etc Flashcards
pectorialis m
Contraction can cause _________. rib dysfunction.
Engaging pec minor can help treat __________ rib dysfunctions
Contraction can cause anterior (inhalation) rib dysfunction
Engaging pec minor can help treat exhalation rib dysfunctions
Accessory muscle of inhalation when scapula is fixed in place
(Ex: COPD patient grasping bedrail)
Serratus anterior muscle
If one rib stops moving before the other rib during exhalation, that rib has an ____________ restriction, therefore an ________ dysfunction
If one rib stops moving before the other rib during exhalation, that rib has an exhalation restriction, therefore an inhalation dysfunction
Moves into inhalation position, restricted to exhalation position
If one rib stops moving before the other rib during inhalation, that rib has an __________ restriction, therefore an ___________ dysfunction.
*Moves into exhalation position, restricted to inhalation position
If one rib stops moving before the other rib during inhalation, that rib has an inhalation restriction, therefore an exhalation dysfunction.
*Moves into exhalation position, restricted to inhalation position
Rib 1 (Inhalation) SD
flexion, sidebent towards and rotated away from dysfunctional rib
push down on exhalation
resist on inhalation
Ribs 2-6 (Inhalation)
Patient: supine with dysfunctional rib resting on doctors
knee, sidebent towards dysfunctional rib
Doctor: standing with flexed knee ipsilateral to
dysfunctional rib on the table Hand Position
Ribs 7-10 (Inhalation) SD
supine with ipsilateral shoulder adducted
Ribs 11-12 (Inhalation) SD
Patient: prone with legs sidebent 15-20 towards the dysfunction (decrease tension on quad. lumborum m.)
Doctor: stands opposite the dysfunctional rib
Cephalad hand – hypothenar eminence medial and inferior to the angle of the dysfunctional rib
Caudad hand – grasps ASIS ipsilateral to dysfunction to
shorten quadratus lumborum
Ribs 1-2 (Exhalation) SD
Patient: supine, head rotated 30 away from
dysfunctional rib with dorsum of ipsilateral wrist on
Cephalad hand – placed on top of patients hand on
Caudad hand – grasps the superior angle of the
dysfunctional rib
Ribs 3-5 (Exhalation)
Patient: supine with arm ipsilateral to dysfunctional rib
fully flexed
Doctor: contralateral to dysfunctional rib
Hand Position
Cephalad hand – rests on patients arm
Caudad hand – grasps the superior angle of the
dysfunctional rib
Ribs 6-8 (Exhalation)
Patient: supine with ipsilateral shoulder flexed to 90
Doctor: ipsilateral to dysfunctional rib
Hand Position
Cephalad hand – grasps the superior angle of the
dysfunctional rib
Caudad hand – maneuvers elbow
While exerting caudad, lateral traction with cephalad
hand, instruct patient to push elbow towards the ceiling
(scapular protraction) and apply counterforce
Maintain isometric contraction 3-5 seconds then have
patient relax
Increase caudad, lateral traction and repeat steps of MET
Ribs 9-10 (Exhalation)
Patient: supine with arm on dysfunctional side abducted
Doctor: ipsilateral to dysfunctional rib
Hand Position
Cephalad hand – abducts ipsilateral shoulder to 90 and
stabilizes elbow
Caudad hand – grasps the superior angle of the
dysfunctional rib Technique
Instruct patient to push their elbow caudally (into adduction) and apply counterforce
Maintain isometric contraction 3-5 seconds then have patient relax
Increase caudad, lateral traction and repeat steps of MET
Ribs 11-12 (Exhalation) SD
Patient: prone with legs sidebent 15-20 AWAY from dysfunction (increase tension on ipsilateral quadratus lumborum)
Doctor: stands contralateral to dysfunctional rib
Hand Position
Cephalad hand – stabilizes rib superior to the
dysfunctional rib
Caudad hand – grasps iliac crest ipsilateral to
dysfunctional rib (increase tension on ipsilateral
quadratus lumborum) Technique
Cephalad hand exerts cephalad pressure while patient pulls iliac crest ipsilateral to the dysfunction towards the ipsilateral shoulder while physician applies counterforce
Maintain isometric contraction 3-5 seconds then have patient relax
Increase caudad, lateral traction and repeat steps of MET