Essential Phrases Flashcards
Kechirasiz, xojaxona qayerda?
Excuse me, where is the toilet?
Necha pul?
How much (does it cost)?
Hechqisi yo‘q
Bir daqiqa iltimos
One moment please
Menga ____ bering
Give me ____
Qorningiz ochimi?
Are you hungry?
Mening qornim ochi.
Men ochman.
I’m hungry.
Muammo yo‘q
No problem
Men to‘ydim
I’m full
Kechirasiz. Tushunmadim.
Sorry. I don’t understand.
Iltimos, asta-sekin gapiring.
Iltimos, sekinroq gapiring.
Please speak slowly.
Please speak more slowly.
Hali ham tushunmadim.
I still didn’t understand.
Endi tushundim.
Now I understand (lit. understood)
Iltimos yana-ayting
Please say it again
Men o‘zbektilini endi o‘rgan-yapman
I’ve just started learning Uzbek (language)
Hali yaxshi tushunmayman
I don’t yet understand it well
I’m on my way
Men bo‘shman.
Vaqtim bor.
I’m free.
I have time.
Men bandman.
Vaqtim yo‘q.
Men bo‘sh emasman.
I’m busy.
I don’t have time.
I’m not free.
Men kech qolaman.
Men kech kelaman.
I’m (or will be) late.
Ishim chiqib qoldi.
Something came up.
Qulog‘im sizda.
I’m listening.
I’m all ears.
Yo‘q, kerak emas.
No, (I) don’t need.
Muncha kimmat
Very expensive
That’s all
Qancha to‘lashim kerak?
How much should I pay?
How much do I have to pay?
(used when you’re finished buying and want to pay)
Men kasal
I am sick
Bu ovqat juda mazali
This food is very good (tasty)
O‘zbekiston menga yoqadi!
I like Uzbekistan!
Yoqimli ishtaha!
Bon appetit!
Nima bo‘ldi?
Nima bo‘lyapti?
What happened?
What’s happening?
Nima qilyapsiz?
What are you doing?
Good luck
Yaxshi fikr!
That’s a good idea!
__________ xohlaysizmi?
Would you like ________?
Osh yeyishni xohlaysizmi? Would you like to eat plov?
Iltimos arzonroq qiling
Please lower the price
____ qayerda?
Where is ____?
(Taxi drivers will say this for “Where to?)
___(place)___ ga qanday borish mumkin?
How do I go to ___(place)__?
Men unutdim
I forgot
in my opinion;
in your opinion
Soat nechada?
eg. Qachon kelasiz? (When will you come?)
Soat nechada uyg‘onasiz? (What time do you wake up?)
Iloji yo‘q
It’s impossible
Ramazon hayiti muborak!
Qurbin hayiti muborak!
Ramadan mubarak!
Eid al-Adha mubarak!
(holiday greetings)
Ma’nosi nima?
What does this mean?
Qayerda turibsiz?
Where are you?
(First sentence lit. Where are you standing?)
Men shu yerda
I’m here
______ yeyishni xohlaysizmi?
Would you like to eat _____?
Men kabob yeyishni xohlayman
I want to eat kabob
Iltimos, shu yerda to‘xtang!
Please stop here!
Iltimos, adabiy tilni gapiring (yoki ayting).
Please talk (or speak) in standard dialect.
Kechirasiz, qetshim kerak.
Sorry, I have to go (leave).
Siz kimni kutyapsiz?
Who are you waiting for?
yomon emas
not bad
so so (not bad, not good); medium (size)
Savolingiz bormi?
Do you have any questions?
Vokzal qayerda?
Where is the train/bus station?
Iltimos men bilan O‘zbek tilida gapiring. Lekin sekinroq gapiring!
Please speak with me in Uzbek. But please speak slowly.
Men xojatxonaga borishim kerak.
I need to go to the restroom.
Bu to‘g‘ri
That’s true / That’s correct
o‘zbektilida _______ni qanday aytasiz?
How do you say _____ in Uzbek?
Dardingizga sherikman.
I’m with you (during a difficult time or situation)
Iltimos, takrorlang!
Repeat it, please!
Bu nima degani?
What does this mean?
Bugun juda ochilib ketibsiz!
You look very nice today!
Hold on!
Har ehtimolga qarshi
Just in case
Bugun havo bulut. Har ehtimolga qarshi o‘zim bilan soyabon (zontik) oldim.
It’s cloudy today. I took an umbrella with me just in case.
Isib ketyapman.
I’m getting hot.
Sizda gapim bor.
I have something to tell you.
I need to talk to you.
Anchadan beri k‘orinmaysiz.
Long time no see.
Eshitib juda xursand bo‘ldim.
I’m so glad to hear this.
(Lit. Do not tired) said to someone doing work