others
Our self-interests
The welfare of the community
Stronger relationships
6. (TCOs 2, 4, 9) Free people are motivated toward forming social structures according to a social contract in order to overcome what problem identified by Thomas Hobbes? (Points : 5)
The need to overcome disagreements
A perpetual state of warfare
The establishment of a monarchy
Taxation to support the costs of government
Organized ways to select leaders
7. (TCOs 3, 6) Agricultural biofuels are not properly a renewable source of energy in the environmental ethics debate. Which of the following also is not a renewable source of energy? (Points : 5)
Windmill turbines
Hydroelectric power
Tidal flow generators
Biomass waste systems
Solar cells
8. (TCOs 3, 6, 7) The notion that the only thing good without qualification is a good will is attributed to whom? (Points : 5)
St. Thomas Aquinas
John Locke
Immanuel Kant
Oliver Cromwell
9. (TCOs 8, 9) Which ethical concept is organized and directed toward following the greatest happiness principle? (Points : 5)
Natural ethics and law
Justice and mercy
Rights and responsibilities
Virtue-ethics of excellence
Principle of utility
15. (TCOs 3, 6, 7) Kant’s concern that people choose to observe universal laws as their duty is expressed through what actions? (Points : 5) Their habits Their maxims Their desires Their loves Their loyalties 16. (TCOs 2, 7, 8) Aristotle’s Ethics of Virtue have found modern application for business and industry through what practice? (Points : 5) Resolution models applications Goals and objectives Core values of organizations Business models Professional codes of discipline
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 1 Assignment Ethics Paper
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ETHC 445 Week 1 Assignment Ethics Paper
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 1
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ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 1
Helen wants to move to a new community, and she is applying for a job with a small retail establishment. She is confident that she is fully qualified and will be able to perform well if she gets the job. The employer, however, has advertised for someone with three years of retail experience, and Helen only has two-and-a-half years. She is considering whether to exaggerate slightly on her resume in order to improve her chances of getting the job.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 2
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ETHC 445 Week 1 DQ 2
The study of Ethics and Philosophy is one which brings many different kinds of “thinkers” together. One person’s philosophy on Ethics is another person’s philosophy on Evil. We will be working this term on constructing personal ethical bases and understanding how Ethical Codes (both personal and professional) are created and followed.
To start us thinking about the different areas of philosophy and ethics, and how we fit into the different molds or world views, let’s discuss the differences and similarities between these views.
To do this, let’s look at the role of right and wrong, laws which regulate behavior, principles vs. morality, and the role of ethics in our society.
To start out we’ll answer some of these questions and create more of them as we go. Pick one of the following and respond to your classmates thoughts and views:
1. Do we need ethics if we have laws? Why or why not?
2. Is it ethical to change our own views of ethics based on the situation we are in?
3. Can we “legislate” ethics?
4. How does Aristotle’s “virtue ethics” mirror your ethical view, or how is it different?
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 1 Quiz
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ETHC 445 Week 1 Quiz
Which of the below behaviors are inappropriate in a course?
Ethics involves issues of right and wrong, and emotionally charged issues and ideas; thus, the best way to ensure that my comments are taken in the way I mean them is to _____.
Posting in the course’s threaded discussions is an essential element in our online, asynchronous classroom. Which of the following is not true about value-adding posts in our course?
Which of the following is the most appropriate response for a student to post to another student who has posted this:
Choose from the following choices the way in which collegiality is valued in our course.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 2 Assignment Ethics Paper Group Discussion
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ETHC 445 Week 2 Assignment Ethics Paper Group Discussion
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 1 When Siding with the Majority
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ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 1 When Siding with the Majority
As our opening page states, Mark Twain warned that “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” It is likely that your parents warned you “not to follow the crowd,” or your school counselors warned you about “peer pressure.”
The United States utilizes a democratic republic form of government, which espouses the “majority rule” in many instances. For example, when passing laws, Congress and state Legislators use majority voting. When electing our officials, the majority rules. But, is our government unethical?
This week’s thread will look at two or three “examples” of majority findings or rules.
We will bring new ones in throughout the week, so be sure to visit back at least every other day and post your thoughts.
Here is our first one for the week:
The great majority of people seem to find nothing objectionable about the use of commercials in children’s television programming. Yet a distinguished panel commissioned by the National Science Foundation found reason to disagree. After reviewing 21 relevant scholarly studies, they concluded:
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 2 The Struggle of Good vs Evil
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ETHC 445 Week 2 DQ 2 The Struggle of Good vs Evil
Personal struggles with one’s own tendencies, desires, lusts, and self-interest have placed people in conflict with other people and their own communities farther back than any of us can read. We read about the struggles of others in history – what about ourselves? Yes, us! What about our experiences of being ourselves?
