The logging industry
A Brazilian logging company
The cutting down of trees for commercial use
Array /əˈreɪ/
An array of product
A large number; a collection
Habitat /ˈhæbətæt/
Watching monkeys in their natural habitat
(n): The natural area where a plant or animal lives زیستگاه و محل سکونت damage/destroy a habitat provide a habitat create a habitat
Extend /ɪkˈstend/
Management have agreed to extend the deadline.
My duties at the school extend beyond just teaching.
(v): To reach past; get bigger
توسعه دادن/گسترش دادن/طولانی کردن
extend to/beyond
Fell /fel/
More than 100 trees were felled in just over an hour.
(v): to cut down (a tree)
Terrestrial /təˈrestriəl/
Many life forms-both terrestrial and aquatic are becoming endangered as forests vanish
(adj): living on the land
Aquatic /əˈkwætɪk, əˈkwɒ- $ əˈkwæ-, əˈkwɑː-/
Many life forms-both terrestrial and aquatic are becoming endangered as forests vanish
an aquatic plant aquatic sports
(adj): living in the water
Vanish /ˈvænɪʃ/
All hopes of finding the boy alive have vanished.
The pain in his arm and neck had vanished
(v): to disappear
محو شدن/غیب شدن/ناپدید شدن
Myriad /ˈmɪriəd/
The myriad causes of homelessness
There are myriad ways to help children learn to read.
(adj): Many; numerous
خیلی زیاد
Intact /ɪnˈtækt/
The package arrived intact.
(adj): whole complete
not broken, damaged, or spoiled
دست نخورده
Intercept /ˌɪntəˈsept $ -ər-/
His phone calls were intercepted.
(v): قطع کردن
Stabilize (also stabilise British English) /ˈsteɪbəlaɪz/
An attempt to stabilize the economy
The patient’s condition has now stabilized.
(v): To keep from changing ; Maintaing
Erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒən $ ɪˈroʊ-/
The problem of soil erosion
The highest rates of erosion occur where soil is exposed to drought
(n): فرسایش
erosion happens/occurs
Vegetation /ˌvedʒɪˈteɪʃən/
They made their way through the thick vegetation in the valley.
(n)(u) (Formal): Plants in general گیاه
Inhibit /ɪnˈhɪbɪt/
Inhibit somebody from doing something
(v): To prevent; Slow down مانع شدن