Estar phrases Flashcards
estar por
to be about to
to be in favor
estar para
to be about to
to be ready
to be in the mood
estar en que
to be in the opinion of
to believe
estar de acuerdo
to agree
estar de mal humor
to be in a bad mood
estamos hasta las narices
to be fed up
estar de paso
to be passing through
estar sano
to be in good health
dónde estamos
What’s going on here
estar a gusto
to be comfortable
estar al caer
to be on the verge of arriving
estar al loro
to be on top of things
estar a oscuras
to be ignorant or in the dark
estar a punto de
to be on the verge of
estar al corriente
to be up to date or current
estar al día
to be informed
estar al límite
to be at one’s limit in patience
estar de buen ánimo
to be in a good mood
estar de más
to be excessive
estar mal de (un órgano del cuerpo)
to have a bad body part
estar por ver
to remain to be seen
estar sin un cobre, estar sin un duro
to be broke
estar visto
to be obvious
llegar a estar
to become