*Estimating/Certifications/P & M Quiz Flashcards
1) Estimates are prepared for all Transportation projects regardless of whether Capital expenditures for R/W on the Transportation projects exist.
a. True
b. False
a. True
The R/W estimate is the first step in building a credible budget. Estimates are prepared for all transportation
projects regardless of whether capital expenditures for right of way on the transportation project exist. The
elements of an estimate allow R/W Planning and Management to forecast capital outlay support personnel requirements, capital outlay expenditures, and future programming needs.
2) Estimate data is entered into which system:
d. None of the above
Estimate data is entered into PMCS on the EVNT RW and COST RW1-6 Screens, in addition to the Estimating section of ROWMIS.
3) With regard to properties where improvements contain hazardous materials, which of the following statements are true?
a. Where hazardous materials are not stable, value as if free and clear of those materials.
b. Where hazardous materials are stable, estimate at market value with the cost of removing the materials added to the demolition cost of the project.
c. The state will not purchase property with a hazardous material history
d. A and B
d. A and B
a. Where hazardous materials are not stable, value as if free and clear of those materials.
b. Where hazardous materials are stable, estimate at market value with the cost of removing the materials added to the demolition cost of the project.
Regardless whether the right of way requirement is fee or easement title, the real property will be appraised
recognizing the effects of HW and HM on its market value.
The valuation of property that involves an identified HW site will include: 1) The market value of the property as if free and clear of the HW. 2) The market value of the property considering the effects of the HW.
4) Limiting conditions and assumptions used in developing the estimate are always included in the estimating document.
a. True
b. False
b. False
Answer: Statements documenting the following limiting conditions and assumptions are to be included in the appropriate section of the R/W Data Sheet
5) The R/W Capital Plan is the foundation from which R/W Capital outlay is programmed, budgeted, allocated, monitored and reported.
a. True
b. False
a. True
Answer: Programming and Budget Manual R/W Capital Plan is a schedule of projected annual expenditures for projects. The District’s Plan is the foundation from which R/W capital outlay is programmed, budgeted, allocated, monitored, and reported)
6) The R/W estimate is reported on the:
a. M.O.S.
b. Resolution of Necessity
c. Right of Way Datasheet
d. None of the above
c. Right of Way Datasheet
Answer: Estimate Manual The completed R/W Data Sheet is the forma R/W estimate
7) R/W Estimates are prepared on all projects regardless if R/W Capital expenditures exists?
a. True
b. False
a. True
Answer: of Estimating Manual
The R/W estimate is the first step in building a credible budget. Estimates are prepared for all transportation projects regardless of whether capital expenditures for right of way on the transportation project exist. The elements of an estimate allow R/W Planning and Management to forecast capital outlay support personnel requirements, capital outlay expenditures, and future programming needs. Estimate data is entered into PMCS on the EVNT RW and COST RW1-6 Screens, in addition to the Estimating section of ROWMIS.
8) Attachments to the estimate include:
a. Railroad info, Utility info and a screen print of the Cost-RW1” screen
b. Appraisal info, Utility info and Railroad info
c. Appraisal maps and the Railroad info
d. None of the above
a. Railroad info, Utility info and a screen print of the Cost-RW1” screen
A Data Sheet is required for all viable alternates on all proposed projects. If an item on the Data Sheet is not applicable, it should be so indicated. A copy of the COST RW1 Screen reflecting the estimate is to be attached to the Data Sheet for the Preferred Alternate. (COST RW1 Screens are to contain escalated cost.) A Utility Information Sheet (Exhibit 4-EX-5) and a Railroad Information Sheet (Exhibit 4-EX-6) should be used whenever involvements dictate.
9) The R/W estimate worksheet will be used to arrive at individual parcel costs for each alternative being estimated.
a. True
b. False
a. True
The estimator will use the R/W Estimate Worksheet to arrive at individual parcel costs for each project alternate.
10) Project Permit Fee’s are not R/W Capital expenses and are not included in the R/W estimate.
a. True
b. False
b. False
Project permit fees are those costs attributed to permits that must be acquired by the Department and are required to construct the project. The most common of these permits are Fish and Game 1601 permits, Water Resource Control Board National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits (NPDES), and Regional Water Quality Control Board 401 Water Quality Certifications. Typically these and other permits are acquired during the project’s Project Development stage. The fees for these permits are usually one-time expenses, although payment for time extensions on specific permits may occur. Although R/W does not participate in acquiring these permits, they will be treated as R/W capital expenses, and R/W must budget for them.