When we look back in history, we find people who are not so different from us – struggling with their human nature – and trying to live ethical lives in whatever way they can do so. They aspire to live ethical lifes and find themselves failing again and again.
St. Augustine in the 5th Century held that although we feel free to make choices in life, our true nature as human beings includes a persistent disregard for what is good. On this view, we are sinners whose only hope for redemption lies in the gracious love of a merciful deity. Whatever I do on my own, Augustine would argue, is bound to be wrong; whatever I do right, must be performed by God through me.
St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th Century brought Aristotle’s theories back into “vogue,” soon after St. Augustine’s death (if 800 years is soon, that is.) He allowed humanity to have a bit of secularity along with faith, and his ethics allows for a Natural Law which can be found in the heart of man. Please be sure to listen to our Saints’ Debate on the lecture tab before working in this thread.
So, here we are in the 21st Century with all the sophistication and technology of the age. Does this account of human nature fit well with your own experience of human action? That is, do you observe (in yourself and others) an inclination toward evil instead of toward good? Bring in examples of scenarios which bolster your view, or which tend to bring your view (or others) into question.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 3 Assignment Ethical Consideration
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ETHC 445 Week 3 Assignment Ethical Consideration
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 3 DQ 1 Applying the Death Penalty
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ETHC 445 Week 3 DQ 1 Applying the Death Penalty
First, here is a word of caution. With this discussion comes a tasking to discuss the death penalty in two ways: first, as an expression of the social contract, where one person has killed another in a violation of that other person’s right to peace and safety, and second, as a rules-based function of the justice system being applied to a difficult situation.
What do you see going on that is a violation of the Hobbes/Locke social contract idea?
And you might also connect it with any of the Three Schools, plus Aristotle, that you have read in past weeks—and especially with the rules-based ethics model.
Here’s the situation: In Manatee County, Florida, a judge sentenced a man to death—the first time this had happened in the county for over 19 years. Sentenced to death was a 25-year-old man for the January 7, 2004, murder of both of his parents by bludgeoning them to death in their bed with a baseball bat.
Now, with your social contract ethicist hats on, tell us what you make of this quote by the judge at the sentencing, quoted from the front page of the November 17, 2007 Bradenton Herald: “You have not only forfeited your right to live among us, but under the laws of the state of Florida, you have forfeited the right to live at all.”
Have at it, good folks. But, rather than running off with reactions and opinions about the death penalty in general, please do keep it in the context of our social contract discussion for this week and also connected with ethics of justice.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 3 DQ 2 Living in Our State of Nature
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ETHC 445 Week 3 DQ 2 Living in Our State of Nature
Social Contract theorists say that morality consists of a set of rules governing how people should treat one another that rational beings will agree to accept for their mutual benefit, on the condition that others agree to follow these rules as well.
Hobbes runs the logic like this in the form of a logical syllogism:
1) We are all self-interested,
2) Each of us needs to have a peaceful and cooperative social order to pursue our interests,
3) We need moral rules in order to establish and maintain a cooperative social order,
Therefore, self-interest motivates us to establish moral rules.
Thomas Hobbes looked to the past to observe a primitive “State of Nature” in which there is no such thing as morality, and that this self-interested human nature was “nasty, brutish, and short” – a kind of perpetual state of warfare
John Locke disagreed, and set forth the view that the state exists to preserve the natural rights of its citizens. When governments fail in that task, citizens have the right—and sometimes the duty—to withdraw their support and even to rebel. Listen to Locke’s audio on the lecture tab and read his lecturette to be able to answer this thread.
Locke addressed Hobbes’s claim that the state of nature was the state of war, though he attribute this claim to “some men” not to Hobbes. He refuted it by pointing to existing and real historical examples of people in a state of nature. For this purpose he regarded any people who are not subject to a common judge to resolve disputes, people who may legitimately take action to themselves punish wrong doers, as in a state of nature.
Which philosophy do you espouse?
In coming to grips with the two and considering your experience of society as it is today, think out loud about what you experiences as the State of Nature, and tell us what you would be willing to give up in exchange for civil order and personal security?
You might consider what you have already given up in exchange for security as well as what might be required in coming days.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 3 Quiz
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ETHC 445 Week 3 Quiz
Inferring a claim based on data is deductive logic, but what happens when the inference circumvents logical reasoning?
A car salesman says this, in order to get you to buy a new car from him:
Are you for or against the war on terrorism?
All those old people are cheap. They never give me a fair tip when I park their cars in the valet parking lot. What kind of fallacy is operating here?
If children cannot be executed for their crimes, why should we execute people with learning disabilities who have the mental capacity of children?