11) With regard to R/W estimates, escalation rates are:
a. Increases in cost due to upward changes in market conditions
b. Never included
c. Calculated 5 years over the
d. None of the above
a. Increases in cost due to upward changes in market conditions
Escalation can be defined as an increase in cost due to upward changes in market conditions. Because costs typically do increase over time, escalation rates must be developed for estimating purposes. The rates are in the form of percentages and may be districtwide or countywide, although individual project rates should be developed and used wherever possible for the greatest accuracy.
12) The State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) document includes which types of projects?
a. New construction projects
b. Roadway Rehabilitation
c. Old Dog projects
d. None of the above
b. Roadway Rehabilitation
3. Allocating funds for the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) for maintenance,
operational safety, and rehabilitation projects.
13) Estimates prepared for Planning documents such as PSR’s and PR’s are to be updated:
a. Whenever project scope, scheduling, or value changes significantly
b. Annually
c. When the appraiser feels needed
d. All of the above
a. Whenever project scope, scheduling, or value changes significantly
Estimates prepared for Project Initiation Documents (PID), such as PSRs, PSSRs, and PRs, must be updated whenever project scope, scheduling, or value changes sufficiently to warrant the update. Updating an estimate may involve little more than substituting an amended page to an otherwise current R/W Data Sheet or could involve preparing a new Data Sheet.
14) Guidelines for estimate map preparation are found in the:
a. Appraisal section of the manual
b. Drafting and Plans manual
c. Chapter 6 of the R/W manual
d. A and B
e. B and C
e. B and C
b. Drafting and Plans manual i.e. Plans Preparation Manual (PPM)
c. Chapter 6 of the R/W manual
R/W Engineering is ultimately responsible for project estimate mapping. Guidelines for cost estimate map preparation are found in the R/W Manual, Chapter 6, Right of Way Engineering, Section, and the Plans Preparation Manual (PPM), Section 4-2. Some districts have made arrangements for R/W to receive mapping suitable for estimating purposes from other functional units; these arrangements are acceptable as long as the estimate mapping is in compliance with the outlined requirements.
15) When previously unidentified waste sites or hazardous materials are discovered in proposed R/W, estimators are to immediately send written notifications to:
a. Project Development and Environmental
b. The Appraisal agent
c. The District and the R/W Hazardous Waste Coordinators
d. A and B
e. A and C
e. A and C
a. Project Development and Environmental
c. The District and the R/W Hazardous Waste Coordinators
As part of the estimating process, estimators must field review subject parcels. If an estimator suspects a hazardous waste site or hazardous materials are present in the proposed right of way and have not been previously identified, the estimator must immediately send written notification to the Region/District Project Development and Environmental units and both Region/District and R/W Hazardous Waste Coordinators. A copy of the memorandum is to be attached to the R/W Data Sheet.
16) For estimating purposes, activities commonly referred to, as construction contract work will be considered severance damages when it is anticipated they will be satisfied with a cash payment to be included in the R/W contract.
a. True
b. False
a. True
For estimating purposes, activities commonly referred to as Construction Contract Work (CCW) will be considered as Curative Damages when it is anticipated they will be satisfied with a cash payment to be included in the amount payable under clause 2(A) of the R/W Contract. (See R/W Manual Section, “Cost to Cure Damages.”) If it is known at the estimating stage that the roadway contractor will satisfy Curative Damage type obligations during construction, the obligations will still be referred to as Construction Contract Work.
17) Construction Contract work cost are usually estimated by:
a. The Appraisal agent
b. The Utility agent
c. Project Development
d. None of the above
c. Project Development
Project Development usually estimates the costs of Curative Damages and/or Construction Contract Work.Estimates for Curative Damages are to be included in Section 1.A. (Acquisition) on the R/W Data Sheet. This will ensure that Curative Damages are included as acquisition costs in the COST RW1-5 Screens and when the project is programmed. Estimates for Construction Contract Work will be included in the R/W Data Sheet in Section 1.G. (Construction Contract Work). Costs on this line are not entered in the COST RW Screens
18) Properties contaminated with hazardous waste are to be estimated as if “Free and Clear” of all waste.
a. True
b. False
a. True
Regardless whether the right of way requirement is fee or easement title, the real property will be appraised
recognizing the effects of HW and HM on its market value.
The valuation of property that involves an identified HW site will include: 1) The market value of the property
as if free and clear of the HW. 2) The market value of the property considering the effects of the HW.
19) All Right of Way datasheets are approved by _________.
a. DDC-R/W or designee
b. Planning and Management
c. Design
d. HQ Right of Way
a. DDC-R/W or designee
The Senior Agent responsible for Estimating shall review and recommend approval of all R/W Data Sheets prepared by staff. The Region/District R/W Manager or designee shall approve all R/W Data Sheets.
20) Which of the following indicators of value are estimators permitted to use:
a. Staff appraisals of comparable properties
b. Assessor’s information
c. Multiple listing services
d. Observed listings
e. All of the above
e. All of the above
The estimator is allowed to use indicators of value that may not typically be acceptable in appraising. If District Appraisal staff has previously verified comparable sales and listings data, the estimator shall obtain this information. To prepare an estimate, the estimator will use this information as well as less direct indicators of market value such as:
•Staff appraisals of comparable properties.
•Assessor’s information.
•Multiple listing service sales data.
•Observed listings.
•Information from brokers.
21) The estimating procedure asks the estimator to look into the future to determine, to the highest degree possible __________.
a. The value of the subject at the time of acquisition
b. The current value of the subject
c. The value of the subject after the project is completed
d. None of the above
a. The value of the subject at the time of acquisition
The estimating procedure asks the estimator to look into the future to try to determine, to the highest degree possible, the value of subject properties at the time they are to be acquired (assumed to be the year of R/W Certification). This is accomplished in the following manner:
1. Determine the subject’s most probable highest and best use including stage of development and probable improvements at the time of acquisition.
2. Determine the current value for the subject based on the rationale described in 1 above.
3. Determine value at time of acquisition by applying an escalation rate to the current value
22) The estimators are expected to base their opinions on the “worst case” and “highest cost” assumptions.
a. True
b. False
a. True
Answer: Assumptions- Estimates should always be based on the most probable “worst case” and “highest cost” assumptions
23) If requested to prepare an estimate without sufficient leadtime or adequate mapping you should identify the estimate as “Not valid for budgeting or programming purposes”.
a. True
b. False
a. True
Answer: Preliminary Estimates- R/W is often asked to provide a rough estimate without sufficient lead time or adequate mapping. These estimates are prepared using, at a minimum, the first page of the Data Sheet and the Transmittal Memorandum. The face of the R/W Data Sheet for this type of estimate is marked in bold caps: “NOT VALID FOR BUDGETING OR PROGRAMMING PURPOSES”
24) Right of Way contracts are typically found in the estimate file.
a. True
b. False
b. False
Answer: File Contents has no RW Contract
The individual estimate file shall contain:
•The map(s) used in preparing the estimate, with date of original map(s) and dates of subsequent revisions. If… Regardless of whether the maps are maintained in the file or in another location, they are part of the file and are to be retained in accordance with file retention requirements.
•Copies of all memoranda of requests and responses.
•Copies of all R/W Data Sheets (including attachments), Preliminary Estimates, Conceptual Cost Estimates,and Estimate Worksheets prepared for the project, along with accompanying R/W Data Sheet Transmittal Memoranda.
•Comparable sales and all other data used to prepare the estimate.
•A diary annotating by date and person making the entry each action taken regarding estimates on the project.The diary shall contain all actions the estimator takes throughout the life of the project.
25) When preparing an estimate for a project study report of equivalent, a contingency rate of 5% should be applied unless district experience dictates otherwise.
a. True
b. False
b. False
Answer: Contingency Costs- When preparing an estimate for a Project Study Report (PSR) or equivalent, R/W should apply a contingency rate of at least 25% unless district experience dictates otherwise.
26) The P and M supervisor shall review and recommend approval of all R/W datasheets.
a. True
b. False
b. False
Answer: R/W Data Sheet Approval- The Senior Agent responsible for Estimating shall review and recommend approval of all R/W Data Sheets prepared by staff.
27) Who must sign and approve all Right of Way datasheets?
a. The engineer
b. The DDC-R/W or designee
c. The Appraiser
d. None of the above
b. The DDC-R/W or designee
Answer: The Region/District R/W Manager or designee shall approve all R/W Data Sheets
28) Estimators must review the subject parcels.
a. True
b. False
a. True
Answer: Hazardous Waste Site Identification- As part of the estimating process, estimators must field review subject parcels.