What kind of fallacy is operating here?
as well as what might be required in coming days.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 4 Assignment Environmental Ethical Dilemma Tesco
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ETHC 445 Week 4 Assignment Environmental Ethical Dilemma Tesco
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 1 Ethics of Controlling Environmental Innovation
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ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 1 Ethics of Controlling Environmental Innovation
Increasing food supplies are necessary to sustain growing populations around the world and their appetites for great food, quality products, and continuous availability.
A great deal of expensive research is invested in developing technologies to deliver productive agriculture. Horticultural efforts to breed hybrid crops are seen as far back as history can observe, and there have been efforts to domesticate improved animals, as well. Gene splitting was a 1990s technology to improve the health and productivity of farm crops. With the 21st century have come genetically modified foods (GMF) through the use of nanotechnology to cause changes at the genetic and even molecular levels. These are very expensive technologies, and many new products have been patented and otherwise protected as proprietary products of intellectual property.
Drive out to the country during growing season, and you will see signs identifying that the crop has been grown with a protected seed that cannot be used to produce retained seed for planting in the next growing season.
In terms of this week’s TCOs, what ethical issues are raised by this legal process of patent protection, and how do we see the primary schools of ethics used in these proprietary measures? What, in this deontological week and in our learning to date, informs our understanding of this situation, and what should be done about it?
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 2 Kant Accomplice to Crazed Murderer
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ETHC 445 Week 4 DQ 2 Kant Accomplice to Crazed Murderer
Kant’s famous First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative reads:
“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” Kant taught morality as a matter of following maxims of living that reflect absolute laws. “Universal” is a term that allows for no exceptions, and what is universal applies always and everywhere. Lying, for any reason, is universally wrong.
Be sure to listen to Kant’s audio lecture before posting this week!
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 5 Assignment You Decide Scenario And Response Solution Paper
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ETHC 445 Week 5 Assignment You Decide Scenario And Response Solution Paper
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 1 Life and Death - Politics and Ethics
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ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 1 Life and Death - Politics and Ethics
There are three basic propositions in standard Utilitarianism (Please be sure to listen to Mill’s audio lecture before joining this threaded discussion)
1. Actions are judged right and wrong solely on their consequences; that is, nothing else matters except the consequence, and right actions are simply those with the best consequences.
2. To assess consequences, the only thing that matters is the amount of happiness and unhappiness caused; that is, there is only one criterion and everything else is irrelevant.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 2 Dealing With Emergencies and Outcomes
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ETHC 445 Week 5 DQ 2 Dealing With Emergencies and Outcomes
Chapter 9 of our text includes the terrorism situation at the 1972 Munich Olympics, and it needs to be read before engaging this discussion.
The principle of utility involves maximizing happiness as a desirable outcome of decisions. Although it does not get directly said, there is an inverse intention to minimize the undesirable outcome of disaster. Utilitarian decisions are directed toward outcomes—that is, the consequences of decisions.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 6 DQ 1 Applying Rand’s Objectivism
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ETHC 445 Week 6 DQ 1 Applying Rand’s Objectivism
Ayn Rand’s Objectivist philosophy has been touted by her detractors as the philosophy of self-interested selfishness.
Her four epistemological principles are:
1. Metaphysics: Objective reality of the world and the objects in it.
2. Epistemology: Reason as the one and only key to understanding.
3. Ethics: Self-interest in what behavior is but also what it should be.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 6 DQ 2 Working Conflict Resolution Methods
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ETHC 445 Week 6 DQ 2 Working Conflict Resolution Methods
Different ways to analyze ethical behaviors and dilemmas exist, and many of them will help direct you to the correct or “best” solution to a problem.
As we discussed in week 1 in the “tough choices” .pdf, sometimes right vs. right or wrong vs. wrong decisions have to be made.
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 6 Quiz
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ETHC 445 Week 6 Quiz
What school of ethics would drive the commanding officer (CO) to follow rules and procedures?
For the CO to think about what is best for all indicates what kind of decision making?
If the CO’s conscience was bothering him while making a decision, reading up on what ethicist would have made him aware of his thinking and deciding?
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 7 DQ 1 Business Ethics and the Hovercraft Debacle
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ETHC 445 Week 7 DQ 1 Business Ethics and the Hovercraft Debacle
This week, we looked at two more ethical codes—one for the Project Management Institute, and one for Engineers.
(Find links to these professional codes in the Week 7 Assignment tab along with the Week 7 readings.)
You can see that both of them are much simpler than the Legal code we looked at last week, and even simpler than the Medical code of ethics. Appropriate professional
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DEVRY ETHC 445 Week 7 DQ 2 Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
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ETHC 445 Week 7 DQ 2 Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
This week we will work on creating your own statement of personal ethics.
To get started, read summarizing review of our great and famous ethics and what they have taught us – found in our lecture this week.
Then, let’s work on creating one for you.
Your goal for the end of this thread is to have created a personal ethical philosophy and be able to tell your classmates from which philosophies you created it and why
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