29) Estimates must be updated whenever the project scope, scheduling or value changes significantly.
a. True
b. False
a. True
Estimates prepared for Project Initiation Documents (PID), such as PSRs, PSSRs, and PRs, must be updated whenever project scope, scheduling, or value changes sufficiently to warrant the update. Updating an estimate may involve little more than substituting an amended page to an otherwise current R/W Data Sheet or could involve preparing a new Data Sheet.
30) A Right of Way Certification summarizes the status of all right of way related matters such as the status of …(cite some examples):
a. Acquisition of parcels and relocation of people and businesses
b. Demo and clearance of all structural improvements
c. Utilities that have to be relocated and/or Railroad lines that must be crossed and worked around
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
a. Acquisition of parcels and relocation of people and businesses
b. Demo and clearance of all structural improvements
c. Utilities that have to be relocated and/or Railroad lines that must be crossed and worked around
31) Why is Certification needed?
a. It informs the Project Manager and the OE that all property interests are secured and the physical obstructions will be removed.
b. Acquisitions and relocation are complete
c. The project is being performed in accordance with the Uniform Act.
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
a. It informs the Project Manager and the OE that all property interests are secured and the physical obstructions will be removed.
b. Acquisitions and relocation are complete
c. The project is being performed in accordance with the Uniform Act.
32) The requirements for a certification are found in what Federal document?
a. 10 CFR 635
b. 23 CFR 635
c. 23 CFR 65
d. None of the above
b. 23 CFR 635
Answer: (FHWA)
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), pursuant to 23 CFR 635.309, recognizes all four certification
levels utilized by the State. Under the Federal rule, projects may be advertised, bid proposals opened, and
construction contracts awarded using a Certification No. 1, Certification No. 2, or a Special Certification No. 3 with Work-Around pursuant to 23 CFR 635.309(c)(ii)(iii)(iv).
33) When previously unidentified Hazardous Waste sites or Hazardous Materials are discovered in proposed R/W, estimators are to immediately send written notification to _________.
a. Project Development and Environmental
b. R/W Hazardous Waste Coordinator
c. District Hazardous Waste Coordinator
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
a. Project Development and Environmental
b. R/W Hazardous Waste Coordinator
c. District Hazardous Waste Coordinator
34) If you have an effective OP you can certify as a Cert #1, #2 or #3W, but if the OP is not effective you must prepare a Cert #3.
a. True
b. False
a. False…
Cert 1 and 2 can have an effective OP
Cert 3 and 3W can have an OP that is not effective.
35) Emergency Projects require a Certification.
a. True
b. False
b. False
Projects conducted solely for the purpose of emergency reopening of transportation facilities under authority of
Government Code Sections 14120-23 are exempt from formal R/W Certification processes if no PS&Es are
36) Who is responsible for confirming, rescinding, and updating all previously issued cert’s?
a. Planning and Management
b. Right of Way
c. Design
d. None of the above
b. Right of Way
37) ________ requires a Certification to assure that all work was completed in accordance with the Uniform Act prior to releasing Federal Funds for construction.
a. Right of Way
c. CTC
d. All of the above
Answer: Design build ROW Statement
38) A project can be Certified even if the Utility, Railroad, Disposal sites, and/or Environmental Mitigation sites have not been resolved.
a. True
b. False
b. False
Answer: RW Cert 1
39) A Certification Level 1 means that state has full _____ and _____ possession of all rights of way.
a. Temporary and legal
b. Legal and physical
c. Legal and temporary
d. None of the above
b. Legal and physical
40) A “Certification Level 2” means the state has ______ but not _______ control of the R/W.
a. Physical and legal
b. Temporary and legal
c. Legal and permanent
d. None of the above
a. Physical and legal
41) Certification #3 may be used on a limited basis when it’s believed to be in the public interest, and the CTC approves a Resolution of Necessity on all parcels yet to be acquired.
a. True
b. False
a. True
42) Certification #3 must always include a realistic date when legal and physical control will be obtained.
a. True
b. False
a. True
43) A project may be advertised, bid proposals opened, and a contract awarded using R/W Cert level #3 with a work around.
a. True
b. False
a. True